Those were the days before in sickness included HIV exposure, amongst other lil' illicit pleasure born buggers
Honestly, the biggest STD concern locally is Hep C - as MANY of our working girls have it and its easily spread.
Considering the husband obviously ignored the 'love' and 'honor' clause - I say the rest is not the burden of the wife to endure should she choose not to.
Also, most people think a legalized system is 'safe' because of testing...... Two things most people don't know or think about...
1.) Testing only offers protection for the John, and offers nothing for the prostitute since only she is required to be disease free.
2.) In a legalized system - based on Nevada - only a few STD's are actually even tested for. Legal prostitutes in Nevada are NOT tested for many very common STD's.
Assuming these are OKC muni cases, court costs will only run 2-400 (unless there is some special cost that attach to prostitution that I didn't see in the OKC Code) and the going rate on atty fees range from $750- to $5000 with most being 1500-2500. Anyone paying over 5k for a city prostitution misd reminds me of the old saying that a fool and his money are soon parted. I generally don't see fines less than $500 and generally are closer to $750 In OK County, the courts costs would be under $300, fines and VCA around $500.00 and atty fees about the same but would have $40/month DA probation fee. The impoundment fee is a bitch but if the car doesn't belong to you, the owner can avoid it and get car back,
These type of busts are a waste of taxpayer money. These aren't streetwalkers and customers walking/driving through neighborhoods. It was done through websites and was being conducted in private. As long as the participants are of age and consenting, I really don't care what they do. Legalize, regulate, and tax it.
Some thoughts and corrections.....
1.) Virtually all prostitution cases are filed with the county and not city. Been that way since about 2002.
2.) Oklahoma County almost never gives fines in the $750 (or even $500 area) area. I did the numbers in 2011 over the course of 53 convictions and the average fine was only $53. Last time I looked it up (been awhile) the maximum fine via the state was $2,500. Right now fines are averaging $35-$300.
3.) Added up a few convicted Johns and the court costs ranged from $297-$515.
4.) Most often the probation is unsupervised - so no monthly fee.
5.) The John is almost always in a vehicle he owns.
6.) Also, if escalated to a felony (use of a computer, smart phone, etc.) then the costs go up.
As for attorney fees - you often get what you pay for. I follow EVERY case and when a John hires a high profile (high cost) attorney they can most often get the least severe outcome and in MANY circumstances never be charged with the crime to begin with.
The difference between a $750 lawyer and a $5,000-$10,000 lawyer can be the difference between getting charged and not, or getting a fine only sentence or only a couple of months probation as opposed to a few years deferred or even suspended.
There is a reason people like a Norman millionaire, an OUHSC surgeon, a rancher, a newspaper editor, a philanthropist, a high up with a local college and two local lawyers have all been arrested for prostitution and avoided ever even being charged - and virtually or literally avoided all media coverage. I don't know of a single blue collar working stiff (no pun intended) that has been arrested for prostitution and avoided charges.
In my opinion the only thing that makes these busts "a waste of taxpayer money" is the fact that - the most well to do can avoid charges all together and that prosecutors and judges allow those charged to get such low monetary punishment compared to the cost to arrest.
FYI - Yes, these are street walkers. The first 11 arrests happened at 43rd and Robinson and 44 and Byers. I know, I was there.
Also, many of the ones caught in the online portion of the sting are also Robinson street walkers. Over the last couple of years the presence of street walkers has gone down at least 60% and probably closer to 75%. Most of these women went online with the advent of easily accessible smart phones.
You can't determine the extent of one's consensual participation without arresting them in a sting - So to call the stings worthless is naive as its the only way to identify the very real victims that exist - like the 15-16 pregnant girl Zeke Campfield was paying. She was working online and her pimp was convicted of human trafficking. Not doing these stings would have never have uncovered that - and the examples are endless.
I have zero issue with decriminalizing 100% private consensual and unorganized prostitution. But, if you're doing that to alleviate the illegal prostitution, you're fooling yourself, because that's not the effect it will have.
Have you ever seen an attractive hooker in Oklahoma ? I work in the stockyard area and cannot believe what these girls look like or how desperate someone has to be to hire one.
