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Thread: Nay-sayers please respond

  1. Default Nay-sayers please respond

    This is a question for the nay-sayers. Those who think we should sit around and pick the bugs out of our teeth instead of growing as a city.

    You are against taxes, even to pay for the things YOU use such as the arena, the streets, the city utilities, our police and fire departments, etc. EXACTLY how would you fund these things and create money to expand our city and update our aging streets and fund the venues required by major cities?

    You think a city of 1.5 million (aprox) with a major airport demographic radius of around two million, in a city that is trying to become a premier city, and has already proven itself to the major sports leagues, should not expand. Even if that city has the smallest number of gates of any major city its size. Why? What would YOU do to increase non stop (the phrase is non stop, not direct. there is a differece) flights to cities that we need service to. Plus, how would you avoid being caught with your pants down when the city hits that two million mark and is begging for more gates?

    You think a city of 1.5 million does not have over crowded freeways and does not need a light rail system. What would you do when you get caught with your pants down and the congestion becomes similar the stereotype of Los Angeles?

    You think a lottery is not the answer to our education needs, and think some lame incumbant who can not see a resolution to part of the problem in front of her nose is the best Secretery of Education Oklahoma has ever had. How would YOU solve the problem?

    You think some Congressman, Governor what to be who has NO chance at election and one who takes money alloted his home town and gives it to another city and state is the greatest man since Jesus himself. And the sitting Governor has done nothing? Why? I do not understand your reasoning. Please explain.

    I ask these questions on occasion and never get an answer. Why? You HAVE no answer.

    Do I want answers? Yes. You think you are right, so "put up or shut up" as the expression goes. Will I get answers? I doubt it since most people who appose people like me have no true argument.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Not real hip on the light rail suggestion...Even our rush hours are still a joke so we would need to see a major population explosion for that to even start to becoming a necessity

  3. #3
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    This is a question for the nay-sayers. Those who think we should sit around and pick the bugs out of our teeth instead of growing as a city.
    I think you're misunderstanding the difference between being a smart planner and a nay-sayer.

    You are against taxes, even to pay for the things YOU use such as the arena, the streets, the city utilities, our police and fire departments, etc. EXACTLY how would you fund these things and create money to expand our city and update our aging streets and fund the venues required by major cities?
    It is not good policy for government to fund private ventures and separate entities. It is the job of the Oklahoma City School District to handle expansion and rehabilitation projects, not the city's. Private investment should be just that....private. Bass Pro Shop is a private company. City funds should have never been used to help a private company. Competitors like Academy and others had every right to complain. They weren't getting equal and fair treatment. I'm not opposed to tax increases for improvements like the arena, canal, etc. I think we just need to make wise decisions when we choose to increase taxes.

    You think a city of 1.5 million (aprox) with a major airport demographic radius of around two million, in a city that is trying to become a premier city, and has already proven itself to the major sports leagues, should not expand. Even if that city has the smallest number of gates of any major city its size. Why? What would YOU do to increase non stop (the phrase is non stop, not direct. there is a differece) flights to cities that we need service to. Plus, how would you avoid being caught with your pants down when the city hits that two million mark and is begging for more gates?
    First off, OKC's population is closer to 1.2 million, not 1.5 million.

    Secondly, I don't believe we should spend millions of dollars to build a larger airport, if we don't have the air traffic to support it. Doing so would not be a good use of taxpayer money. If we have the traffic to support an expansion, then let's do it. I can't see having a 30+ gate airport, where over half of it is sitting vacant.

    Thirdly, I'd do exactly what our airport trust is doing: try to get more non-stop flights that will be potentially profitable for the airlines.

    You think a city of 1.5 million does not have over crowded freeways and does not need a light rail system. What would you do when you get caught with your pants down and the congestion becomes similar the stereotype of Los Angeles?
    First off, it isn't light rail. It's commuter rail you're referring to. At the present time, we have no need for a commuter rail system, although we may in the future, thus we should start the planning stages. OKC is not growing at near the pace other cities you may be referring to are, so there's really not a rush. There is no congestion problem at the present time in OKC. Most people from out of town find our freeways to be an absolute breeze.

