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Thread: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

  1. #51

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    I was under the impression that Moore had a building code in that area that a certain amount of brick has to be used in the structure......Course I could be wrong.

    Really, Really prefer the brick over stucco....Look at the new Supertarget, Looks sweeet.

  2. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by Hokie Okie Spartan View Post
    We're talking about shopping centers, not tract homes.

    I much prefer some of the new brick veneer strip malls... very nice looking.
    Same thing. Even though I mentioned homes, my quote applies to strip CENTERS (Malls are enclosed. There is no such thing as a "strip mall.") as well.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by anderson
    malls are enclosed. there is no such thing as a "strip mall."
    actually anderson, you are quite mistaken. first, 'strip mall' is a term used in common parlance. see the below link. furthermore, the term 'mall' predates the notion of a single covered building that houses multiple stores... think about the 'national mall' in washington dc... it's not covered, is it? the general term for a mall does not necessarily imply a covered structure and neither does the term, 'shopping mall.' if you're going to nitpick, at least do it accurately.

    wikipedia entry for strip mall


  4. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    actually anderson, you are quite mistaken. first, 'strip mall' is a term used in common parlance. see the below link. furthermore, the term 'mall' predates the notion of a single covered building that houses multiple stores... think about the 'national mall' in washington dc... it's not covered, is it? the general term for a mall does not necessarily imply a covered structure and neither does the term, 'shopping mall.' if you're going to nitpick, at least do it accurately.

    wikipedia entry for strip mall

    First. Please. It is MRanderson. Next. The term "strip mall" is a backward term used by the hick Texans. Malls are enclosed. Period.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    I remember reading on the plans somewhere the exterior finishes, and it sounded like colored & textured concrete block, but I can't find it now.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by anderson
    the term "strip mall" is a backward term used by the hick texans. malls are enclosed. period.
    i see. so you're saying that this article from a canadian news source was written by a so-called 'hick texan?' if malls *have* to be enclosed, why is the national mall in washington dc not enclosed? face it, anderson... you don't know what you're talking about. i don't have a problem with that... but when you badger others with your blatant lack of knowledge, it rubs people the wrong way. -M

  7. Talking Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Shopping mall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Strip mall

    A strip mall (also called a plaza) is a shopping center where the stores are arranged in a row, with a sidewalk in front. Strip malls are typically developed as a unit and have large parking lots in front. They face major traffic arterials and tend to be self-contained with few pedestrian connections to surrounding neighborhoods.

    In the U.S. and Canada, strip malls usually come in two sizes. The smaller variety is more common, and often located at the intersection of major streets in residential areas; they cater to a small residential area. This type of strip mall is found in nearly every city or town in the U.S. and Canada. They are service-oriented and will often contain a grocery store, video rental store, dry cleaner, small restaurant, and other similar stores. In the past, pharmacies were often located next to the grocery stores, but, now, the drug store is often free-standing in the parking lot. Sometimes, gas stations, banks, and other businesses will also have their own free-standing buildings in the parking lot of the strip center.

    The other variety of strip mall in the U.S. has large, big box retailers as the anchors, such as Wal-Mart or Target. They are sometimes referred to as power centers in the real estate development industry because they attract and cater to residents of an entire population area. The type of retailers may vary widely--from electronics to bookstores to home improvement stores. There are typically only a few of these type of strip malls in a city, compared to the grocery store-anchored strip mall. Some of these strip centers may only have three of four of these large retailers in them, while others may have a dozen or more major retailers.

    Some strip malls are a hybrid of both of these types.

    Strip malls vary widely in architecture. Older strip malls tend to have plain architecture with the stores arranged in a straight row; in some cases there are vacant stores. Newer strip malls are often built with elaborate architecture to blend in with the neighborhood or be more attractive. In some cases, strip malls are broken up into smaller buildings to encourage walking. Sometimes the buildings will wrap around the parking lot to hide the parking from the road or residential areas.

    Due to land use issues, strip malls in the United Kingdom are typically found on the edges of cities on greenfield sites, and are known as out of town shopping centres. Ones in more urban areas (often brownfield redeveloped sites) are more typically known as retail parks.

    The first shopping center (strip mall) in the United States was the Roland Park Shopping Center in Baltimore, Maryland (1896).