'Attractiveness' is in the eye of the beholder. But if you mean by social norms? Then yes, I have seen and/or met several who were very attractive. Its would be impossible for local pimps like Germaine Coulter and Mario Diaz to make the FBI estimated $150,000+ a month if they did not coerce attractive women into their control.
But, I've also seen an attractive woman age 30 years in less than 5 years after being turned onto the streets and addiction.
These two were under the control of Diaz and Coulter and served as 'bottom b i t c h e s' for them.
Not every prostitute is 15-16 yrs old. On your state that Campbell was being investigated by FBI for paying a 16 yr old prostitute but you say online she was 15-16 yrs old. . Is it 15 or 16 because that matters in OK where the age of consent is 16 and having sex with a prostitute under 16 is a different felony charge than just a regular misd prostitution charge. Just because we have people drive drunk doesn't mean we shut down every bar in town. But if we provide other options like mass transit and other ways to get home, it will decrease it. Legalizing and regulating it will decrease the illegal activity but won't make it go away.
There are other sentencing options such as DA deferred prosecution in lieu of actually filing charges. We get them occasionally on military kids and various professionals. Although there is some truth in how much you pay matters, there is a point that you are just getting screwed. Your attorney fees numbers were just inaccurate and inflated. Even the most pompous and egotistical of attorneys I know (and I know plenty), none of them would charge "$15000+" for a misdemeanor. There are many attorneys in this town that can avoid charges being filed if warranted and would only charge $5k to $7500 on a county charge but most people that are going through the system are going to pay around 1500-2500 and get deferred sentences. On one hand you say the attorney matters and on the other hand you complain that the DA's office doesn't go after these guys and just give out low fines and lets them go.
It is also possible that the charges were never formally presented to the DA's office. Prater has made it very clear that he will go after attorneys and when you look at the attorneys that have lost their ticket in the last two years (even after being represented by expensive top notch legal counsel), he isn't lying. It is possible that something political happened before it was presented. A PC affidavit doesn't equal charges. The cop must still bring in the report and request charges be filed and sometimes...the charges are never presented.
In your original say the fines are 100-500 but now you are saying the average fine is $53.00? Looking at my post, the $750 was for OKC fines. In the county, we generally see fines in the $500 range which includes the victim compensation assessment. I went to your website and pulled up the people from the may 1st sting. Six were charged and three have pled. The three that pled all had ct costs of $308.50. One received a $900 fine and $300 VCA along with a 2 year deferred that is supervised at $40/month. The second received a one year suspended sentence supervised at $40/mo along with a $200 fine and $200 VCA and ct costs of 308.50. The third got a one year deferred sentence supervised at $40/mo along with a 200 fine and 100 VCA with ct costs of 308.50. I would point out that two of these guys were represented by attorneys with last name like Box and Eulberg (Chris Eulberg is the attorney representing Randy Terrill right now..his partner and son is listed as atty on one of these cases). Since the DA's office has been able to collect their 40/month fee, I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen the fee waived. That money goes directly to the DA's budget and the DA's ofc is the only one that can waive it.
Last edited by Jeepnokc; 10-25-2013 at 03:58 PM. Reason: typo
When did I ever say they are? Actually, I regularly make it clear I recognize there are women who prostitute by choice and those that prostitute by force.Not every prostitute is 15-16 yrs old.
Don't really know for sure. There appears there may have been multiple contacts with Campfield and she was prostituting while 15 and 16 years old. 'Consent' doesn't matter because even at 16 she couldn't give it legally in this situation. Regardless, Miskovsky was charged and convicted with less evidence.On your state that Campbell was being investigated by FBI for paying a 16 yr old prostitute but you say online she was 15-16 yrs old. . Is it 15 or 16 because that matters in OK where the age of consent is 16 and having sex with a prostitute under 16 is a different felony charge than just a regular misd prostitution charge.
Laughably not true. Certainly not to any measurable extent. Nevada has one of this countries highest instances of illegal prostitution and human trafficking, yet legal prostitution is a viable option in neighboring counties to Las Vegas. Let me guess, we have to make it not only legal but overly convenient?Legalizing and regulating it will decrease the illegal activity but won't make it go away.
Studies also show that countries with legalized prostitution have some of the highest instances of human trafficking.
Legalize it all you want, but not if your reason is because it decreases human trafficking and illegal prostitution.
