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Thread: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

  1. #51

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Yes, this has been code named "Project Socrates" and the company has been using intermediaries to scout for sites and handle negotiations.

    I know who the company is only because I've pieced together several different chunks of credible information but I won't say because I don't want to jeopardize the negotiations.

    BTW, the GE Global Research Center is code named "Project Sandstorm".

    The various public agencies often use code names because they have to report on progress but don't want to reveal confidential details. And obviously, some companies don't want their names mentioned until they are ready.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    The State of Oklahoma has recieved millions in the past for a "Project Socrates". Sounds like a revolving fund that is used for different types of incentives?
    I don't know about that. I do know this same company looked at OKC some time ago then pulled back, so perhaps it's the same project?

    Usually the project names are tied to a specific company/employer.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    I'm frankly a bit surprised the city of Owasso leaked this.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    I'm frankly a bit surprised the city of Owasso leaked this.
    I think they were to the point where they had to, as approving incentives requires public disclosure.

    BTW, Project Socrates has been on the agendas of several public agencies in OKC for a while but I haven't mentioned it because only recently did it start to heat up and look like a real possibility.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    If it's a distribution center, I don't see what advantage Tulsa would have over OKC period. OKC is at the intersection of three major interstates. Tulsa is only connected by one interstate (toll in all directions, not that it matters).

  6. #56

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I think they were to the point where they had to, as approving incentives requires public disclosure.

    BTW, Project Socrates has been on the agendas of several public agencies in OKC for a while but I haven't mentioned it because only recently did it start to heat up and look like a real possibility.
    OK, makes sense.

    No offense to Owasso as it is a very nice town but I like our chances. I have mixed opinions about incentive packages but OKC has a much more structured "closing fund". Whereas Owasso is having to borrow against its hotel/motel tax.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Owasso is a nice and growing city, I think its the fastest growing suburb in the Tulsa metro behind Broken Arrow, you could compare Owasso to a city like Yukon. This development would have a larger economic impact in that area then it would OKC. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a Amazon DC, they have been building distribution centers like hotcakes here lately!

    But Owasso even being considered as a finalists has me a little worried, it must be something there to have them considered, even over Tulsa or Broken Arrow for that matter.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    I have family in Owasso. The city is growing fast.

    If they somehow land this thing, they'll grow even faster.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Being near an airport is a plus for this type of facility.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    What kind of airport? Commercial airport with freight?

    Would have to be Amazon or Target... Since they use a lot of next day air shipping.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    lol, if everyone keeps pressing Pete, he is going to stop bring stuff like this up till he can say something. But I'm just as curious as everyone else.

  12. #62
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    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    We did say this has nothing to do with it right?

    Terex to upgrade Oklahoma City operations | News OK

  13. #63
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    We did say this has nothing to do with it right?

    Terex to upgrade Oklahoma City operations | News OK
    Yep, Pete chimed in and said this was a separate deal.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Please tell me Fed Ex is relocating here or moving some from it's Memphis headquarters? How about Southwest Airlines? I'd love to see anything that could expand our airport and give us more flights and choices. Heck, I think Walmart should move some of its stuff from Bentonville and build a big tower shaped like a W for the world to see!!! I'm a dreamer but hey why not? How cool would that be to see 2 tall towers with the smaller arch in the middle??? Pete, get a hold of your sources and make this happen!

  15. Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    FedEx owns MEM, no advantage to moving here. What exactly would Southwest put in here that isn't already? Walmart controls Bentonville - no need to move.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yes, this has been code named "Project Socrates" and the company has been using intermediaries to scout for sites and handle negotiations.

    I know who the company is only because I've pieced together several different chunks of credible information but I won't say because I don't want to jeopardize the negotiations.

    BTW, the GE Global Research Center is code named "Project Sandstorm".

    The various public agencies often use code names because they have to report on progress but don't want to reveal confidential details. And obviously, some companies don't want their names mentioned until they are ready.
    Sounds like when 'Armageddon' and 'Deep Impact' were being filmed under fake movie names to throw anyone off...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Being near an airport is a plus for this type of facility.
    I think Owasso would be better set up with regard to Tulsa International but you never know because the proximity of where they're looking at here in OKC to our airport is much closer than Owasso.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    I just meant *any* distribution center benefits from being close to an airport as there is always the need to receive things via air cargo.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I just meant *any* distribution center benefits from being close to an airport as there is always the need to receive things via air cargo.
    Pete, ...if we played the %'s... Is OKC ahead ? ... are they a lean our way?

  19. Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    Pete, ...if we played the %'s... Is OKC ahead ? ... are they a lean our way?
    What is this? The blitz on KWTV with a has been ex-QB and some other sports dude? :-P

    I think we need to respect Pete and not jeopardize his contacts.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    I honestly don't know if OKC or Owasso is in the lead for this.

    I do know OKC made a very strong bid and obviously has a lot to offer.

    We should know for sure within a month.

    BTW, I wonder at what point our incredibly low unemployment rate starts to hurt in these pursuits??

    It's hard to see where all the people are coming from to man all the jobs that have been flooding in... Nice problem to have, that's for sure!

  21. #71

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    My money is on Amazon.
    + 1 ...it's a fit for them.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Wasn't there a blurb earlier this week regarding Google getting into next day or same day delivery?

  23. #73

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Yes they are. They haven't expanded outside of CA though yet.
    Middle of the country would be a great spot!

  24. Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    people will just move to OKC from somewhere else to man the jobs. it is a very nice problem to have and certainly will impact OKC's population numbers even moreso than the steady increases we've been seeing. Could this and other relocations truly turn OKC into the next major city boomtown?

    OKC vs. Tulsa/Owasso is it? My money is on OKC hands down (Tulsa/Owasso would still benefit).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  25. #75

    Default Re: Big employer taking hard look at OKC

    Nothing against Tulsa but I will be upset if they end up winning this over OKC.

    OKC needs more large relocations that will bring people in if it is to ever become a boomtown.

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