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Thread: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

  1. #26

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    One of my buddies up there is polar opposite politically to me, but I'll be damned if my wife and I didn't have a blast at Unicron/Narwhal slamming PBR's and Fireball shots with him and another friend, and then wandering to a street vendor to grab one of those awesome sauerkraut and cream cheese Seattle dogs.

    My post was in jest, I wouldn't let anything so petty keep me from living there.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Yeah, no one wants to live in a city like that. The point I'd like to make is that it is always funny how people like to just label most people within a city to fit a stereotype. Like the introverted hipster. I can't think of a single person who fits that description that I'm friends with in Seattle. There are over 3 million people in the Seattle metro. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a statistically significant amount of "introverted hipsters".
    I guess its our media-driven world makes it very easy to stereotype far away cities that many haven't been to. Its the same thing as people on both coasts who stereotype all 1.3 million OKC metro residents as radical right-wing racist rednecks. Hollywood has painted the hipster image of Portland and Seattle but there are probably many there who aren't hipsters. The Portland suburbs are apparently a great place to raise a family, but if I went by the stereotype I would have to say you are probably "too old" for Portland when you turn 30 haha. Most people I know who moved up there have become hipsters though.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Those are the best dogs in the world. You've got me hungry just thinking about them again!
    Its not really a flavor combo I'd typically go after, but my wife was talking trash that I wouldn't eat it so I did what any guy would do in that situation, accept the dare lol

  4. #29

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    btw, here are a few of my favs:

    Notice the GTR and the Golf GTI ;P

    Future Midtown, perhaps?

    This is especially cool, just very neat!

    Perhaps the best for last, what a grand picture!

    All photos taken by: SkyscraperPage Forum

  5. #30

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    I don't care what city, state or country you are fond of you will always have people who will find a reason to complain or criticize it. 90% of them have never been there and there opinion is based on what their television has told them 5% were just passing through when they were there and only 3% stayed for more than just a few days, 2% actually lived there and have a credible reason for their opinion.

    Me personally I try not develop too heavy of an opinion on cities I have never set food in. About the closest I got to Seattle was a stop over in Portland coming home from my last Navy tour in Japan in 2000. I prefer OKC because it has balance of urban and rural. When you get tired of the city lights and the city hustle and bustle all you have to do is drive any direction and your out of it in 15-30 minutes. I admire the urban life other cities have built but, I hope OKC maintains it's balance. I love city life but, I also love to get away where the wildlife is the ambient noise instead of freeways, sirens and loud car stereos.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Here are some more pics from another guy:

    tower theatre cough cough

    Whoever made the comment about a gritty feel not being good in the Automobile Alley thread, this has that feel to it and it seems pretty cool to me!

    The lovely and talented Seattle - SkyscraperPage Forum

  7. #32

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    A couple of pics I took the last time I was there 7 years ago.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    A couple of pics I took the last time I was there 7 years ago.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Seattle skyline.jpg 
Views:	129 
Size:	120.6 KB 
ID:	4712   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Seattle.jpg 
Views:	129 
Size:	120.7 KB 
ID:	4713  

  9. #34

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    btw, here are a few of my favs:
    Just out of curiosity...what is it that you like about these photos? Is it the urban density, as someone said earlier? Strictly as photographs (with a few exceptions), I don't find them all that appealing. They show the city, but they don't "show it off", ya know?

  10. #35

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Just out of curiosity...what is it that you like about these photos? Is it the urban density, as someone said earlier? Strictly as photographs (with a few exceptions), I don't find them all that appealing. They show the city, but they don't "show it off", ya know?
    That's really a good question lol

    I just like them. I suppose it is the overall atmosphere. The urban density is really cool too. I am a suburban guy, but make no mistake, I would love places like this in OKC. I just never realized how big Seattle was.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    That's really a good question lol

    I just like them. I suppose it is the overall atmosphere. The urban density is really cool too. I am a suburban guy, but make no mistake, I would love places like this in OKC. I just never realized how big Seattle was.
    Okay...cool. Thanks! You're right, there's elements of a really large city that you just can't duplicate in OKC. After I first visited NYC back in high school, I tried to describe it to my friends, but there was nothing here to really compare it to. The best I could do was to tell them to go stand in the dead center of downtown, then pretend that feeling of being in an urban canyon extended in all directions for as far as you could see down each street, rather than just a block or so. lol

  12. #37

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Okay...cool. Thanks! You're right, there's elements of a really large city that you just can't duplicate in OKC. After I first visited NYC back in high school, I tried to describe it to my friends, but there was nothing here to really compare it to. The best I could do was to tell them to go stand in the dead center of downtown, then pretend that feeling of being in an urban canyon extended in all directions for as far as you could see down each street, rather than just a block or so. lol
    That reminds me of when I went to NYC for my honeymoon. My wife was concerned that our hotel room was up so high she couldn't see the ground. LOL