I'm well aware of all the sentencing options. I'm also aware DA Prater does not endorse the use of DA Deferred - he's told me that specifically when I've brought it up to him. However, as I've already stated, the best sentencing options (or even the option not to charge) is overwhelmingly reserved for those with means.There are other sentencing options such as DA deferred prosecution in lieu of actually filing charges.
My numbers are accurate and I know exactly what some attorneys charge and I also know their clients are very satisfied with the results. You also are ignoring the fact I never said these people were always defending misdemeanor cases. I've already pointed out that often these cases are escalated to felonies and I know several attorneys that won't touch a felony case for less than $10,000-$15,000.Your attorney fees numbers were just inaccurate and inflated. Even the most pompous and egotistical of attorneys I know (and I know plenty), none of them would charge "$15000+" for a misdemeanor.
You've also chose to ignore my estimate started at $3,000. Which would be more representational of a misdemeanor.
What's your point? I stand behind both statements.On one hand you say the attorney matters and on the other hand you complain that the DA's office doesn't go after these guys and just give out low fines and lets them go.
If you think the fine is what most of the Johns are worried about you're sadly mistaken. Defendants are paying to avoid charges, to get fines only, to get a deferred over a suspended, to not get a revocation on an existing charge, to get an extremely short probation as opposed to several years. They want to avoid community service, health checks, geographic restrictions, John School. Some are able to have their prostitution charges changed to disorderly conduct to avoid problems with their profession (moral turpitude clauses).
What does that even matter to the public? This isn't a bashing of the DA's office. I couldn't care less if charges where presented. The fact is, each case is often treated vastly differently and it often comes down to the lawyer you hire.It is also possible that the charges were never formally presented to the DA's office.
Example: Local lawyer William Nixon was busted in a sting. The other Johns busted have all been charged and some have settled their cases. Nixon hasn't even been charged. I know his blue Sheet hasn't even been presented. This is because he hired a lawyer that is running interference and I've been throwing a fit about it. I have been told he will soon be charged (but only because I've been the squeaky wheel).
Actually - if you deal with what i said and not what you interpret you'd see the $53 (actually $52) was from 2011. TWO YEARS LATER and the fines seem to be going up slightly in some cases. Some people get $0 and others get $500. Anything over $500 is rare when you look at all cases.In your original say the fines are 100-500 but now you are saying the average fine is $53.00?
That's great - except for how irrelevant that is since these cases are handled by the county for a decade now.Looking at my post, the $750 was for OKC fines.
That's possible if you include the VCA. Why include the VCA? That's not the fine.In the county, we generally see fines in the $500 range which includes the victim compensation assessment.
And I clearly posted earlier that "Added up a few convicted Johns and the court costs ranged from $297-$515." looks like your number falls right inside those boundaries.The three that pled all had ct costs of $308.50.
Which would be my last choice for a lawyer. Last time I checked Irvin and Jeff weren't even allowed to go inside the DA's office. I saw one of them having to pass papers through the window while other defense attorneys walked inside.two of these guys were represented by attorneys with last name like Box...
Which goes to my point - the right lawyer is able to either avoid a supervised probation or have the probationary period so short (1-6 months) that it simply doesn't matter and they just pay it up front.Since the DA's office has been able to collect their 40/month fee, I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen the fee waived.
However, it is more common to see no mention of supervised probation than to see the opposite.
I get the humor you were probably going for - but honestly, unless you're 20 years old or younger, it says far more about you than you realize.
I am actually working with No Boundaries Int'l right now as we work to have her prostitution record expunged after Nov. 1.
She reached out to me some time ago with nowhere to turn. She's in college out of state and going into the health field but her prostitution related convictions are a severe detriment.
She should qualify under HB1058 as a trafficking victim and not only get her record expunged but also sealed.
She just needs to meet an education milestone we have set and we are getting the money together to cover the filing fees (about $2,500). A local attorney friend has agreed to provide legal services at no charge.
I'm very glad she has her life together and I hope we can help her get to the next step.
She is depicted in this AMW....
A online prostitute and scam artist was arrested two days ago in OKC.
Brian Bates is not wanted in Tulsa, hence effort has been established: Stopping Brian Bates
Stop Brian Bates aka Video Vigilante - He's Coming to Tulsa
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