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Thread: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    And might I add this.........
    The series was great and the movie had to ruin it all.

    Now im off to enjoy some of my own Hand Rolled Pufnstuff.

  2. #27
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Tree of Life - just a colossal piece of ****.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Cheech & Chongs Still Smoking. Absolutely dreadful.

    Bigray in Ok

  4. #29

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Mars Attacks!

    Did not make it to the end.

  5. Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Zorro the Gay Blade - George Hamilton

  6. #31

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Miami Vice is the only movie I've walked out of.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    Miami Vice is the only movie I've walked out of.
    That was my choice. Approximately 15 or so friends (a few of them police officers) and I went to see it expecting big time action but it just ended up being a snoozefest! Heck, if you look at his directors credit...it shoulda been good but it was just abysmal...

  8. Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Something to Talk About (1995) Julia Roberts and Dennis Quade. I went on a date in high school to that movie and it is the only one I have been in where I fell asleep.

    Also, Election (1999) Broderick/Witherspoon. I walked out.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    The Five Year Engagement, another one we walked out on. Dismal dialog and zero chemistry between the two leads.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Hmmm...there's actually some fairly decent movies being listed here. lol I've seen plenty of stinkers, but the worst one I ever paid to go to a theater and see was Battlefield Earth.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Battlefield Earth (with John "The Scientologist" Travola in the lead role as sort of a low-rent Klingon) was the worst movie I ever saw rerun on television. Had I seen it in a theater, I would have rated it above Exorcist II: The Heretic (in terms of awfulness or worstness).

    Battlefield Earth is, like, The "MacArthur Park" of movies.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    White Men Can't Jump

  13. #38

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    i remember really disliking batman and robin. i know some people really like this one, but i've got to mention it... the fountain. i think the only movie i've ever walked out of was baby's day out. -M

  14. #39

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    My wife tried to make me leave The Dark Knight because it was too creepy. I told her to sit through half and if she is still creeped out, we can leave. After the movie, she said she was glad we didn't leave although there are a ton of plot holes.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    The Lone Ranger. ...just bad.

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    It would help if theatre seats had electrical sockets so I could take my cpap along in case the movie went south on me. I snore way too loud to fall asleep in a movie.

  17. Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Blue Velvet, hands down. Its the only movie I've ever walked out on.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Hmmm...there's actually some fairly decent movies being listed here. lol I've seen plenty of stinkers, but the worst one I ever paid to go to a theater and see was Battlefield Earth.
    Battlefield Earth is awesome!

  19. #44

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Battlefield Earth is awesome!
    Yeah. Awesome BAD!!!!!!!
    (Why it's so bad that it made me leave the -ly off of awesom....)

  20. #45

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

  21. #46

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    saw a movie a few weeks ago, walked out after 45 minutes.
    It was called "thanks for sharing" it was with Gweneth Paltrow. horrible horrible movie

  22. #47

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Yeah. Awesome BAD!!!!!!!
    (Why it's so bad that it made me leave the -ly off of awesom....)
    No really, I love it. Thankfully, I have a buddy who bought it on bluray so I can just borrow it from him at any time. If you think about it, it's kinda like the Ancient Alien Theory except in the future. The Annunaki came to earth and used humans to mine gold...exactly what this race does...

  23. #48

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    Yup: Vinnie Barbarino in a low-rent Klingon costume.
    At some point in post production they should have spliced this into the soundtrack:

    It's about as rambling and disjointed as the rest of the film . . .

    "It's not nice to be dissin' L. Ron Hubbard" . . .

    "So knock it off."

    I stand by my opinion that, compared to "Battlefield Earth," the Ed Wood Klassic, "Plan 9 From Outer Space" is "Citizen Kane".

  24. #49

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    Eraserhead... weird movie

  25. #50

    Default Re: Worst movie you ever saw in theaters?

    I saw Eraserhead once. It caused permanent brain damage.
    (Even thinking about it creeps me out. Almost as much as "Battlefield Earth". . .)

    "Barbarella" was pretty bad. And I actually DID see that one in a theater.

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