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Thread: Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines “it’s not fair.”

  1. #1

    Default Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines “it’s not fair.”

    Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines ?it?s not fair.?

    The families of the two masked armed robbers killed in Reading, PA by a concealed carrier are now complaining that they want justice.

    Family members of the two masked men shot to death after allegedly robbing a store in Reading spoke out Tuesday.

    “It’s not fair,” said Virginia Medina, mother of 24-year-old William Medina, who police said robbed Krick’s Korner store alongside 18-year-old Robert De Carr on Monday.

    The two men were shot and killed by a private citizen while leaving the store, and family members want to see charges pressed.

    “[William] had no right to lose his life over something that man could have called the police for,” said Medina. “He took the law into his own hands and walked away scot-free.”

    “How about if people just start running around here, policing the city on their own? How much worse is it going to get?” said Peter Ratel, Medina’s cousin.

    The family members said they are hurt by comments suggesting the alleged robbers were “thugs.”

    The entire robbery and shootout was apparently captured by store security cameras, including the shooting. Reading Police and the District Attorney have declined to press charges against the concealed carrier.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines “it’s not fair.”

    In order for it to be justified I am assuming that the armed robbers must have had a face to face encounter with the concealed carry holder or put them in some kind of position where they felt their life was in danger. Otherwise manslaughter or murder charges would have been applied. Contrary to popular belief people do not get away with murder unless you are a celebrity and you commit the crime in the State of California.

  3. Default Re: Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines “it’s not fair.”

    [QUOTE=MWCGuy;704461]In order for it to be justified I am assuming that the armed robbers must have had a face to face encounter with the concealed carry holder or put them in some kind of position where they felt their life was in danger. Otherwise manslaughter or murder charges would have been applied. Contrary to popular belief people do not get away with murder unless you are a celebrity and you commit the crime in the State of California.[/QUOTEM

    MMmmmmmmm, yes and no.

    There are plenty of examples where people were shot and/or killed while committing a crime but presenting no real threat to the life of the shooter - and the shooter is never charged.

    A friend of mine on S. Robinson kept having his mechanic shop burglarized.... so, he started staying the night there. One night two guys were trying to get in. They never even made entry - but did get the window open - My friend opened fire from inside and chased them to a neighboring business's parking lot. As the two would-be robbers continued to run away (unarmed), he shot one in the back of the head. The guy survived and my friend never faced any charges and he even has a felony on his record. It was ruled justified.

    There's the man in Texas that confronted men robbing his neighbor's home. The man left his home to confront them and then shot the unarmed men dead in the back. A grand jury issued a 'no bill' (no charges).

    There's the man who shot the hooker in the neck with an assault rifle as she drove away because she didn't have sex with the guy after he paid her. She died from her injury months later. He was acquitted at trial.

    Locally there was the family in the news that were victims of a home invasion. The homeowner chased the unarmed men outside and continued to chase them as they got into a car can drove away. The home owner shot one of the burglars as he was exiting the property and presenting no threat to the home owner.

    These are ones that just pop into my head. I can find dozens of examples where people shoot and/or kill another person committing a crime and are not faced with any charges. And, to be clear, I don't have a problem with most any of those examples (except the hooker shooting).

    That said, there are just as many examples of people who shot someone committing a crime and they are charged and often found guilty.

    I guess my point is, there is no black and white application of the law in these situations. It comes down to the interpretation and agenda of police and prosecutors.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines “it’s not fair.”

    "[William] had no right to lose his life over something that man could have called the police for,” said Medina. “He took the law into his own hands and walked away scot-free.”

    “How about if people just start running around here, policing the city on their own? How much worse is it going to get?” said Peter Ratel, Medina’s cousin.

    The family members said they are hurt by comments suggesting the alleged robbers were “thugs.”
    I think the mother of said thug is unkowingly making the case for concealed carry. The underlying message here is don't be an idiot and rob/threaten people with a weapon because you never know who might be carrying.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines “it’s not fair.”

    I feel for the mama. I don't think she's right, but I do feel for her. As painful as it was when illness took my MIL and later my Pops and then my Mama, I doubt this can even scratch the surface of the pain that would arise from living longer than one's child. Few things give me nightmares, but that is a sit bolt up right in bed shaking violently sort of thought.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mother of thug killed during armed robbery whines “it’s not fair.”

    If you choose to commit a crime like that you also make the choice that your could be ended at any moment during the commission of that crime. No sympathy from me on that matter.

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