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Thread: Oklahoman Reporter Arrested - NewsOK not reporting it

  1. #26
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoman Reporter Arrested - NewsOK not reporting it

    If she was 19, does that still make her a minor? Is 21 the cutoff?

  2. Default Re: Oklahoman Reporter Arrested - NewsOK not reporting it

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Doesn't the guy also get labeled as a sex offender? or is that just urban legend stuff?
    Oh no, he most certainly can be forced to register as a sex offender. But it all comes down to the prosecutor and what they agree to.

    The 'peeing in a park' conviction can lead to someone having to register as a sex offender, but that outcome is extremely rare.

    The worst abuse of the sex offender laws I can recall is a kid participated in one of those file sharing services. He was guilty of downloading pirated songs, movies, games - BUT - unknown to him (even the prosecutor agreed the kid didn't know) his computer was being used to store and distribute child porn. Last I saw he was forced to register as a sex offender and the prosecutor claimed there was no way around it.

  3. Default Re: Oklahoman Reporter Arrested - NewsOK not reporting it

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    If she was 19, does that still make her a minor? Is 21 the cutoff?
    If she was 19 - then the 'John' would only be guilty of a misdemeanor prostitution charge - unless circumstances existed to escalate it to a felony because he used his smart phone or computer to solicit the sex or it happened within 1,---' of a church or school.

    The pimp could be guilty of anything ranging from aiding and abetting to pandering to human trafficking.

    The child trafficking would only come into effect if the victim was under 18.

    In this case the girl was 15/16 when she was prostituting. So could not give consent, therefore she was a victim.

    There appeared to be more evidence in this case against Zeke than there was against Miskovsky III in 2009, but for whatever reason they are not charging Zeke.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Oklahoman Reporter Arrested - NewsOK not reporting it

    Back on topic,... I remember quite some time ago, a well known former local TV news reporter and current local radio reporter for a popular sports team getting caught soliciting sexual favors down at Trosper park. The TV station he worked at wasted no time in throwing him under the bus.

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