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Thread: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout game

  1. #1

    Default Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout game

    Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout game | Fox News

    The team has since been cleared of any bullying as they should be....I cannot fathom how a parent sees this as bullying. If you can't stop them, oh well.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Yeah, I saw the story this morning on TV and felt the same way. A couch can't tell players not to score.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Yeah, I saw the story this morning on TV and felt the same way. A couch can't tell players not to score.
    I agree, a couch can't tell players not to score.

  4. Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    He could have asked his players to all run backwards but then when they scored someone would have considered that bullying.

    I think that all parents that put their kids in any sport should be required to sign a waiver that states they understand that their kid will be a loser.

    On the other hand.... My 8-ball league team got our butts handed to us 80 to 12 last night.... I may have a potential lawsuit to take up here!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    I heard that chatter on the radio yesterday. I think that parent needs to deal with it and quit being so much of a panzee! One caller said, "maybe the kid should play soccer (a sport where no one will be blown out)".

  6. #6

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    soccer (a sport where no one will be blown out)".
    Sadly, I coached my daughter's team in soccer and can prove your statement to be wrong. I suck as a soccer coach.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    The coach of the team that got beat say's it wasn't bullying and the school district decide the same thing. The school that one is undefeated the past couple years and has been asking to be moved up a division but the district has refused.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Sadly, I coached my daughter's team in soccer and can prove your statement to be wrong. I suck as a soccer coach.
    Really? You lost by 91? I didn't say it but you're more than welcome to prove the radio caller wrong

  9. #9

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Would the "unnamed father" who filed the complaint like a little cheese to go with his whine? .. And no he mad no mention that his team just wasn't any good.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Somebody needs to call that guy a "Waaaaaaaambulance."

    On the other hand, I suppose that as Petula Clark once said . . .

  11. Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    From what I read the coach pulled the starters after 21 plays, ran almost all running plays and let the clock run down as much as possible before each snap. What else could he do? You can't tell 2nd and 3rd string high school players to lay off. No bullying here.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I heard that chatter on the radio yesterday. I think that parent needs to deal with it and quit being so much of a panzee! One caller said, "maybe the kid should play soccer (a sport where no one will be blown out)".
    I thought soccer was the sport that all the mommies wanted, so little billy could "participate".

    This is what happens when the (non competitive leagues) grow up to the high school level now.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    From what I read the coach pulled the starters after 21 plays, ran almost all running plays and let the clock run down as much as possible before each snap. What else could he do? You can't tell 2nd and 3rd string high school players to lay off. No bullying here.
    This is not bullying, It's competition. This is why they keep score. The 2nd string / 3rd string wants to get their name in the paper too. They worked hard all week, and this is their chance to get int there and show the coach why they deserve a "shot" at first string. Sometimes, they score alot of points too.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Parent accuses Texas high school football coach of bullying after 91-0 blowout ga

    Maybe if the winning team had refrained from giving the losing team's defense Atomic Wedgies, after each touchdown, the complaint would be entirely groundless . . .

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