  8. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    You can believe what you want, even propaganda. I stand by my word.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    mr anderson...Only you would argue about the existence of strip malls

  10. #60

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Long live the Republic of Texas and "strip" malls. Okie hicks call them the same thang......so thar ain't no differance between Oklahoma and Texas when it comes to them thar malls.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by aintaokie View Post
    Okie hicks call them the same thang......so thar ain't no differance between Oklahoma and Texas when it comes to them thar malls.
    I second that motion. Motion Passed.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Looks like they have the first piece up today...Get ready Moore folks

    Only 8 more months til we have our very own Sally Beauty Supply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. #63

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    I used to live around the corner from the Cooperate Office in Texas.....another Sally Beauty Supply.......whoopy. I'm waiting for JC Penny and all the other good stuff. Has anyone heard about the "rumored" sporting goods outlet that might be coming.
    Last edited by aintaokie; 02-14-2007 at 03:21 PM. Reason: I"m

  14. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    I heard a Cabela's rumor for in by the Warren Theatre.

  15. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I heard a Cabela's rumor for in by the Warren Theatre.
    There isn't enough room over there. Not any room actually.

    There has been a couple rumors of a cabelas a little south of the JC penny where the land is being cleared now. I also have read a few things saying this was just a rumor. so who knows. If a cabelas was to build here, i would think it would be in the UNP project in norman.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by oudirtypop View Post
    There isn't enough room over there. Not any room actually.

    There has been a couple rumors of a cabelas a little south of the JC penny where the land is being cleared now. I also have read a few things saying this was just a rumor. so who knows. If a cabelas was to build here, i would think it would be in the UNP project in norman.
    The rumor I heard was Cabela's was going in on that spot on the E side in Moore...If it does come to fruition in Moore it may be they just had a much more attractive proposal than Norman...Land in that area has to be much cheaper than the going rate around the UNP and only 5 minutes away

  17. #67

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    BassPro has threatened to pull out of OKC, so it wouldn’t be too far fetched to have Cabela’s enter our market and give it a shot.

  18. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by ETL View Post
    BassPro has threatened to pull out of OKC, so it wouldn’t be too far fetched to have Cabela’s enter our market and give it a shot.
    What would we do without a huge eyesore, square in the middle of our primary entertainment district that sells extremely overpriced goods and novelties (...and boats) that don't even appeal to the area the district is marketed to?!

    I'm greatly looking forward to seeing BassPro cleared out. I really hope something like Cabela's shows up in Moore. It's closer to many who need the goods or novelties and wouldn't exactly be in the worst spot. BassPro OKC is just irritating.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Thay should brick the BassPro building and put in a Dave and Buster (or GameWork)!

  20. #70

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    A Dave and Buster's would make a killing in bricktown

  21. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Now we're talking! Both of those would be really cool in the site. It may be bad for the older crowd, but it would definitely be ideal for the location. It would just be nice if Lower Bricktown had more sophistication, but anything would be more sophisticated than BassPro.

    Screw BassPro. I wish they did leave! Maybe we need to lobby to get them to leave...

  22. #72

    Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    I'd sign!

  23. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    A Dave and Buster's would make a killing in bricktown
    To much of a Dallas influrnce. Bring something different.

  24. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    actually anderson, you are quite mistaken. first, 'strip mall' is a term used in common parlance. see the below link. furthermore, the term 'mall' predates the notion of a single covered building that houses multiple stores... think about the 'national mall' in washington dc... it's not covered, is it? the general term for a mall does not necessarily imply a covered structure and neither does the term, 'shopping mall.' if you're going to nitpick, at least do it accurately.

    wikipedia entry for strip mall

    Multiple colleges have banned their students from using Wikipedia for papers, stating it's not a dependable source. (And that's straight from Yahoo!, and everything you read is true right?) Just thought I'd throw that in there. You guys get all serious with your comments, wanted to say thanks, it amuses me.

  25. Default Re: Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    To much of a Dallas influrnce. Bring something different.

    what is that you have against dallas? I would almost be willing to guess that there is a dave and busters in other cities, and game works. Obviously, its in dallas because it works there and makes money.

    Do you have any better ideas?

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