That's true, Sid but I'm not trying to bait any believers. I honestly would like to know their answer. And I don't consider "we just aren't smart enough to understand" a satisfactory answer. That's just a cop out.
That's another thing I have trouble with when it comes to christianity, why does an omnipotent God allow Satan to exist, let alone have power on earth? I consider myself an agnostic (because I can't be sure that there is no God), but I wonder how christians rationalize flaws in logic such as this one.
First of all, there are no flaws in logic. That's a misconception.
I'm curious, have you read the Bible? Unless you have you are at a
disadvantage to discuss the existence of God.
God gave man free will. Man decided to take things upon his own. God
allowed man to follow his own way. God provided direction. Man, on
his own, decided to ignore God's direction (Genesis 3).
Satan tried to take over Heaven and God cast him out. Man has a
choice to follow God or satan (lust of eyes, lust of the flesh and the
pride of life - 1 John 2:15-16)
You need to study the Bible. The taliban is nothing like Christianity.
Not that I'd ever expect you to know that. Would you care to provide
a sensible or logical basis for your antithetical approach to reason and
I honestly doubt you will. Logic and Reason aren't your strong suits.
...The German authors recruited 79 people, of whom 41 were Christian, 14 atheists, 10 agnostic and 14 belonged to other religions.
Read more: Does prayer help us resist temptation? Talking to God boosts self-control and emotional stability, claims study | Mail Online
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I would never expect tp to have a clue. He's so far off base.
In other words, God needs to prove to Satan, who tried to overthrow Him, that mankind will self destruct without God. Presumably, that will be proven true when world wide nuclear war is declared. So God is patiently waiting for that to happen. Don't want to give Satan the idea his wicked ways can work out well, too.
Seems Rush thinks the person many believe is closest to God is a Marxist.
Rush Limbaugh: Pope is preaching 'pure Marxism' ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs
Personally, I'm Agnostic. That said, I would never take the George Carlin approach regarding religion (even though I found it funny) because I do believe that without it the world would be far worse off than with it.
I've had the pleasure and displeasure of working, knowing and volunteering with many that considered themselves very religious (mostly Christians).
Within that group I've seen complete hypocrisy - but I've also seen the moral compass that religion often imparts on those that are truly 'good people' and simply need an anchor or foundation to turn to when times are good and when times are bad.
I don't pray because it seems fruitless to me. But I do 'meditate' on a topic to help control and see beyond my emotional response to a situation.
I often see the benefits of prayer the same way.
Really? you seem to be discounting the wars and constant terrorist attacks in the name of religion.
Regardless of wars and such, Japan is a country that is essentially non-religious and that hasnt negatively affected them. They have next to no crime and people are honest, friendly and of high morals.
Hey. My god is better than your god. Boom.
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