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Thread: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

  1. #51

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Where does everyone reckon parking will be? Or should be.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    I asked about parking and there will be none dedicated.

    I bet people will start using that old lot directly across 23rd, although it's owned by the Tower Theater people.

    Otherwise, there is scattered parking behind the strip on 23rd and hopefully people will be walking between bars and restaurants and retail anyway.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by Rajah View Post
    Where does everyone reckon parking will be? Or should be.
    THAT was "ed zachary" my first thought . . .

  4. #54

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by Rajah View Post
    Where does everyone reckon parking will be? Or should be.
    My sharing of this thread on Facebook raised he same question. If the place holds 1000 people (just a rough estimate), parking is going to be quite an issue I imagine. Hell, parking at big truck can be an issue sometimes.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    There are venues like this in every city, quite a few of them in old theaters in Denver and clubs scattered all over Austin that parking ends up being in neighborhoods. That does create issues in the neighborhoods but it is just a fact of like in these older areas that are transitioning into night life districts.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    My sharing of this thread on Facebook raised he same question. If the place holds 1000 people (just a rough estimate), parking is going to be quite an issue I imagine. Hell, parking at big truck can be an issue sometimes.
    This is going to be an issue for sure. BUT at the same time, this will be one of our first concert venues in the middle of an active district. I kind of like that this place won't be a single entity for people to park, attend, and leave. Uptown will have to come up with a solution, but until that happens, people will have to actually park and walk through the district like they would in bigger cities.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Maybe this will allow us to have a concert venue and something like the Alamo draft house right next to it.

  8. #58
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    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_M View Post
    This is going to be an issue for sure. BUT at the same time, this will be one of our first concert venues in the middle of an active district. I kind of like that this place won't be a single entity for people to park, attend, and leave. Uptown will have to come up with a solution, but until that happens, people will have to actually park and walk through the district like they would in bigger cities.
    This is a good point. 23rd will be very vibrant when there's a sell out show.

    Also, I would imagine that a great many of those people shouldn't be driving anyway. Cabs are always an option.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    This is a good point. 23rd will be very vibrant when there's a sell out show.

    Also, I would imagine that a great many of those people shouldn't be driving anyway. Cabs are always an option.
    Who knows? Maybe the street car will be an option eventually as well.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Who knows? Maybe the street car will be an option eventually as well.
    The only way it will ever be an option here is for it to be continued up Broadway and then across 23rd. since those darn Heritage Hills residents won't let it go up Walker.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    The only way it will ever be an option here is for it to be continued up Broadway and then across 23rd. since those darn Heritage Hills residents won't let it go up Walker.
    Yeah, I live near walker and 17th...can't say I'd really want it running through HH either. Nothing wrong with Broadway and/or Classen though.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Yeah, I live near walker and 17th...can't say I'd really want it running through HH either. Nothing wrong with Broadway and/or Classen though.
    I wonder what the traffic numbers are, respectively, for each of those arteries? I'd like to see a future expansion of the streetcar route up Broadway and west on 23rd. Would be talking about a time frame of 2027 +/- a couple of years depending on how popular streetcar usage is and after Phase II lines have been built.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    This project goes to Urban Design on 11/20 and the staff has recommended approval with some comments about the proposed signage.

  14. #65

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    That venue has a different problem than the Bricktown Coca Cola Events Center.
    Actually it's the CHEVY Events Center now.....

  15. #66

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    I moved a bunch of posts about Tower Theater to here:

    Tower Theater - OKCTalk

  16. #67

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    This went out to Heritage Hills homeowners:


    Update: Music Venue Permit on NW 23rd
    Thank you to everyone that have already sent e-mails regarding the Music Venue Permit on 23rd. Based on your e-mails, the planning director has asked the applicant to defer his application until he is able to work out the issues with their application.

    Once the applicant responds to their request for deferral, we will know more about the plan for this application.

    Thanks again for your neighborhood involvement and please keep on communicating with the City.

    Information provided by Heritage Hills Associate Board

    Please contact Russell Claus, Planning Director at the City (Russell.Claus@okc.gov) and Janis Powers, Ward 2 Commissioner, (janispowers@sbcglobal.net) to express your concern as an individual living nearby the venue. USPS mail for both is 420 W. Main, 9th Floor, OKC, OK 73102.

    The application is #18 on the Planning Commission Agenda (1:30 PM, December 12) and is described as follows:
    (SPUD-734) Application by PBJ Entertainment Inc., to rezone 417, 419, 421 NW 23rd Street from the C-4 General Commercial, UD Urban Design Overlay, and TT Twenty-Third Street Uptown Corridor Overlay Districts to the SPUD-734 Simplified Planned Unit Development District. Ward 2.

    Here are the problems:

    1.The 200-seat music venue has proposed no dedicated parking and expects patrons to find parking in the lots of other businesses and on neighborhood streets.

    2.Homes and other nearby business owners have purchased their own dedicated parking.

    3.The positive development of NW 23rd Street is paramount in importance. For this to happen, business tenants must be assured of available parking for their customers. They will not survive if irresponsible parties come in with a plan to poach their parking places, rather than providing their own.

    4.Let's look at a couple of examples. Both Big Truck Tacos and Tucker's have purchased parking for their customers but, even so, what happens at lunch? Their traffic spills over into the residential neighborhoods. Imagine a venue with 10 times the capacity and NO parking.

    5.The overflow into the neighborhoods would happen between 7:00 PM and 2:00 AM. These will be concert goers who may be intoxicated, loud, disruptive, carrying trash and driving drunk or under other influence through the neighborhoods.

    6.Residents near this venue are especially dependent on their street parking because many do not have garages or are limited to one-car garages because of their HP zoning restrictions.


  17. #68

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    It really stinks for Heritage Hill home owners that these issues keep coming up. It's as if their neighborhood ended up smack dab in the middle of a city. Is there any way to move the whole neighborhood to Edmond?

  18. #69

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    It really stinks for Heritage Hill home owners that these issues keep coming up. It's as if their neighborhood ended up smack dab in the middle of a city. Is there any way to move the whole neighborhood to Edmond?
    The objection to the edge was dumb, but this has some merrit to this one. If I lived in that part of the neighboorhood and just paid $300k to $500k for a house, I would be annoyed if 3-4 days a week the streets were packed with cars on both sides and people were making a bunch of noise on the street at 2 in the morning. Obviously it wouldn't always be like that but it's really easy to act like it's no big deal when it won't affect you.

    You have to remember, it almost is like someone built an urban area around heritage hills and the other stable historic districts. Residents in those neighboorhoods were the first to take part in the downtown renessance before maps was even a thought. Some of the protests have been ridiculous but again, I don't think this necessarily is.

    For the record I want this to work but I think its dumb not to at least have some dedicated or at least borrowed parking for such a large venue.

  19. #70

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    I'm still confused as to why Marty Dillon won't simply lease the parking lot he owns to the folks doing the music venue.

  20. #71

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by GoThunder View Post
    I'm still confused as to why Marty Dillon won't simply lease the parking lot he owns to the folks doing the music venue.
    It's like the cherry on top of his inexcusable reluctance to develop the tower theater.

  21. Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Any chance they could fence HH and gate it?

  22. #73

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Ok, let's assume the venue doesn't happen and these properties end up as multiple restaurants and/or bars. Now you have even more cars parking on your street during more hours of the day.

  23. #74

    Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Any chance they could fence HH and gate it?
    Again, it's really easy to act like its no big deal when it doesn't affect you.

  24. Default Re: Live music venue proposed for NW 23rd

    I live in Heritage Hills.

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