    You think a lottery is not the answer to our education needs, and think some lame incumbant who can not see a resolution to part of the problem in front of her nose is the best Secretery of Education Oklahoma has ever had. How would YOU solve the problem?
    A lottery only bandages the problem. The real problem with education in this state is a state superintendent who needed to be fired a long time ago, and mismanagement of funds. Why give more funds to state through a lottery system, when the state dept of education can't handle the money their given resonsibly? Fortunately, things are changing for the better, thanks to treasurer Meacham. Yup, treaser Meacham, a Democrat. Surprised?

    You think some Congressman, Governor what to be who has NO chance at election and one who takes money alloted his home town and gives it to another city and state is the greatest man since Jesus himself. And the sitting Governor has done nothing? Why? I do not understand your reasoning. Please explain.
    We need to be more fiscally responsible with our funds. Our governor has made headway in trimming some of the excess spending, but in my opinion he hasn't done enough. With education, he hasn't tackled the misuse of funds that take place in our dept of education, under our state superintendent (may God bless the day she gets put out of office). The answer is not to feed the system with more money from the lottery and other areas. I'm really not a big fan of Istook, but we need someone that will trim the fat and stop the abuse of pork barrel spending.

    Personally, if you must know, I don't like any of the candidates running for governor in 2006.

    Do I want answers? Yes. You think you are right, so "put up or shut up" as the expression goes. Will I get answers? I doubt it since most people who appose people like me have no true argument.
    You've been given your answers. Read!

  4. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by Conservative View Post
    I think you're misunderstanding the difference between being a smart planner and a nay-sayer.

    It is not good policy for government to fund private ventures and separate entities. It is the job of the Oklahoma City School District to handle expansion and rehabilitation projects, not the city's. Private investment should be just that....private. Bass Pro Shop is a private company. City funds should have never been used to help a private company. Competitors like Academy and others had every right to complain. They weren't getting equal and fair treatment. I'm not opposed to tax increases for improvements like the arena, canal, etc. I think we just need to make wise decisions when we choose to increase taxes.

    First off, OKC's population is closer to 1.2 million, not 1.5 million.

    Secondly, I don't believe we should spend millions of dollars to build a larger airport, if we don't have the air traffic to support it. Doing so would not be a good use of taxpayer money. If we have the traffic to support an expansion, then let's do it. I can't see having a 30+ gate airport, where over half of it is sitting vacant.

    Thirdly, I'd do exactly what our airport trust is doing: try to get more non-stop flights that will be potentially profitable for the airlines.

    First off, it isn't light rail. It's commuter rail you're referring to. At the present time, we have no need for a commuter rail system, although we may in the future, thus we should start the planning stages. OKC is not growing at near the pace other cities you may be referring to are, so there's really not a rush. There is no congestion problem at the present time in OKC. Most people from out of town find our freeways to be an absolute breeze.

    A lottery only bandages the problem. The real problem with education in this state is a state superintendent who needed to be fired a long time ago, and mismanagement of funds. Why give more funds to state through a lottery system, when the state dept of education can't handle the money their given resonsibly? Fortunately, things are changing for the better, thanks to treasurer Meacham. Yup, treaser Meacham, a Democrat. Surprised?

    We need to be more fiscally responsible with our funds. Our governor has made headway in trimming some of the excess spending, but in my opinion he hasn't done enough. With education, he hasn't tackled the misuse of funds that take place in our dept of education, under our state superintendent (may God bless the day she gets put out of office). The answer is not to feed the system with more money from the lottery and other areas. I'm really not a big fan of Istook, but we need someone that will trim the fat and stop the abuse of pork barrel spending.

    Personally, if you must know, I don't like any of the candidates running for governor in 2006.

    You've been given your answers. Read!
    1. No. A nay-sayer is someone who refuses to progress. You fit that mold.

    2. "Wise decisions" is not an answer. That comment proves my point. You HAVE no plan, so, all you do is complain about progress.

