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Thread: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

  1. #101

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I know this is yesterday's news, but I was at University Hill Elementary School in one of the Sixth Grade classrooms, right after lunch. I still recall how stunned and shocked all of the teachers and other grown-ups were. It honestly didn't have much real effect on me at the time except after a week of nothing but Kennedy coverage on all three of the TV channels I remember how irritated I was that none of my regular shows were being aired. However, since then, I realized what a loss this really was to our nation. At one point I read the book "Six Seconds In Dallas" and lost all faith in the Warren Commission and a lot of trust in The Government.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Orchestra 4th hour. Band director came in and whispered to the orchestra director, who immediately shared the news with us. We put away our instruments and went outside. For PE we had study hall. Back then they would roll a tv set into the room on occasion, and this was one. Saturday a friend had her birthday party at the roller skating rink. Sunday, I wasn't in the tv room when Oswald was shot.

    I've been thinking about the teachers of that day. Wondering how it looked from their prospective.

    Peggy Noonan wrote a good piece on the subject at WSJ.

  3. #103
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was in the 5th grade. Mrs. Mays came into the room and told our
    teacher. She told us the President had been shot and turned on the TV.
    She taught while the volume was turned down. Occasionally she'd turn
    up the volume and we'd watch.

    She had to have been anxious or deeply concerned but continued with
    her duty as a teacher. I'm not convinced that would happen today.
    Classes would probably be cancelled.

  4. #104
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    ... At one point I read the book "Six Seconds In Dallas" and lost all faith
    in the Warren Commission and a lot of trust in The Government.
    Senatorial Privilege had the same effect on me.

  5. #105

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Not sure exactly where I was as I born in 1993

  6. #106

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Not sure exactly where I was as I born in 1993
    Were your parents even alive then, plupan? I have shoes older than you. LOL

  7. #107

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Were your parents even alive then, plupan? I have shoes older than you. LOL
    Don't think so haha. . . My dad was born in 64.

    As for your shoes being older than me; I have a coin that was made in 1850, beat that! lol

  8. #108

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    If we can't decide, logically--and with a small measure of kindness and respect--to redirect the verbal jabs to something more positive and productive then this entire discussion is going to be turned around and someone is going to get their collective asses spanked.

    (I was, like, 11 when the theme of this thread started and I still remember the point)

  9. #109

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Don't think so haha. . . My dad was born in 64.

    As for your shoes being older than me; I have a coin that was made in 1850, beat that! lol
    Well, the oldest coin I have is a silver dollar from 1885 but, if books published in the early 1700's and family wills, deeds, and documents from the 1600's count, I win.
    But seriously, as RM says, this is neither here nor there with regard to the seriousness of the subject.

  10. #110

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Well, the oldest coin I have is a silver dollar from 1885 but, if books published in the early 1700's and family wills, deeds, and documents from the 1600's count, I win.
    But seriously, as RM says, this is neither here nor there with regard to the seriousness of the subject.
    Wow, I don't have anything from the 1600's then so you would win haha. . . That is pretty cool having those kinds of documents.

    Anyhow, I don't want to get off topic here. Carry on!

  11. #111

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was aboard the USS Klondike AR 22 at sea heading to Japan. Reveille was followed by "This is the captain speaking, we have just received word that the president has been killed". Not another word, five days later we arrived in Sasebo, Japan and we had to buy a copy of the Stars and Stripes (military newspaper) to find out what happened. There was never any word from our ships officers, everything we learned was from other sailors in Sasebo that were in port when the shooting took place. To this day I have no idea why. We speculated that they felt there would be problems if any further details were passed on while we were at sea.
    C. T.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    A few years ago, NPR/All Things Considered did a retrospective on the assassination of JFK. As usual, it was excellent. One of the most interesting parts involved actual, recorded, radio contact with an airplane carrying most of the Cabinet to some overseas visit. They had to turn around and return to the U.S. I wrote in a comment to their website and it was actually read, on the air, the following Thursday. As I said, previously: When the actual event occurred it didn't make much of an impression on me. It was only later that I came to realize what a real, history changing, tragedy this was. Despite his flaws, JFK was the best Democratic Republican ever. Too bad that he didn't have a chance to run for a second term and instead we got the alternative.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I will be honest, I was surprised that Ted Kennedy did not get assassination since John and Robert did

    Anyway, from what my family have told me about John, he is a good President, it is a shame he died too young

  14. #114

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I wonder what the percentage of people in the US are over 50 years old and lived in the US in 1963.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I read something this week that surprised me at first but when considering the growth in Dallas maybe it shouldn't:

    Only 10 percent of the current residents of Dallas lived in Dallas when JFK was shot.

