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I think you're misunderstanding the difference between being a smart planner and a nay-sayer.
It is not good policy for government to fund private ventures and separate entities. It is the job of the Oklahoma City School District to handle expansion and rehabilitation projects, not the city's. Private investment should be just that....private. Bass Pro Shop is a private company. City funds should have never been used to help a private company. Competitors like Academy and others had every right to complain. They weren't getting equal and fair treatment. I'm not opposed to tax increases for improvements like the arena, canal, etc. I think we just need to make wise decisions when we choose to increase taxes.
First off, OKC's population is closer to 1.2 million, not 1.5 million.
Secondly, I don't believe we should spend millions of dollars to build a larger airport, if we don't have the air traffic to support it. Doing so would not be a good use of taxpayer money. If we have the traffic to support an expansion, then let's do it. I can't see having a 30+ gate airport, where over half of it is sitting vacant.
Thirdly, I'd do exactly what our airport trust is doing: try to get more non-stop flights that will be potentially profitable for the airlines.
First off, it isn't light rail. It's commuter rail you're referring to. At the present time, we have no need for a commuter rail system, although we may in the future, thus we should start the planning stages. OKC is not growing at near the pace other cities you may be referring to are, so there's really not a rush. There is no congestion problem at the present time in OKC. Most people from out of town find our freeways to be an absolute breeze.
A lottery only bandages the problem. The real problem with education in this state is a state superintendent who needed to be fired a long time ago, and mismanagement of funds. Why give more funds to state through a lottery system, when the state dept of education can't handle the money their given resonsibly? Fortunately, things are changing for the better, thanks to treasurer Meacham. Yup, treaser Meacham, a Democrat. Surprised?
We need to be more fiscally responsible with our funds. Our governor has made headway in trimming some of the excess spending, but in my opinion he hasn't done enough. With education, he hasn't tackled the misuse of funds that take place in our dept of education, under our state superintendent (may God bless the day she gets put out of office). The answer is not to feed the system with more money from the lottery and other areas. I'm really not a big fan of Istook, but we need someone that will trim the fat and stop the abuse of pork barrel spending.
Personally, if you must know, I don't like any of the candidates running for governor in 2006.
You've been given your answers. Read!