    3. I SAID aproximetly (sp).

    4. By doing what the airport distrust is doing is doing nothing but sitting on the horseshoe once a month sitting on their hands.

    5. Again. No answer. Just complaining. No fan of Istook? You are the one that thinks he is so great, with the excuse he will lose because of the Foley scandal. No. Istook is too weak and Henry is VERY strong. One of the strongest Governors in our history.

    6. (out of order, however) Elected officials are not "fired." They are either impeached and removed or they are voted out of office. However, although I agree Sandy Garrett is lousy at her job, you still have not said what you will do.

    Usual clap trap. No defense. A defense is telling what YOU would do. Not what you are calling "answers." If this were a test in School, you would have gotten an F.

  5. #5
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    1. No. A nay-sayer is someone who refuses to progress. You fit that mold.
    Successful progress is planned, put on paper and thought about, before making foolish decisions.

    2. "Wise decisions" is not an answer. That comment proves my point. You HAVE no plan, so, all you do is complain about progress.
    Read y_h's comment on the airport thread. We DO have a plan.

    3. I SAID aproximetly (sp).
    Approximately. And, I don't consider an error of 300,000 people (25% of our metro population) "approximately" close to the real population.

    4. By doing what the airport distrust is doing is doing nothing but sitting on the horseshoe once a month sitting on their hands.
    They're seeking non-stop flights to new destinations. I thought that's what you were after.

    They're smart for not wasting money on building gates that may never be used.

    5. Again. No answer. Just complaining. No fan of Istook? You are the one that thinks he is so great, with the excuse he will lose because of the Foley scandal. No. Istook is too weak and Henry is VERY strong. One of the strongest Governors in our history.
    Regarding Istook, I feel he is the lesser of 2 evils. Is he the solution? Probably not, but we've given Henry 4 years to trim the fat. I've seen better success than in the Keating years, but we're nowhere where we need to be.

    It is true that the Oklahoman is using the Foley situation to make Istook look bad.

    Strongest Governor in history? Not sure about that. George Nigh was a pretty good governor, and he was a Democrat.

    6. (out of order, however) Elected officials are not "fired." They are either impeached and removed or they are voted out of office. However, although I agree Sandy Garrett is lousy at her job, you still have not said what you will do.
    I was using the term "fired" figuratively. Of course I know we'd have to vote her out of office.

    I've already said what I will do. We need to perform numerous audits on the school districts, and cut the fat. A good first step is to consolidate several of the rural school districts to save on astronomical administrative costs. This money can be diverted to increasing teacher pay.

    Usual clap trap. No defense. A defense is telling what YOU would do. Not what you are calling "answers." If this were a test in School, you would have gotten an F.
    Are you a child? Seriously, that's a pretty childish statement.

  6. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Again. Non answers. If you feel the way you do, then what would YOU do? You are not answering that question.

  7. #7
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    Again. Non answers. If you feel the way you do, then what would YOU do? You are not answering that question.
    Did you even bother to read my comments? Obviously not, because you responded 30 seconds after I made my post.

    Here's what I had to say:

    "I've already said what I will do. We need to perform numerous audits on the school districts, and cut the fat. A good first step is to consolidate several of the rural school districts to save on astronomical administrative costs. This money can be diverted to increasing teacher pay. "

    And by the way, it's in Post #5 above, next to the last comment.

  8. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    "I've already said what I will do. We need to perform numerous audits on the school districts, and cut the fat. A good first step is to consolidate several of the rural school districts to save on astronomical administrative costs. This money can be diverted to increasing teacher pay. "

    That is only one answer. You have not answered the rest.

    Granted. I proposed county school districts a long time ago. However, that will not solve the entire problem. That is one reason why the lottery is a good thing. The other, by the way, is to avoid lottery money going to other states.

  9. #9
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    The answers to all of your questions are in post #3. What other questions would you like answered?

  10. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by Conservative View Post
    The answers to all of your questions are in post #3. What other questions would you like answered?
    No. They are just comments. Not answers to what YOU would do.

  11. #11
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Since you refuse to read my posts, I will answer your questions again, in less detailed format that even a 2nd grader could understand (note: I'm not calling you a 2nd grader).