  16. #116

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by PiePie View Post
    I will be honest, I was surprised that Ted Kennedy did not get assassination since John and Robert did,
    The Conspiracy decided that it would be better just to mess with the steering on his car in order to ruin his political career. Sam Giancanna and Fidel Castro argued about it for hours, but, in the end, we all know what happened.

  17. #117

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I wonder what the percentage of people in the US are over 50 years old and lived in the US in 1963.
    That belongs over on the Math Problem thread.
    (the one that explains how Lee Harvey Oswald could accurately fire a $10 Italian Army Surplus rifle so fast and with such accuracy.)

  18. #118

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Well if you're into Buddhism i was probably a spider monkey pleasing myself when JFK was assassinated.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Don't think so haha. . . My dad was born in 64.

    As for your shoes being older than me; I have a coin that was made in 1850, beat that! lol
    I'll take the bait on this one - I have a couple of stone artifacts from Barkley West, South Africa that date to 500,000 BP.

  20. #120

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Where was I when Kennedy was shot?
    Wasn't born until the following May. I'm kind of glad I wasn't around for that, from everyone I've talked to that who was, it had to be a very rough time in this country.

    As for the Murrah building:
    I was asleep after coming off a 12 hour shift, and was looking forward to a well deserved couple of days off after a rough week at work. My sister, who I shared an apartment with at the time, woke me up and told me about it. It didn't take long after that for my phone to ring, work was calling me back in. I spent 3 looooooong days downtown at the Journal Record building, helping to restrict access to the bombsite, etc. Those 3 days is something I'll never forget as long as I live, and If the Kennedy assassination was anything like those 3 days (and all the days that followed), in '95, then I can certainly sympathize with all of you who lived through it

  21. #121

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    I'll take the bait on this one - I have a couple of stone artifacts from Barkley West, South Africa that date to 500,000 BP.
    I have some oil in my car. How old is that?

  22. #122

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was in 2nd grade music class at St Charles Catholic grade school when they made the announcement that President Kennedy had been shot and killed over the PA system. I remember it pretty well.

  23. #123

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    I was a freshman at NEO A&M in Miami, my home town. I'd gone home for lunch and was watching "As The World Turns" with my mother. I went into the bathroom, then Mother came in and told me the news. I went back to school and saw my history teacher. I told her - she didn't believe me and as much as accused me of lying to her. I went on to my math class. We saw many students walking by outside...their teachers had dismissed class...but our teacher kept on teaching. I don't recall whether we were upset about the president or just mad because the guy wouldn't let us leave. In World History the next day, my teacher apologized to me in front of the whole class.

  24. #124

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Good one. Now, I've often wondered what else was on the tube opposite ATWT. Another soap? Dannys Day, perhaps? Just seems everyone had CBS on at the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by cindycat View Post
    I was a freshman at NEO A&M in Miami, my home town. I'd gone home for lunch and was watching "As The World Turns" with my mother. I went into the bathroom, then Mother came in and told me the news. I went back to school and saw my history teacher. I told her - she didn't believe me and as much as accused me of lying to her. I went on to my math class. We saw many students walking by outside...their teachers had dismissed class...but our teacher kept on teaching. I don't recall whether we were upset about the president or just mad because the guy wouldn't let us leave. In World History the next day, my teacher apologized to me in front of the whole class.

  25. #125

    Default Re: Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

    Sitting in Chemistry Class in Claremore Oklahoma At Oklahoma Military Academy, There was a PA announcement in the school . The next day my History teacher told everyone that you will remenber where you were at when he was shot for this a sad day in America History.

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