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Thread: In-n-Out Burger

  1. #1

    Large Chain In-n-Out Burger

    I haven't read all seventeen pages of this thread so I'll just ask....is there any word linking In'N'Out Burgers to the new development on Memorial. It sounds like it would fit right in.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by corwin1968 View Post
    I haven't read all seventeen pages of this thread so I'll just ask....is there any word linking In'N'Out Burgers to the new development on Memorial. It sounds like it would fit right in.
    No. Not yet at least. If they do come to OKC, they are probably going to open several one right after another like they did in the DFW area. Possibly one in this area, one out on I-40 and Meridian and one in MWC. I could also see one in the Moore area and one out on Expressway. As for me and my appetite, I'll have Tuckers or Patty Wagon.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    No. Not yet at least. If they do come to OKC, they are probably going to open several one right after another like they did in the DFW area. Possibly one in this area, one out on I-40 and Meridian and one in MWC. I could also see one in the Moore area and one out on Expressway. As for me and my appetite, I'll have Tuckers or Patty Wagon.
    Jack in the Box didn't impress me. Is In N Out that good?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Jack in the Box didn't impress me. Is In N Out that good?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Jack in the Box didn't impress me. Is In N Out that good?
    I think it is good, but there are so many other local burger places I would rather eat at. If given the choice, I would rather have Tucker's, Nic's, Patty Wagon, Irma's or S&B's in that order over In and Out.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    In N Out is to Californias what Whataburger is to Texans

    It's just a decent fast food burger, nothing more.

    Now Jack in the Box...I love those only for the drunk snack tacos

  7. #7

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    It's just a decent fast food burger, nothing more.
    PSHHHTT! Recant that statement now, heathen!

    But seriously, In-n-out is probably the best fast food burger I have ever had. It blows Braums, Five Guys, Whataburger, and Johnnies out of the water.

    I really wish we had a few of them here.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Everyone I've talked to in Texas tells me the In-and-Out hype is pretty much done for, and several locations are now doing only mediocre levels of business. So that fact alone will probably deter them from expanding here anytime soon, let alone in this part of the country.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Every In-N-Out I have visited in SoCal has a line of cars around the building and a line 10-15 deep inside no matter what time of day.

    And Californians are migrating to OKC. So... Should do well if we got one.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Every In-N-Out I have visited in SoCal has a line of cars around the building and a line 10-15 deep inside no matter what time of day.

    And Californians are migrating to OKC. So... Should do well if we got one.
    Looks like our fat numbers are gonna go back up. Thanks John Steinbeck!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Every In-N-Out I have visited in SoCal has a line of cars around the building and a line 10-15 deep inside no matter what time of day.

    And Californians are migrating to OKC. So... Should do well if we got one.
    Yeah if one came to OKC I have no doubt it would do well, but I really could care less if it came here or not. I guess I just don't quite get the hype. I've heard our own Sonic is pretty hyped in some other parts of the country that don't have it. If there was one burger joint I wish OKC had that it doesn't, I would say White Castle, only because it brings something unique to the table that other burger joints don't. Personally, I am really liking The Garage for burgers around here.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    I think it is good, but there are so many other local burger places I would rather eat at. If given the choice, I would rather have Tucker's, Nic's, Patty Wagon, Irma's or S&B's in that order over In and Out.
    But none of them are open at 3am when a 3x3 animal style is really good!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    PSHHHTT! Recant that statement now, heathen!

    But seriously, In-n-out is probably the best fast food burger I have ever had. It blows Braums, Five Guys, Whataburger, and Johnnies out of the water.

    I really wish we had a few of them here.
    I've only been to one (I made a point to stop by an In-n-Out near LAX last time I was in Cali), but my impression of In-n-Out burger was thoroughly 'meh.' The only things I liked about it were that they'd toast the bun if I asked (IMO, all burger buns should be toasted! Nothing is worse than soggy white bread) and that the lettuce and tomatoes were of good quality for fast food. But the patty part was barely better than that from any national burger chain in terms of flavor and juiciness. Braum's is much better IMO. My friend (who's from the east coast and grew up with different burger chains than I did) wasn't impressed either. It was good enough to be acceptable grub late at night, but I can't imagine driving out of my way to ever have it again. I didn't have my burger animal style, but I'm not all that fond of mustard so I can't imagine that would have made a difference for me.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    The only In-N-Out burger I've had was one my wife brought back from Dallas. I'm not a big traveler so for me it's part curiousity and part wanting the complete selection of In-N-Out/Five Guys/Smashburger joints. I still think a Sonic #2 Cheeseburger (mustard, lettuce, pickle, onion, tomato) is one of the best burgers around, when it's done well, which is increasingly hard to find. Sonic's QC has plummeted in the past 10 years or so. I just hope for some good restaurants in this area if the plans go thru.