    EXACTLY how would you fund these things and create money to expand our city and update our aging streets and fund the venues required by major cities?
    I would pay for the above with tax increases, as we currently do. The items mentioned are city issues. Let private ventures remain private, however.

    What would YOU do to increase non stop (the phrase is non stop, not direct. there is a differece) flights to cities that we need service to. Plus, how would you avoid being caught with your pants down when the city hits that two million mark and is begging for more gates?
    1. I would seek more non-stop flights to profitable destinations, as the airport trust is currently doing.

    2. 2 million mark won't happen for at least 20 years. Until then I'd have a plan drafted up for a larger airport, but I wouldn't spend a dime on the plans until I see evidence that we need such a plan.

    You think a city of 1.5 million does not have over crowded freeways and does not need a light rail system. What would you do when you get caught with your pants down and the congestion becomes similar the stereotype of Los Angeles?
    We are currently handling our traffic woes with highway expansion projects. We don'th ave any congestion problems, nothing comparable to LA. So I would continue the plan as is, and have a commuter rail plan on paper to be considered over the next 20 years, if and when OKC grows to the point of needing it.

    You think a lottery is not the answer to our education needs, and think some lame incumbant who can not see a resolution to part of the problem in front of her nose is the best Secretery of Education Oklahoma has ever had. How would YOU solve the problem?
    We need to control the improper un-checked spending that's currently taking place in our educational system, not feed a broken system more money. I'd start by consolidating rural school districts to cut administrative costs.

    You think some Congressman, Governor what to be who has NO chance at election and one who takes money alloted his home town and gives it to another city and state is the greatest man since Jesus himself. And the sitting Governor has done nothing? Why? I do not understand your reasoning. Please explain.
    I think more needs to be done to trim the fat in our government, than what Henry has done so far. Is Istook the answer? Maybe not, but Henry has had 4 years to streamline the budget. He's moved us along the way, but there's still too much fat.

    I ask these questions on occasion and never get an answer. Why? You HAVE no answer.
    I've answered all of your questions.

    Do I want answers? Yes. You think you are right, so "put up or shut up" as the expression goes. Will I get answers? I doubt it since most people who appose people like me have no true argument.
    For the 2nd time now, you've been given the answers to your questions.

  12. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by Conservative View Post
    Since you refuse to read my posts, I will answer your questions again, in less detailed format that even a 2nd grader could understand (note: I'm not calling you a 2nd grader).

    I would pay for the above with tax increases, as we currently do. The items mentioned are city issues. Let private ventures remain private, however.

    1. I would seek more non-stop flights to profitable destinations, as the airport trust is currently doing.

    2. 2 million mark won't happen for at least 20 years. Until then I'd have a plan drafted up for a larger airport, but I wouldn't spend a dime on the plans until I see evidence that we need such a plan.

    We are currently handling our traffic woes with highway expansion projects. We don'th ave any congestion problems, nothing comparable to LA. So I would continue the plan as is, and have a commuter rail plan on paper to be considered over the next 20 years, if and when OKC grows to the point of needing it.

    We need to control the improper un-checked spending that's currently taking place in our educational system, not feed a broken system more money. I'd start by consolidating rural school districts to cut administrative costs.

    I think more needs to be done to trim the fat in our government, than what Henry has done so far. Is Istook the answer? Maybe not, but Henry has had 4 years to streamline the budget. He's moved us along the way, but there's still too much fat.

    I've answered all of your questions.

    For the 2nd time now, you've been given the answers to your questions.
    No. This is the first time you answered them. The rest was avoidance.

    On the traffic. I said LIKE THE STEREOTYPE LOS ANGELES. Traffic in Los Angeles is no where NEAR as bad as a lot of Oklahomans think it is. Plus. If we do not plan light rail, yes. I said light rail, now and budget it now, then when the need for a larger line arises, we will be caught with our pants down, and the costs will skyrocket. It will be ten years behind when completed. Typical completion time is ten years for the starter line. So, we need to start work on the design now. Not 20 years from now.

