OK, so when are we breaking ground and pouring concrete? .... It's time to pull this project through the "fog" of design and get it going. The longer we delay, the longer the economic waters remain stagnant.
Pick the BEST design, and then let's all get behind it, and push.
from the new ODOT 8 year plan .. the following are due for 2014
Bridge and Approaches BNSF bridge at Boulevard 7.9 mil let 5/2014
Grade, Draining, bridge and surface Boulevard from BNSF east to I40 6.1 mil let 5/2014
Grade, Draining, bridge and surface XTWN from western to the west side of walker 15 mil let 5/2014
Grade, Draining, bridge and surface XTOWN from just west of walker to west side of EKG 9 mil let 5/2014
90 % off ALL major projects are not 100% design complete. Most start w/ a 60/40 ; 70/30 ; 80/20... Trust me, there are so many things that can be done ( Demo / Utilities / Cite ) that can be mobilized into action. We dont have to wait until 5/14 to "Let a Contract".
Considering 1) there are huge differences between each of the proposals and 2) it isn't in our control (Feds are reviewing), what you want won't happen. Just because you can type it on a message board (over and over and over) doesn't mean it is likely or feasible or best option or anything.
This project is in the hands of the Federal Government. If ODOT had acted responsibly, it wouldn't be. So its their problem, not ours.
..what you don't understand is " There is always differences between proposals ". That is the nature of Large Invitiatives. There is always (some one reviewing), Like I said before, there many things that can be done to PULL it forward.
I'm not "just typing to see it on a board" , but when you get in that large conference room, they need to put excuses aside, and get this moving. This is the "$1 Billion in Economic Development waiting on a small street". NOW, I ask all of you, why are we not PULLING THIS THING THROUGH ? I don't care who gets the credit, let's just make it happen.
So which option do they start with? Returning to the grid? That's extremely different than the original ODOT proposal. Do they start prepping to build a high-speed, elevated boulevard even though it isn't approved? Doing that would negate the grid option. I would much rather see this done right than fast. That was the problem with the original ODOT proposal. They tried to push through something so "it could just get done." Not everything has to happen "RIGHT THIS INSTANT OR, OMG, WE ARE RUINING EVERYTHING!!!"
Didn't we just tear down that last "elevated" roadway? ...so I don't see why we need to elevate anything. It is my clear understanding that the (elevated roadways restrict commerce) & place additional barriers to development. So why are we even (discussing that option?).
Last edited by BrettM2; 10-10-2013 at 02:13 PM. Reason: Typo
..and that option is still on the table? Then that certainly makes my point. When the (elevated option) is still under consideration ( this is like having an option of buidling a 15 story building next to the airport..???) It may be an option, but this is not the direction we are going to go.
If this is in OKC Metro, and it is slowing down the Economic Develoment Machine that is in place ( called momentum ), then why would we pull our hands off the Responsiblity Button? ...and this should be a lesson for other initiatives too: Ie. ...going through the RailRoad Industry that is historically slow, and one-sided. Le'ts keep ALL the authority in our own hands, so we can control the outcome w/ greater certainty.
This is my impression of OKVision4U for everything that hasn't been done yet:
Veruca Salt - I Want It Now (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) - YouTube
There are over 1800 posts in this thread. Do yourself (and the rest of us) a favor and read them before you starting posting. If you would take the time to educate yourself, you wouldn't be asking these questions.
Guys, you will find that I'm that concerned about your opinion ( and reading your 1800 post ). I am only looking for results. High Value Results w/ accountability.
Most projects all projects run into hurdles tha slow them down a bit. I made my point(s) that we need to push harder, and not let up.
Push harder??? Where were you last year? lol
This project is on auto pilot. There is absolutely nothing we can do except continue to write the Feds and wait for the next public meeting.
Oh... and buy Bob Kemper another drink.
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