  13. #38

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Okay...cool. Thanks! You're right, there's elements of a really large city that you just can't duplicate in OKC. After I first visited NYC back in high school, I tried to describe it to my friends, but there was nothing here to really compare it to. The best I could do was to tell them to go stand in the dead center of downtown, then pretend that feeling of being in an urban canyon extended in all directions for as far as you could see down each street, rather than just a block or so. lol
    Yeah, I've never been to NYC, but I've heard about it from people and the most I've heard is there is some highway that goes straight into Manhattan and it offers and amazing view of the skyline and everyone says it is breathtaking. I can't wait to start traveling to different cities!!!!!

  14. Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Also, Seattle has hills which add to the density effect.

    just had to add that since I live here, lol.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  15. #40

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    There is a very, very real reason why Seattle can keep taxes so low - density. So what is amazing is that they are able to keep taxes so low but also have an amazing transit system, parks network, and so on.
    That density is what allows them to have the transit system...our lack of density is why I worry about whether we'll ever have one. OKC is too spread out. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that we probably have to cover too much ground to pick up enough passengers to make it profitable.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    That density is what allows them to have the transit system...our lack of density is why I worry about whether we'll ever have one. OKC is too spread out. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that we probably have to cover too much ground to pick up enough passengers to make it profitable.
    Did anyone ever say it would be profitable or even needs to be?

  17. #42

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Did anyone ever say it would be profitable or even needs to be?
    Only in the context of Seattle's taxes also being extremely low. You've got to pay for the transit system somehow. The more of it you can pay for through taking in income in passenger fees, the less you have to underwrite it.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Only in the context of Seattle's taxes also being extremely low. You've got to pay for the transit system somehow. The more of it you can pay for through taking in income in passenger fees, the less you have to underwrite it.
    That's very different than saying it wouldn't be profitable as you did,

  19. #44

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    That's very different than saying it wouldn't be profitable as you did,
    You're reading too much into the word "profitable". It doesn't always refer to actually making a profit. I was using it in the sense of whether it's worth it or not for OKC because our population is so spread out.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    It's not just the cloudy skies. I see a lot of Oklahomans couldn't possibly stand to live in Seattle due to the political beliefs. However, probably a number of Oklahoma Democrats, who would want to try it, anyway, would feel a need to register as Republicans after moving there:

    A bastion of progressive leftyism, Seattle is a politically active city that frequently takes to the street in protest. While it prides itself on its tolerance, that tolerance doesn’t extend to social conservatives who disagree. Libertarians, however, get a pass. Seattle is enthusiastic about same-sex marriage and legalized marijuana, was the first major U.S. city to elect a woman as mayor, and went heavily for Obama in 2008 with 84% of the vote.
    Sounds great to me! The political climate in Oklahoma is stifling to me, and that's putting it lightly. lol.

    (I'm mostly jesting, though this place does seem to be the "opposite" of Seattle's political presentation, anyway).

  21. #46

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Yeah, I've never been to NYC, but I've heard about it from people and the most I've heard is there is some highway that goes straight into Manhattan and it offers and amazing view of the skyline and everyone says it is breathtaking. I can't wait to start traveling to different cities!!!!!
    You're making me miss home. :P Shucks.

    They were probably talking about the big loop you do before you go down into the Lincoln Tunnel, which goes under the Hudson River into Midtown. Doesn't really do it justice, especially considering this is only the northern portion of the skyline:

    Anyway... back on topic! lol.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    It's not just the cloudy skies. I see a lot of Oklahomans couldn't possibly stand to live in Seattle due to the political beliefs. However, probably a number of Oklahoma Democrats, who would want to try it, anyway, would feel a need to register as Republicans after moving there:

    A bastion of progressive leftyism, Seattle is a politically active city that frequently takes to the street in protest. While it prides itself on its tolerance, that tolerance doesn’t extend to social conservatives who disagree. Libertarians, however, get a pass. Seattle is enthusiastic about same-sex marriage and legalized marijuana, was the first major U.S. city to elect a woman as mayor, and went heavily for Obama in 2008 with 84% of the vote.
    Sounds like my kind of place. I lived in NYC and the politics are similar and it was just fine by me.

    That being said, it would be nice of Oklahoma had a bit more political balance. Right now, other than in OKC, we have right wing and further right wing. Morons like Markwayne Mullin actually get elected here -- there's no good argument for that.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Some amazing pictures of Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    You're reading too much into the word "profitable". It doesn't always refer to actually making a profit. I was using it in the sense of whether it's worth it or not for OKC because our population is so spread out.
    Thank you for clarifying. That wasn't obvious from your original statement.

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