    You must be psycic to think you can predict when Oklahoma City will hit two million. We are a rapidly growing city. No one can predict when that mark will hit. A mega-employer could move here and cause that figure to be realistic next year. Will that happen? Probably not. However, who knows. It could. We need to be prepared. Not scramble to catch up. That is what people like yourself cause with your wait attitude.

    How would you control this spending? Present a plan. No hedging like you have so far until I convinced you I would not back down.

    How has Henry NOT streamlined the budget. Plus, remember. He is required to get legislative approval or voter approval first on most things. No elected official is capable of doing something totally on their own. That is why campaign promises are not wise. Campaign "i'll try's" are wise. If someone tries and does not succeed, they have done what they said they would do. Henry has done just that.

    The trust is not trying very hard. There are only two or three destinations discussed. San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington DC. We need many more than that. A small airline using Will Rogers as a central hub will solve most of that. Jet Blue for example. (example only) The second terminal should be started at least three years before projected need or as soon as an airline commits to Wil Rogers as a hub. The promised gates should be build now. Not in the future.

    Pessimism and nay-saying are the reason Texas is ahead of us. It is time we flip them the finger and say "we have had enough of your dominance. Oklahoma CIty is now the King."

    BTW: To the moderators. I placed this here because I am tired of not getting answers from nay-sayers and liberals who really have no answers. If this is not the right area, feel free to move it. Thanks.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    mr anderson...most of us that live here already feel like OKC is better than many Texas cities or else we would go live there

    We can barely budget for schools and roads right now so light rail will have to wait

  14. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond


    Are you tired of naysayers or are you just tired of people not agreeing with you? It seems that's all you really want.

    I don't think anyone is "naysaying" our city, nor are they saying that we can't have improvements. I would think that you, with your "conservative" views, would be a little more cautious before throwing our money into systems the city simply does not need yet, i.e. light rail. Quit blaming the "liberals" for people on this site not agreeing with every little thing you say. It's not attractive.
    Still corrupting young minds

  15. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Mr. Anderson, you're my hero for starting this thread. The simple fact is that everybody under estimates our city, even after we've proven every estimation imaginable flat wrong! May I remind you all that MAPS only passed by a 55% margin? Then if you go back and ask everybody in a room of they voted for it, I'll bet 90% will say yes, and then 60% of that 90% (and 100% of the remainder) will turn around and vote against light rail or MAPS II, because they don't think we're ready for it yet.

    Can you say MORON?

  16. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post

    Are you tired of naysayers or are you just tired of people not agreeing with you? It seems that's all you really want.

    I don't think anyone is "naysaying" our city, nor are they saying that we can't have improvements. I would think that you, with your "conservative" views, would be a little more cautious before throwing our money into systems the city simply does not need yet, i.e. light rail. Quit blaming the "liberals" for people on this site not agreeing with every little thing you say. It's not attractive.
    No. I am tired of people who cry like a baby everytime they have to pay a little tax to get a nice city or state. They want the streets, the traffic lights, the larger police and fire departments, however, they do not want to pay for them. You must pay your share, folks. You live here or you visit here. You buy things. That is what sales tax is. Everyone pays it. Young, old, bum, honest, tourist, everyone. Imagine what the competition thinks when they are planning ahead and Oklahoma City takes the "we don't need that now" attitude. Planning ahead avoids shortfalls when something IS needed. Plus, when a city has something, businesses will look at that and say "hey, that city is forward thinking. I think we need to look at them." That is just what happened with MAPS and MAPS for kids.

    Also. I asked litimate questions and expected answers. I got avaisiveness. It is just like asking a yes or no question and getting either a repeat of the question (example: "do you carry filters" answer "we carry filters" instead of yes, we do.) or a ten paragraph answer. It is frustrating. I have asked liberals and nay-sayers for years to tell me what THEY would do without taxes or the lottery (for example) and NOT ONE answers. They either ignore or give me babble. In otherwords, they have no answer. They have no solution. That is why I pressed so hard. This guy is arguing against things and would not back his argument with what he would do.

