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Thread: Waitress

  1. #26

    Default Re: Waitress

    It ultimately comes down to the fact that tips are not required. And you do have a freedom to look for a job that has an hourly pay that is better than the $2.00 you get.

    I agree that people should pay a tip when they get good service. But, at the same time, for every bad tipper out there I can show you a bad waiter.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Waitress

    The thing about tipping is that a lot of times the waitstaff doesn't have control over things like how long it takes to get the food out, how the food is prepared etc.

    I don't think they should get penalized for those situations in which they can't control.
    I see your point but I somewhat disagree. They may not have any control on what goes on or how long it takes in the kitchen. But usually when I find myself waiting 30 - 45 minutes to be acknowledged or to at least take my order (if I haven't already left), I DO think the wait person has a little control over that, especially out of courtesy to if nothing else, at least acknowledge you and say "I'm sorry for your wait, we're understaffed and I'm trying my best". Usually you can't even get that, or at least they could bring you a free appetizer or water, etc. While this doesn't happen frequently, I'd say at least twice a month. I've eaten at several places where the waiter only comes to take your order and then again for your money, no courtesy check up, refills, etc. THAT IS THE WAIT PERSONS PROBLEM.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Waitress

    while a waiter can't control what goes on, he can control how he handles what goes on. i'll often leave a good tip when a bad situation is handled well. -M

  4. Default Re: Waitress

    Yes, that's a good point.. it is always better to have an attentive waiter come over and say, 'we are a little busy or short staffed tonight, can I bring you some bread' (or whatever) and at least acknowledge that you are waiting...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #30

    Red face Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I see your point but I somewhat disagree. They may not have any control on what goes on or how long it takes in the kitchen. But usually when I find myself waiting 30 - 45 minutes to be acknowledged or to at least take my order (if I haven't already left), I DO think the wait person has a little control over that, especially out of courtesy to if nothing else, at least acknowledge you and say "I'm sorry for your wait, we're understaffed and I'm trying my best". Usually you can't even get that, or at least they could bring you a free appetizer or water, etc. While this doesn't happen frequently, I'd say at least twice a month. I've eaten at several places where the waiter only comes to take your order and then again for your money, no courtesy check up, refills, etc. THAT IS THE WAIT PERSONS PROBLEM.
    yes I totally agree about the point of the wait person not coming up to a table and saying I will be right with you...thats just not right. but most everyone is understanding were Im coming from!

  6. #31

    Default Re: Waitress

    I totally agree with you, if food is running late or what not thats the servers responsiblity to control that, and say whats going on to the table!

  7. #32

    Default Re: Waitress

    It also comes down to the fact to that most college students cant get an 8-5 job, because of school, so ultimately waitressing is almost the way to go...Almost all restaurants that I have worked have worked with me and when I go to school, but when I had an 8-5 job they didnt..

  8. #33

    Default Re: Waitress


    First things first. If you forgot something you want to say, use the edit button. People don't like multiple posts from the same user all in a row.

    As far as students are concerned, there are several other part time jobs available in retail, grocery store, part time office help, UPS dock worker. There are several more I'm sure, that's just off the top of my head. Some places are going to be easier to work with than others as far as schedules and school are concerned, but you get my point.

    I got my MBA while holding down a 40-60 hour per week job. It can be done.

    For me, when wait people get upset at me (whether its a friend or someone actually waiting on me or someone else) about how little they get paid and we need to always tip good, it makes me want to tip less or not at all. I guess since tips are gratuitous, I don't like someone telling me I have to do it.

  9. #34
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Waitress

    In my opinion, I pay my waiter or waitress. That's how I've always looked at it, ever since I served tables many years ago.

    BUT, I have to work hard for my money, so I feel servers should have to work hard for theirs. If the service is so bad that my wife and I have to get up and pour our own drinks, I may leave nothing. I'm paying myself in that instance, not the server. If the service is average: 15%. If it is better than average: 20. If it is the best service I've ever had or close to it: 25% or the sky is the limit.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Waitress

    I agree with you 100%!!!

  11. #36

    Default Re: Waitress

    Traxx, I agree, and most people on this site are getting what I'm trying to say...For instance im in nursing school and I cant have a part time regular job because of clinicals...but its the people that dont get it!!

  12. #37
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Waitress

    Problem is, I'm not so sure servers equate bad tips to bad service. When I was in the office and servers got bad tips, they felt it was due to the customer being cheapo! I hope some servers out there realize that they're being paid what they're worth by some customers.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Waitress

    I totally agree with what your saying...But when I put my uniform on to go to work, I try my best to give the best service I can give. It kills me when I get a table and they have full drinks, there food comes out quick, and they are enjoying the company of the restaurant, and then they only tip 10-12%...Its that kind of thing that really gets me.

  14. #39
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    Default Re: Waitress

    By definition a gratuity is something extra, a bonus, so it's not required.
    Actually, it's not really extra in every case. Often the restaurants labor costs are 58% cheaper than in any non-tipping industry against the minimum wage. That is factored into the price of your food. Like Conservative said, as the laws are constructed, you are essentially responsible for paying a large portion of the wage for the service. If you get adequate service, i.e. you got what you ordered in a reasonable amount of time, and you don't tip on that, you have stiffed the wait service our of their wage.

