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Thread: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

  1. #51

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    When I think of a comparison to Addison in the Dallas metro, I look at what's happening along Memorial road.
    Meh. It could be in the future. Addison is just on a much bigger scale. I think there is something like 180 restaurants and bars for a town smaller than Bethany. Of course the daytime population is huge. More important than that, there is a big cluster of young professionals and singles who live in the area, my sister being one of them. And there are a handful of developments that tend to be on a higher level than what you would find off Memorial, like Addison Circle. For the record, I personally prefer what we have here in Downtown/Bricktown/AA/Midtown, and if developed properly, could be something really special. But I have to give Addison credit because it gives people in Dallas a nice alternative should they not care for the Downtown/Uptown scene but still want a dense, young, and fun area. Which is something we definitely do lack here in our own suburban areas, with the caveat of course that Dallas is a much larger city.

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    To be fair, Scottsdale really shouldn't even be considered a suburb anymore. Isn't it almost half a million people now? It's like Minneapolis/St. Paul now.
    I think you might be thinking of Mesa, which is indeed huge. Scottsdale is still pretty sizable at about 230K. Old town Scottsdale is probably smaller than Bricktown but it still attracts a nice crowd.

  2. #52

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    No I'm definitely talking about Scottsdale, but you're right Mesa fits the bill too. My wife went to ASU and I lived in both Chandler and Gilbert, and spent two years working in Mesa. The East Valley is a massive place. That's a huge metro.

  3. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Flew out to Phoenix in '12 to see the Thunder play the Suns. I think the trip was 4 days, if I recall. Stayed (and spent plenty of time) in Scottsdale. I could never tell where Scottsdale ended and Phoenix began. Might as well be the same city.

  4. #54

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Flew out to Phoenix in '12 to see the Thunder play the Suns. I think the trip was 4 days, if I recall. Stayed (and spent plenty of time) in Scottsdale. I could never tell where Scottsdale ended and Phoenix began. Might as well be the same city.
    You can't, all the cities border up against each other, much like DFW. It's not like Houston where you have lots of suburbs, unincorporated county controlled land, and then Houston city limits.

  5. #55

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    When it was first announced that KD was moving downtown, I got this humorous image in my head of KD suiting up, saying "Mom, I'm going out to play," and walking to the arena in his uni and playing shoes. The absurdity of that image makes me laugh.

  6. #56
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    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    I dare say that KD didn't have much in common with his neighbors as he is 24 and single, an athlete and runs with a very small posse. His neighbors are older and most with families and businesses. Doubt they really socialized much. However, I know others in Gaillardia and they have other friends their and are social with neighbors. They don't feel isolated at all. KD moving downtown does not validate the hatred of suburbs. It is more a time of life and lifestyle issue...not to mention convenience as he opens his place.

  7. #57

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    When it was first announced that KD was moving downtown, I got this humorous image in my head of KD suiting up, saying "Mom, I'm going out to play," and walking to the arena in his uni and playing shoes. The absurdity of that image makes me laugh.
    That might be funny but that is one hack of a commercial idea for Downtown OKC Inc to promote downtown.

  8. #58

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    What JTF said…you should send that idea to them (DTOKCINC) or The Hill immediately.

  9. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    I'll pass it along to DOKC marketing staff with full credit to JTF. That said, getting KD to do a local commercial these days is no mean feat, I'm sure. Perhaps impossible.

  10. #60

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    What JTF said…you should send that idea to them (DTOKCINC) or The Hill immediately.
    Storyboard for downtown OKC / general OKC promotion:

    [Fade in...]
    1. Durant wakes up, surveys his beautiful townhome, steps out onto his terrace with a skyline view to have his coffee
    2. Now in warmups with ball under his arm, turns to his mother and says, "Mom, I'm going out to play".
    3. Dribbling through Deep Deuce, with Calvary, Aloft and Level as a backdrop (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!)
    4. Dribbling along the canal... Stops in to say hello to friends at KD's. (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!)
    5. Dribbling through the Myriad Gardens, passes the skating rink and Park House Restaurant (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!) with Devon Tower and the rest of the skyline in the background.
    6. Dribbles right into the Peake; heads to the locker room (Team: Hi Kevin! KD looks at the camera and gets focused and serious: Hi y'all).
    7. Game time!
    8: Tag line: "OKC: It may be KD's world, but you can live in it."

  11. #61

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I'll pass it along to DOKC marketing staff with full credit to JTF. That said, getting KD to do a local commercial these days is no mean feat, I'm sure. Perhaps impossible.
    Don't credit me - it was traxx's crazy imagination.

  12. #62

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I'll pass it along to DOKC marketing staff with full credit to JTF. That said, getting KD to do a local commercial these days is no mean feat, I'm sure. Perhaps impossible.
    Tell him it will help his home value

  13. #63

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Don't credit me - it was traxx's crazy imagination.

    Ha, sometimes my mind works in crazy ways. Okay, most of the time.

    I just remember thinking, "He'll be close to work." Silly, I know.

