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There are at least 3 attorneys who have posted in this thread. Every one of them has taken the same position. This officer was out of line. When you go to law school and pass the bar exam, then you can talk about what the law says.You have to realize that when football players tackle each other, they are big athletic guys who wear protective gear. They still have rules about where and how they are allowed to tackle, because of the very real threat of injury. In this instance, we have a tubby guy being tackled from behind by a very large man wearing police gear. He's got a gun belt, radio, etc, any bit of which could cause serious injury if it hit this guy wrong.
Both the guy, and the trooper, are very lucky that no injuries were sustained. This guy could have come away from this paralyzed. This was way over the line as far as what force was required. The officer should have simply grabbed him, handcuffed him, and escorted him off the field. Then there's ZERO danger of causing serious injury. This guy is probably going to be required to pay a few hundred dollars as a fine. The punishment is not a few hundred dollar fine and a 5% chance of paralyzation.