    A gratuity is defined as something given voluntarily or beyond obligation. In that sense you are correct. But calling it something extra is not accurate when you consider the structure of our minimum wage laws. You still are not obligated to do tip, but if you do not tip you have taken advantage of the lower cost of your food and not paid for your service. The $3.02 maximum tip credit against minimum wage that allows restaurants to pay below minimum wage (and, in turn, sell you food at a lower cost) was designed with a 15% standard gratuity in mind.

    Now, if you have a fiscal or ideological problem with the minimum wage, that’s understandable, but it is a little unfair to take that out on the only sector where an exception is made. I’m not saying that 15% should be automatic, but I don’t think they have to go beyond the call to earn that. If they do go beyond the call, then I think something extra is warranted above the 15% model.

    Personally, I loved what the John Lithgow character in 3rd Rock from the Sun did one time. At the beginning of the meal he set out the waiter’s tip in one dollar bills. Every time they did something right he added to that pile, every time they messed up he took away from that pile. Basically, that’s how I approach it in a theoretical sense. It would actually be great if I could pay my employees using that model.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Waitress

    Before I get in the topic:
    Conservative your "...I and my wife "shacked up"... It was a good financial situation at the time... - from our very own Midtowner, a devout Catholic" quote line...very funny.

    Have you guys watched Steve Buschemi on Reservoirs Dogs? That how I feel abou tipping.

    Also, percentage system for tipping sucks! Waiters shouldn't complain about percentage. If I go to an upscale high priced restaurant and spend, let's say $80 on a dinner for two and tipped 20%, that is $16 to the waiter/waitress. If I go to a regular mexican restaurant and spend $40 for the same dinner for two, the waiter will get only $8.

    Assuming I receive a comparable good service in both restaurants, why would the high priced food restaurant waiter/waitress get more on tips than the other? I am already paying for the "ambiance" and stuff in the price of the food!

    On the other hand, if I spend $6 at lunch, and leave $1 tip (that is around 17% which is still good), I'll bet the waiter/waitress think I am under tipping

    After saying all these, I usually tip 20% on the total after taxes on an average to good service. I don't tip more unless there is an exceptional service.

    Bottom Line, you should go to a restaurant and expect good service. It should be the restaurant's obligation to ensure you have a good experience, regardless of how much you tip. It shouldn't be a social obligation to tip, but that's how it feels sometimes.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post

    Personally, I loved what the John Lithgow character in 3rd Rock from the Sun did one time. At the beginning of the meal he set out the waiter’s tip in one dollar bills. Every time they did something right he added to that pile, every time they messed up he took away from that pile. Basically, that’s how I approach it in a theoretical sense. It would actually be great if I could pay my employees using that model.
    BDP, It's so funny you mentioned this. One time, I was with a friend at TGI's. We ate, drank and had a good time for a while, and service was adequate. After paying and a leaving a fair tip, we decided we wanted to keep drinking. It took a long time for the waitress just to check if we were doing well since we were still sitting at the table. After she approached again (i am not sure if we had to call her or she came by herself) we ordered more drinks. After the first round, she dissapeared again. We even had to ask another waiter nearby for drinks. We easily spent an extra hour and half drinking but everything after we paid the first time went downhill, so for everytime we were upset at something we started taking a dollar out of her tip pile. Probably the total bill was somewhere around 40s and I guess she ended up with $3.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Waitress

    Well then they should change the terminology BDP. Look up the definition of gratuity. Example: people complain about gratuitous violence in movies. It's violence that can be done without, too much, more than needed, extra.

  18. Default Re: Waitress

    Gratuitous sex in movies...
    Still corrupting young minds

  19. #44
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    Default Re: Waitress

    Bottom Line, you should go to a restaurant and expect good service. It should be the restaurant's obligation to ensure you have a good experience, regardless of how much you tip. It shouldn't be a social obligation to tip, but that's how it feels sometimes.
    Right, but that is not how it is structured. YOU pay for the service. The restaurant pays their taxes. That's it. Basically, you're saying we should get rid of the maximum tip credit and make service the restaurant’s cost instead if yours, since service is ultimately their responsibility. That would actually be very nice, imo.

    Also, percentage system for tipping sucks! Waiters shouldn't complain about percentage.
    That's a good point. Though I generally get better service at upscale restaurants and therefore don't mind the extra cost for the service. They are also held to a higher standard because of the extra cost involved. Maybe people shouldn't bitch about crappy service at the $6 Mexican restaurant, because you're not paying jack for it even if you tip customarily.

    Look up the definition of gratuity.
    I did and I gave it to: something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service.

    But if you think gratuitous and gratuity mean the same thing, then I can see your confusion and from where your opinion of tipping comes. While they’re derived from similar Latin words, gratuitous actually means unearned, or not called for by the circumstances. I guess if you think that's what gratuity means, then I can see the source of your disgruntlement, since tips would then always be unearned. To you, gratuities are often gratuitous. But I guess if someone doesn't provide a gratuity for the service they received, that that service becomes gratuitous.