    Yes. Some things I agree such as the school district plan. However, a lot I do not. Like not building for the future. We will get caught with our pants down and it will cost many times more than if we build it now. Look at St. Petersburg, Florida. They built a domed stadium that sat empty for a decade. They got hosed on a major league expansion team that went to Miami, however, they got their team. Had they not built the dome, that team would have been awarded to someone else. BART. The Bay Area Rapid Transit. Was it needed when it construction started? Not really. However, the people of the bay area had the foresight to plan ahead. Thank God. That area would have been in serious trouble during the 1989 earthquake had iot not been for BART. Oklahoma City. The Ford Center. We built it ahead of need and look at us now. We have the Hornets of the NBA and if we do not keep them, we have proven our ability to be an NBA city, and will probably be the new home of the (future) Oklahoma City Sonics.

    I will be a strong advocate for planning ahead, even if it is ten or 20 years ahead because, I for one, do not like getting caught with my pants down and having to scramble to catch up. It looks bad.

    That is all. I am just frustrated with people who avoid questions after trying to tell me I am wrong about my thoughts... Oh. By the way. Even Mick Cornett was impressed by the research and the forethought into our future. I hear no similar comments about the "we don't need that now" attitude.

  17. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    So what, you want a pat on the back for impressing the mayor? A gold star?

    Not everyone has the answers. We can look at things and say "That's not right," but we may not have any other solution, either. I'm one of those people. I don't have a background in city planning, or any other knowledge in these areas. But I can see that sometimes there are problems, and I'd like to see something maybe done differently to solve those problems; however, I just can't tell anyone how to do it because I don't know.
    Still corrupting young minds

  18. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    So what, you want a pat on the back for impressing the mayor? A gold star?

    Not everyone has the answers. We can look at things and say "That's not right," but we may not have any other solution, either. I'm one of those people. I don't have a background in city planning, or any other knowledge in these areas. But I can see that sometimes there are problems, and I'd like to see something maybe done differently to solve those problems; however, I just can't tell anyone how to do it because I don't know.
    Then instead of avoiding the question, just say "i don't know. I'll have to think about that one then answer." It is honest. A lot of people, for some reason, think the expression "I don't know" is a sin. Guess what. I would much rather hear "I don't know" than retoric.

    On the Mayor. There are more people that think it is an honor to have impressed someone like him than not. At least I am well respected there. There are many people on this forum (not naming names) that are not.

  19. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    It's probably better for me, then, that I am an unknown around those parts. I doubt I'd be received well!

    I certainly do not think that "I don't know" is a sin. I think it's a perfectly acceptable answer. I give it all the time when I teach. Then, like you said, I research and give my answer later.
    Still corrupting young minds

  20. #20
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    No. This is the first time you answered them. The rest was avoidance.
    Posts #3 and #11 are identical, only worded differently. I'm sorry if you aren't using your brain power to figure that out.

    On the traffic. I said LIKE THE STEREOTYPE LOS ANGELES. Traffic in Los Angeles is no where NEAR as bad as a lot of Oklahomans think it is. Plus. If we do not plan light rail, yes. I said light rail, now and budget it now, then when the need for a larger line arises, we will be caught with our pants down, and the costs will skyrocket. It will be ten years behind when completed. Typical completion time is ten years for the starter line. So, we need to start work on the design now. Not 20 years from now.
    I honestly doubt we'll need a starter line 10 years from now. We can start planning in 10 years maybe. And light rail would be like what was planned for the downtown area. Commuter rail would carry people from between the city and the suburbs. I think you're really referring to commuter rail, not light rail. Light rail is more like a trolley system.

    You must be psycic to think you can predict when Oklahoma City will hit two million. We are a rapidly growing city. No one can predict when that mark will hit.
    Rapidly growing? I think you're referring to Phoenix, not Oklahoma City. We've gained less than 200K people in a decade.

    A mega-employer could move here and cause that figure to be realistic next year. Will that happen? Probably not. However, who knows. It could. We need to be prepared. Not scramble to catch up. That is what people like yourself cause with your wait attitude.
    We need a mega employer to move here just to make up for the losses we've faced from Williams Companies, GM, Lucent, Kerr McGee, etc.