    Just a couple of months ago my wife and I were in Sam's on Memorial and true to their Wal-Mart heritage, they had about 1/4 of the open registers needed to service the people waiting in line. I told my wife "I bet if Costco ever comes here they will bury Sam's". Now I find this thread! I've never been to a Costco but I've heard many good things. Another store I've heard about but never experiences is Trader Joe's. I really want to check one of those out.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Every In-N-Out I have visited in SoCal has a line of cars around the building and a line 10-15 deep inside no matter what time of day.

    And Californians are migrating to OKC. So... Should do well if we got one.
    That's unbelievable, especially with an unappealing sounding fast food name like In-N-Out. A hamburger is a hamburger and can only be made so good. But then SoCal has far more people in it than all of Oklahoma.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    That's unbelievable, especially with an unappealing sounding fast food name like In-N-Out. A hamburger is a hamburger and can only be made so good. But then SoCal has far more people in it than all of Oklahoma.
    In-N-Out really sounds appropriate for a convenience store or gas station moreso than a fast food restaurant. I've never had In-N-Out so I can't comment on its awesomeness, but I do know the hype is nationwide.

  17. Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    That's unbelievable, especially with an unappealing sounding fast food name like In-N-Out. A hamburger is a hamburger and can only be made so good. But then SoCal has far more people in it than all of Oklahoma.
    I had the same experience with In-N-Out on a few trips to Southern Cal. I wasn't really impressed by the burger. It was good, but nothing I would crave like some of my California coworkers seem to. But, the service was fast and friendly. On my last trip to Dallas I discovered there was an In-N-Out near my hotel so I tried it again. Same experience. However, there were no huge lines at this one at lunch time like there was in Orange County. It was busy, but not to the point of waiting forever for your chance to order.

    Someone else mentioned The Garage. That place is my new favorite burger joint.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    In N Out will not be coming to OKC any time soon. Their business model is similar to that of braums. Each store is corporately owned and they will not build outside of a set radius of their distribution centers. In order for us to get one, Texas will have to greatly expand their locations and hope that a distribution center would be placed in Dallas.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by JarrodH View Post
    In N Out will not be coming to OKC any time soon. Their business model is similar to that of braums. Each store is corporately owned and they will not build outside of a set radius of their distribution centers. In order for us to get one, Texas will have to greatly expand their locations and hope that a distribution center would be placed in Dallas.
    There is a distribution center in Dallas.

    In-N-Out's New Dallas Distribution Center Means it Could Expand to Thirteen States - Eater Maps - Eater National

  20. #20

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    I stand corrected. I did not know they had built that yet. I still do not see them building here any time soon, I would love to see one though.

  21. #21

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    I still don't get what's so special about In-N-Out. If we are talking about a fast food burger, what makes it so superior to Sonic, Whataburger, Braums, Five Guys, etc? Is it the novelty of it being a California chain? I have to admit I have a special place in my own heart for White Castle but that is a burger that is truly different from all the competition.

  22. #22

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I still don't get what's so special about In-N-Out. If we are talking about a fast food burger, what makes it so superior to Sonic, Whataburger, Braums, Five Guys, etc? Is it the novelty of it being a California chain? I have to admit I have a special place in my own heart for White Castle but that is a burger that is truly different from all the competition.
    Have you ever been to In-N-Out Burger? It is head and shoulders above Sonic and Braums.

  23. #23

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Here are the main reasons people (especially here in California) love In-n-Out:

    1. It's extremely fresh. Nothing ever frozen, high-quality beef, they cut the fries right in front of you.
    2. It's inexpensive. You can get a cheeseburger, fries and drink for about $4. That's cheaper than McDonald's and just about everywhere else.
    3. It's simple. Burgers, fries, drinks and shakes. That's about it.
    4. It's friendly. They pay their people very well and demand not just good service, but that it be cheerful. It shows.
    5. It's tasty. The burgers will not blow you away but they are darn good and usually it takes a while for people to truly appreciate the entire package.

    When comparing burgers you really have to break them down into three categories:

    1. Fast food: Drive-thru, mass produced, inexpensive. In-n-Out rules here.
    2. Quick Service: No drive-thru but order at the counter and mid-priced. Tuckers, Five Guys, Smash Burger, etc.
    3. Restaurant: Red Robin, Chili's, The Counter, RePUBlic, etc. Typically higher priced.

  24. #24

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    5. It's tasty. The burgers will not blow you away but they are darn good and usually it takes a while for people to truly appreciate the entire package.
    Gordon Ramsay even raves about them. I read somewhere that while he was filming Hells Kitchen in LA, he went in, ate his cheeseburger, and then went through the drive through to get another one because he loved them so much. If Gordon Ramsay likes them, you know they are good.

  25. #25

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    I had it for the first time ever last month in LA. It was a great fast food experience. Tasted awesome.

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