  14. #64

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Storyboard for downtown OKC / general OKC promotion:

    [Fade in...]
    1. Durant wakes up, surveys his beautiful townhome, steps out onto his terrace with a skyline view to have his coffee
    2. Now in warmups with ball under his arm, turns to his mother and says, "Mom, I'm going out to play".
    3. Dribbling through Deep Deuce, with Calvary, Aloft and Level as a backdrop (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!)
    4. Dribbling along the canal... Stops in to say hello to friends at KD's. (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!)
    5. Dribbling through the Myriad Gardens, passes the skating rink and Park House Restaurant (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!) with Devon Tower and the rest of the skyline in the background.
    6. Dribbles right into the Peake; heads to the locker room (Team: Hi Kevin! KD looks at the camera and gets focused and serious: Hi y'all).
    7. Game time!
    8: Tag line: "OKC: It may be KD's world, but you can live in it."
    That's cool. Love the tag line at the end. And I like him visiting his restaurant. I can just see KD dribbling to the arena and high fiving people on the way.

  15. #65

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Storyboard for downtown OKC / general OKC promotion:

    [Fade in...]
    1. Durant wakes up, surveys his beautiful townhome, steps out onto his terrace with a skyline view to have his coffee
    2. Now in warmups with ball under his arm, turns to his mother and says, "Mom, I'm going out to play".
    3. Dribbling through Deep Deuce, with Calvary, Aloft and Level as a backdrop (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!)
    4. Dribbling along the canal... Stops in to say hello to friends at KD's. (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!)
    5. Dribbling through the Myriad Gardens, passes the skating rink and Park House Restaurant (-Hi Kevin! -Hi y'all!) with Devon Tower and the rest of the skyline in the background.
    6. Dribbles right into the Peake; heads to the locker room (Team: Hi Kevin! KD looks at the camera and gets focused and serious: Hi y'all).
    7. Game time!
    8: Tag line: "OKC: It may be KD's world, but you can live in it."
    I love the idea, but he doesn't have a terrace. He removed them. So perhaps someone else's terrace!

  16. #66

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    If he won't do it we could always go Bowfinger on him.

    Bowfinger (1999) - IMDb

  17. #67

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    If you're not a married person attending a mega-church, your options in suburban OKC are obviously limited and depressing.

  18. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    If you're not a married person attending a mega-church, your options in suburban OKC are obviously limited and depressing.
    Where's the "Dumb" button?

  19. #69

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    If you're not a married person attending a mega-church, your options in suburban OKC are obviously limited and depressing.
    Yep. Also take into the fact that people here get married early, very quickly you can find yourself on the other side of the curve.

    Half of the people I graduated with are married or have been married. (I'm in my lower 20s)

  20. #70
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    If you're not a married person attending a mega-church, your options in suburban OKC are obviously limited and depressing.
    Yep. Spot on.

  21. #71

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Yep. Also take into the fact that people here get married early, very quickly you can find yourself on the other side of the curve.

    Half of the people I graduated with are married or have been married. (I'm in my lower 20s)
    ....and half of them will be divorced around 30. I skipped that step, we didn't get married until I was 39 and my wife was 38. I found quite a few women as well who were never married into their 30's.

  22. #72

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Yes, and some are already divorced. But, my point being, at this young age when friendships are important to the final stage of development, OKC is extremely isolating. Your friends are married, most have kids, finding someone to hang out with that isn't attached at the hip to their spouse is challenging. Personally, I'm depressed in this city.

  23. #73

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Yes, and some are already divorced. But, my point being, at this young age when friendships are important to the final stage of development, OKC is extremely isolating. Your friends are married, most have kids, finding someone to hang out with that isn't attached at the hip to their spouse is challenging. Personally, I'm depressed in this city.
    I understand, I was in the same place. Even living in Dallas from 91-93 (age 27-29) didn't seem to really matter so I moved back to OKC. I had the same issue in OKC that my friends before were married, some had activities that we did (like sailing) but others were tethered to their spouse. I eventually found other people through work or friends to supplement that interaction. It really isn't unique to OKC, or an urban/suburban thing, it can happen anywhere. Back 20 years ago there was very little "urban life" in OKC and Bricktown was just starting to emerge. You can feel awfully "alone" in a large city like NYC and even in a city full of 20 somethings like Austin I have had co-workers feel the same way at times. I found for me it just seemed to be cyclical as life went along.

  24. #74

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Yes, and some are already divorced. But, my point being, at this young age when friendships are important to the final stage of development, OKC is extremely isolating. Your friends are married, most have kids, finding someone to hang out with that isn't attached at the hip to their spouse is challenging. Personally, I'm depressed in this city.
    Catch, I thought of you last night when I went to Granddad's Bar. There were several obviously single men and women hanging out having a good time. I met most of my single friends through work-related activities when I was your age. Of course, the work I was in was highly social so I was constantly going to openings, dinners, Chamber events, etc.

    Similarly, when I lived in NYC, most of the people I hung out with I met through work.

    It seems like trite advice but I recommend getting involved in some kind of group that caters to an enthusiasm you have. A lot of folks your age are meeting people at the college they attend; obviously, that is a very social environment. What about taking a class or two in something that interests you?

  25. #75

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Catch, I thought of you last night when I went to Granddad's Bar. There were several obviously single men and women hanging out having a good time. I met most of my single friends through work-related activities when I was your age. Of course, the work I was in was highly social so I was constantly going to openings, dinners, Chamber events, etc.

    Similarly, when I lived in NYC, most of the people I hung out with I met through work.

    It seems like trite advice but I recommend getting involved in some kind of group that caters to an enthusiasm you have.
    I was actually at Grandads with a few friends of mine last night. We went about 1030 and shut it down at 2.

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