Originally Posted by
From my experience, you're actually a lot more argumentative than I am. I am getting really tired of having to explain in yet another thread the value of keeping discussions topical and evaluating based on only the merits that are evident. Not many of you OKC Talkers these days would make good Erasmuses.
What's funny is that after you flipped out on me several more posters chimed in that this project is visibly falling apart. The Century Center is not a renovation-worthy structure and there isn't much way to argue that, especially when you consider the site that it occupies. Yet, this gets "preserved" and "redeveloped" whilst the Stage Center site, equally as valuable, must be razed to make way for growth! These outcomes are too incongruent to not notice.
This Century Center project was acceptable on this site given that the structure was to be expanded, reskinned, and for the most part repurposed. Now that this project is falling apart and the MOL sf is shrinking faster than this board's credibility lately, the smart thing would be to just call the whole thing off. This site needs a real development.