    How would you control this spending? Present a plan. No hedging like you have so far until I convinced you I would not back down.
    Seriously, can you not read? I'd start by consolidating school districts. I believe that's the 3rd or 4th time I've stated that now.

    How has Henry NOT streamlined the budget. Plus, remember. He is required to get legislative approval or voter approval first on most things. No elected official is capable of doing something totally on their own. That is why campaign promises are not wise. Campaign "i'll try's" are wise. If someone tries and does not succeed, they have done what they said they would do. Henry has done just that.
    No, Meacham has done just that.

    The trust is not trying very hard. There are only two or three destinations discussed. San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington DC. We need many more than that. A small airline using Will Rogers as a central hub will solve most of that. Jet Blue for example. (example only) The second terminal should be started at least three years before projected need or as soon as an airline commits to Wil Rogers as a hub. The promised gates should be build now. Not in the future.
    Do you sit on the airport trust? The answer is no. Have you ever been to an airport trust meeting? The answer is no. Since you've answered two know, you have absolutely no idea how hard the airport trust is trying. Do you have any idea how hard it is to pursuade an airline to start a new flight in an unproven market? It appears not. I applaud our airport trust for selling the airlines on trying
    several of the new flights they've attempted to try in our market.

    Okay, let's build the new terminal. It will become a great dog kennel.

    Pessimism and nay-saying are the reason Texas is ahead of us. It is time we flip them the finger and say "we have had enough of your dominance. Oklahoma CIty is now the King."
    Personally, I think flipping anyone the finger is childish and immature. What is this, a game of let's show the other city whose better? Well guess what? My momma is better than you're momma! How ludicrous.

    BTW: To the moderators. I placed this here because I am tired of not getting answers from nay-sayers and liberals who really have no answers. If this is not the right area, feel free to move it. Thanks.
    Stop whining.

  21. #21
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    No. I am tired of people who cry like a baby everytime they have to pay a little tax to get a nice city or state. They want the streets, the traffic lights, the larger police and fire departments, however, they do not want to pay for them. You must pay your share, folks. You live here or you visit here. You buy things. That is what sales tax is. Everyone pays it. Young, old, bum, honest, tourist, everyone.
    I think you need to go back and read posts #3 and #11. I said I don't have a problem with taxes funding the above items. I have a problem with taxes funding private ventures.

    Imagine what the competition thinks when they are planning ahead and Oklahoma City takes the "we don't need that now" attitude. Planning ahead avoids shortfalls when something IS needed. Plus, when a city has something, businesses will look at that and say "hey, that city is forward thinking. I think we need to look at them." That is just what happened with MAPS and MAPS for kids.
    I don't think anyone said we weren't being forward thinkers here. What we said is we have plans on the table for 7 more gates and a new concourse at the airport, once the remaining 3 gates are filled.

    Also. I asked litimate questions and expected answers. I got avaisiveness. It is just like asking a yes or no question and getting either a repeat of the question (example: "do you carry filters" answer "we carry filters" instead of yes, we do.) or a ten paragraph answer. It is frustrating. I have asked liberals and nay-sayers for years to tell me what THEY would do without taxes or the lottery (for example) and NOT ONE answers. They either ignore or give me babble. In otherwords, they have no answer. They have no solution. That is why I pressed so hard. This guy is arguing against things and would not back his argument with what he would do.
    I have answered your questions in two detailed posts now. That means, I've answered your questions a total of two different times, in two different ways, so you could understand it better. Do I need to answer your questions a third time, or are you going to continue to refuse to read and acknowledge my answers?