  20. Default Re: Waitress

    Here is my opinion, if you aren't making any money in your job get another one, I have a friend that makes up to 300 a night on tips, so the money is there. if my job was keeping me in the poor house and I had to scrounge to make ends meet then I would be out faster than dracula at sunrise. If the resturant wants to cheat you by paying you 2.13 an hour then something need to be done about it, your still working like someone else at a entry level job and you should be paid as such.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by lcd1712 View Post
    Before I get in the topic:
    Conservative your "...I and my wife "shacked up"... It was a good financial situation at the time... - from our very own Midtowner, a devout Catholic" quote line...very funny.

    Have you guys watched Steve Buschemi on Reservoirs Dogs? That how I feel abou tipping.

    Also, percentage system for tipping sucks! Waiters shouldn't complain about percentage. If I go to an upscale high priced restaurant and spend, let's say $80 on a dinner for two and tipped 20%, that is $16 to the waiter/waitress. If I go to a regular mexican restaurant and spend $40 for the same dinner for two, the waiter will get only $8.

    Assuming I receive a comparable good service in both restaurants, why would the high priced food restaurant waiter/waitress get more on tips than the other? I am already paying for the "ambiance" and stuff in the price of the food!

    On the other hand, if I spend $6 at lunch, and leave $1 tip (that is around 17% which is still good), I'll bet the waiter/waitress think I am under tipping

    After saying all these, I usually tip 20% on the total after taxes on an average to good service. I don't tip more unless there is an exceptional service.

    Bottom Line, you should go to a restaurant and expect good service. It should be the restaurant's obligation to ensure you have a good experience, regardless of how much you tip. It shouldn't be a social obligation to tip, but that's how it feels sometimes.
    ICD, I agree with you on the tipping...waitresses/waiters get paid on what service they give!!! Its the people that dont get that and think that we get paid minimum wage (which we dont) and then on top of that we have to tip out a certain percentage every night!! Its everyone else that doesnt get it!!! Great service=great tip, Bad service=bad tip!

  22. #47

    Default Re: Waitress

    BDP, I agree with what you are saying, a tip is supposed to be earned not handed to you!

  23. Default Re: Waitress

    People are stingy. They probably watch that Rachael Ray show where she travels to different cities looking for good deals. She tips about 4% everywhere. Of course you can eat for $40/day if you only tip $0.50 everywhere.

    I personally just double the tax and round up if it was average service, and I'll tack on a few extra if the service is good. When I used to frequent Hudson's in MWC with some friends of mine, we'd just double the amount on the ticket because it would be about a $7 check. That waitress was amazing, always knew our order, and was supporting two kids on her own. We always tipped her well because she worked so hard for a table that wouldn't normally bring her much money.

    But like someone said about regulars--if the waitstaff knows you're going to tip well, then you get better service.

    At nicer restaurants, I'll tip quite a bit, knowing that sometimes it's more difficult to deal with the snootier people who make lots of money than it is to deal with normal poor people like me lol. My brother in law worked at Red Rock for years and was once stiffed on a $500 check. And he was an amazing waiter. He trained the other waiters, so he definitely knew what he was doing.
    Still corrupting young minds

  24. #49

    Default Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    People are stingy. They probably watch that Rachael Ray show where she travels to different cities looking for good deals. She tips about 4% everywhere. Of course you can eat for $40/day if you only tip $0.50 everywhere.

    I personally just double the tax and round up if it was average service, and I'll tack on a few extra if the service is good. When I used to frequent Hudson's in MWC with some friends of mine, we'd just double the amount on the ticket because it would be about a $7 check. That waitress was amazing, always knew our order, and was supporting two kids on her own. We always tipped her well because she worked so hard for a table that wouldn't normally bring her much money.

    But like someone said about regulars--if the waitstaff knows you're going to tip well, then you get better service.

    At nicer restaurants, I'll tip quite a bit, knowing that sometimes it's more difficult to deal with the snootier people who make lots of money than it is to deal with normal poor people like me lol. My brother in law worked at Red Rock for years and was once stiffed on a $500 check. And he was an amazing waiter. He trained the other waiters, so he definitely knew what he was doing.
    BandNerd, I feel the same way! Im actually a waitress at one of the Charleston's restaurants. Same kind of people!!

  25. Default Re: Waitress

    It has to be obvious and intentional bad service and in no doubt the server's fault for me to leave a bad tip. I was a waitress for a couple of years in my early twenties and know there are circumstances that can happen that may leave a customer thinking they had a lousy waiter. The MAIN reason I always leave a better than average tip is because I know there are people, many people, more than you could possibly imagine, that would look for any reason to leave a small tip, if any. This, to me, is cheap and hateful and I would hate to be like that. Servers are real people with families and unexpected hardships just like the rest of us, therefore, if I leave a larger tip, then, with a little hope, there are a few of us out there that are willing to help take up the slack.

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