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Thread: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

  1. #1

    Default KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    KD is interviewed in the Oklahoman. One of the questions relates to his decision to move Downtown.

    THE OKLAHOMAN: One thing we haven't talked to you about is your decisions with real estate. You've purchased some property in the area and sold another. Is there anything you can tell us about what that all means?

    KD: I mean, nothing really. Nothing, to be honest. Like I said, I'm always moving so I guess I like the feel of it being new I guess. But every time I move it was about location, how close it is to the gym, how close it is to the practice facility, how big the house is. And with my mom and my brother starting to move out of the house I started to downsize a little bit and get something a little bit more homey just for myself. But living in almost every part of the city I feel like has helped me get more acquainted with the people, directions and just seeing parts of the city I never thought I would be around. So living downtown now is quite an experience because I see so many people and see so many different things. I don't feel secluded. When I was living out in Edmond, in the Gaillardia area, I felt so far away from the people. But now I feel right in the mix so it feels cool.

    We all thought it was crazy that Thunder players were moving into Gaillardia. I wonder how many of them still live there.

  2. #2

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    I saw that yesterday and posted it in the New Urban Library thread for safe keeping.

  3. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    I don't see how the move could be anything but good for OKC. The less apart he feels from OKC and its people the better the chances of another free agent deal.

  4. #4

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I don't see how the move could be anything but good for OKC. The less apart he feels from OKC and its people the better the chances of another free agent deal.
    I wonder where momma is moving too?

  5. #5

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I wonder where momma is moving too?

  6. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    They are DC natives.

  7. #7

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I wonder where momma is moving too?
    Yeah, but they're here a lot. I would guess his mom and brother have a place of their own instead of staying at his place or a hotel.

  8. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    I just ran into a couple of Thunder players at a shop on Memorial this weekend. They aren't difficult to spot.

    Some people seek the sort of peace and quiet that comes with suburban living but, I can understand that in his line of work being closer to the downtown area would be beneficial.

  9. #9

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    I just ran into a couple of Thunder players at a shop on Memorial this weekend. They aren't difficult to spot.

    Some people seek the sort of peace and quiet that comes with suburban living but, I can understand that in his line of work being closer to the downtown area would be beneficial.
    Love that we have the choice.

  10. #10

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Suck it, Suburbia.

  11. #11

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    I bet you'll see him a lot at his new restaurant which should be opening soon.

  12. #12

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    Suck it, Suburbia.

  13. #13

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    Suck it, Suburbia.
    Jealous that Edmond has more successful people (per capita) than anywhere except for Nichols Hills?

  14. #14

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Where suburbia rules is in the schools.....

  15. #15

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    Jealous that Edmond has more fake credit card millionaires (per capita) than anywhere except for Nichols Hills?
    Fixed. And no I am not jealous.

  16. #16

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Where suburbia rules is in the schools.....
    But that is only temporary. Todays great suburban schools are the next generation's nightmare schools. I am also not sure how great suburban schools even are. Have you seen how poorly America ranks in global tests? Maybe if we spent more on teachers and materials and less on building entire new school districts every 20 to 30 years we could get more bang for our buck.

  17. #17

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Todays great suburban schools are the next generation's nightmare schools.
    That's a farce. Maybe in some places, but in Texas, and where I grew up, the schools have stayed tops in the state. There are some 70s/80s suburbia areas that are just now getting their schools back up to snuff, but that's because energy companies have moved their offices close to these areas.

  18. #18

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    You get out of schools what you put into them. And genetics plays a role as well. I've seen brilliant students from inner city schools, 7 student graduating classes and The Sticks, Oklahoma. And I've seen poor students from Casady and Heritage Hall. Parental involvement is an important factor as well.

    There's no special selection process for teachers that determine who is going to be a good teacher and who is not. Inner city schools have good and bad teachers, as do the suburbs. So if the gene pool and parental involvement at schools in the suburbs shifts, they will no longer be considered good schools. The reverse holds true as well. That's why some people in Heritage Hills are now sending their kids to Wilson instead of private school.

  19. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by Geographer View Post
    Suck it, Suburbia.
    Exactly the type of response that makes people despise neo-urbanists.

  20. Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    I suspect that was tongue-in-cheek.

  21. #21

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Even if it was, there are plenty of folks (including those on here) who feel like they should be able to tell people where and how to live, and are down right angry that some folks choose not to live downtown.

  22. #22

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    There's not room enough downtown. I think most people's complaints about suburbia reflect concerns about sprawl, the cost of maintaining roads, and the "throw-away" attitude towards older housing it sometimes generates. I worry about all the poisons people put on their lawns to make them green and weed-free, the fact that they kill beneficial insects and get into our water supply, and the lawns drink up a lot of water. But I don't think everyone needs to live in a high-rise or give up their car (it doesn't hurt any of us to walk more though).

  23. #23

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Because a basketball player says he felt isolated somehow that points to isolation in suburbia? That's funny. Anyhow, I'm glad that KD is happy and it is good that we have great choices.

  24. #24

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Yes, I am jealous that Edmond has tons of multi millionaires who are more successful than I will ever be
    Fixed it for you. Anyone can change someone's post to reflect your agenda. Meanwhile in the real world, Edmond is a great suburb and tons of successful people here who do great good for investing in downtown and adding to OKC's sales tax. The Gold Dome is just one example.

  25. #25

    Default Re: KD Describes Suburban Isolation

    Obviously it's just tongue-in-cheek, relax people

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