    Yes. Some things I agree such as the school district plan. However, a lot I do not. Like not building for the future. We will get caught with our pants down and it will cost many times more than if we build it now. Look at St. Petersburg, Florida. They built a domed stadium that sat empty for a decade. They got hosed on a major league expansion team that went to Miami, however, they got their team. Had they not built the dome, that team would have been awarded to someone else. BART. The Bay Area Rapid Transit. Was it needed when it construction started? Not really. However, the people of the bay area had the foresight to plan ahead. Thank God. That area would have been in serious trouble during the 1989 earthquake had iot not been for BART. Oklahoma City. The Ford Center. We built it ahead of need and look at us now. We have the Hornets of the NBA and if we do not keep them, we have proven our ability to be an NBA city, and will probably be the new home of the (future) Oklahoma City Sonics.
    mranderson, there's a huge difference between the things you mentioned and the airport. Airlines are cutting back, reducing hubs, etc. They are not expanding. The other areas you mentioned were more worthy areas to invest in. At the present time, it would actually probably make more sense to invest in commuter rail, than invest in a 60 gate airport. I doubt we'll need 60 gates in the next 60 years.

    I will be a strong advocate for planning ahead, even if it is ten or 20 years ahead because, I for one, do not like getting caught with my pants down and having to scramble to catch up. It looks bad.
    Yes, getting caught with your pants down looks bad mranderson. Trust me, I've read through some of the posts in the singles forum, and I'm happy you've finally come to this realization.

    That is all. I am just frustrated with people who avoid questions after trying to tell me I am wrong about my thoughts... Oh. By the way. Even Mick Cornett was impressed by the research and the forethought into our future. I hear no similar comments about the "we don't need that now" attitude.
    The issue is not people not answering your questions. I've answered your questions twice now. The issue is you not agreeing with the answers given.

    By the way, I also don't see Mick Cornett pushing for a 60+ gate airport. I think he's among the living and knows what's realistic at the moment.

  22. #22
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Then instead of avoiding the question, just say "i don't know. I'll have to think about that one then answer." It is honest. A lot of people, for some reason, think the expression "I don't know" is a sin. Guess what. I would much rather hear "I don't know" than retoric.
    No one here has avoided the question. The questions have been answered twice by me. What's happened is you've chosen not to agree with the answers give, which is completely acceptable.

    On the Mayor. There are more people that think it is an honor to have impressed someone like him than not. At least I am well respected there. There are many people on this forum (not naming names) that are not.
    I asked the mayor this afternoon if he had any clue who Mr. Anderson was. He didn't have the slightest idea.

  23. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    I agree with Conservative on just about everything in this thread. He has been accused (and rightfully so) of negativity in several threads. However, these responses were solid and thoughtful. Mranderson, why have you become so antagonistic of late?

    By the way, the "Oklahoma City is now the King," etc. is indeed childish. I LOVE Oklahoma City and all that's happened, but have you really been to Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio - even Houston (Katrina evacuees aside) lately? If you claim, "Oklahoma City is now King," they would be laughing at you. OKC is on the move, but nowhere near the growth seen in these other (yes, Texas) cities.


  24. #24
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger View Post
    I agree with Conservative on just about everything in this thread. He has been accused (and rightfully so) of negativity in several threads. However, these responses were solid and thoughtful. Mranderson, why have you become so antagonistic of late?

    By the way, the "Oklahoma City is now the King," etc. is indeed childish. I LOVE Oklahoma City and all that's happened, but have you really been to Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio - even Houston lately? If you claim, "Oklahoma City is now King," they would be laughing at you. OKC is on the move, but nowhere near the growth seen in these other (yes, Texas) cities.

    Thank you writerranger. I did indeed try to put some thought into answering his questions, on both posts. I appreciate you backing me up on that.

    And, my apologies for expressing negativity at times. I get passionate on certain issues, I'll admit. I believe we all want a better city here, we just have different opinions on how to reach that point.

  25. Default Re: Nay-sayers please respond

    "I asked the mayor this afternoon if he had any clue who Mr. Anderson was. He didn't have the slightest idea."

    You can believe what you want. I have the email in my archives to prove what he said to me...And no. I will not share it. it is private. There are a lot of "Mr. Anderson's" in the world. Even if you asked ME if I knew who "Mr. Anderson" was, I would tell you no. Because there are thousands of them.

    I suggest you just accept the fact that sometimes well knwon people communicate with lesser known people and leave it at that.

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