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Thread: OKC Mayor Race 2014

  1. #1101

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I was in the first round, clearly I am more important
    I am always a day late, dollar short but I am in. My daddy always taught me to dance with the one that brought you.

  2. Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    So a concrete jungle counts as neighborhood? Hey, sorry about that, it kind of rude to call your neighborhood a concrete jungle as it is rude to say I don't live in a neighborhood. I live in a great neighborhood here in Asheforde Oaks, just as much as Sid lives in a great neighborhood in Deep Deuce. JTF, you're wrong.
    It's probably not a big deal. You should take what Kerry says with a grain of salt. He lives in some 'burb of JAX and drives his car all over the place. It's not like he actually practices what he preaches/shoves down everyone's throat.

  3. #1103

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Whoever runs his twitter (Andrew Speno is Steve is correct) just does nothing but posts links to articles about popular urban and neighborhood topics. Absolutely zero about how Ed plans to implement those ideas or thoughts, or what kind of track record he has in those areas. Pretty empty IMO
    Has anyone seen him at a Thunder game? I'm getting really tired of his (or Andrew Speno's) lame Thunder tweets.

    Does anyone think he would have supported the MAPS for arena improvement? We know he didn't vote, and David Glover was vociferously anti-arena.

  4. #1104

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Has anyone seen him at a Thunder game? I'm getting really tired of his (or Andrew Speno's) lame Thunder tweets.

    Does anyone think he would have supported the MAPS for arena improvement? We know he didn't vote, and David Glover was vociferously anti-arena.
    I don't know who this person is or what he even looks like. But popping off against the Thunder is an uphill battle, so evidently not very bright.

  5. #1105

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    If someone has a twitter account but has others do the tweets most or all the time, it seems as if the account owner is only half into twitter.
    Would it be wrong to consider such a limited participant a twit?

  6. #1106

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    It's probably not a big deal. You should take what Kerry says with a grain of salt. He lives in some 'burb of JAX and drives his car all over the place. It's not like he actually practices what he preaches/shoves down everyone's throat.
    Wow, I just figured he lived in an urban environment. . . go figure right?

  7. #1107

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    if someone has a twitter account but has others do the tweets most or all the time, it seems as if the account owner is only half into twitter.
    Would it be wrong to consider such a limited participant a twit?

  8. #1108

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    I don't know who this person is or what he even looks like. But popping off against the Thunder is an uphill battle, so evidently not very bright.
    Oh, he's not popping off against the Thunder. He's just tweeting things an 8 year old Thunder fan might and using Thunder-related hash tags. I figure its part of his plan to appeal to young voters. But 8 year olds don't vote. And I'm wondering if he cared about the team until it seemed politically expedient to do so. Whereas Mayor Cornett, who is absolutely one of the reasons we have a team, tweets like the regular game attendee and fan that he clearly is.

  9. #1109

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    It's tough to fake sincerity. Doesn't deter too many from giving it a go.

  10. #1110

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Wow, I just figured he lived in an urban environment. . . go figure right?
    Not all of us are doing what we want, but that doesn't stop us from telling others about the value we see in our dreams. Sometimes we are constrained by our history from achieving our future. JTF still makes many valid points. We shouldn't necessarily get in line with him and sing kumbayah, but appreciate his song for what it's worth.

  11. Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Not all of us are doing what we want, but that doesn't stop us from telling others about the value we see in our dreams. Sometimes we are constrained by our history from achieving our future. JTF still makes many valid points. We shouldn't necessarily get in line with him and sing kumbayah, but appreciate his song for what it's worth.
    Many people appreciate his views, including myself. It just gets very annoying hearing the same thing. We get it, Suburbs and cars are bad. I'm just pointing out that his opinion my have a little more weight if he actually practiced what he preaches.

  12. #1112

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Not all of us are doing what we want, but that doesn't stop us from telling others about the value we see in our dreams. Sometimes we are constrained by our history from achieving our future. JTF still makes many valid points. We shouldn't necessarily get in line with him and sing kumbayah, but appreciate his song for what it's worth.
    If you're not doing what you want, that is your problem, not mine. Life is too short to sit there and claim how bad the suburbs are and be so finicky about things, and not even follow what you preach. I was almost certain JTF lived in an urban environment and seriously??????

    whenever a stoplight is built. . .lets complain that round-a-bouts are gods gift to earth and we should be using them. . . whenever a highway is approved lets use induced demand and complain it's stupid to build that highway and we could be saving money if everyone lived right next to each other in urban housing. . . cars don't represent freedom. . . mass transit needs more money. i mean it never freakin ends man, and I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anything that I posted. but it is so ironic that this guy always complains about how bad things are when they aren't right up against the strew(even complained about the Devon Tower), and you live in the suburbs. . . its like an Atheist living in the Vatican City working for the Pope.

    I'm not perfect and I am a hypocrite at times, but JTF takes it to a new level... and saying that the area in which I live(Asheforde Oaks) is not a neighborhood and somehow Deep Deuce is, yeah. . . I'm going to call him out on it.

    Now, that being said, I think JTF is probably a very nice guy and he even offered to show me some small town in Florida awhile back, and I would gladly take him up on it. I don't appreciate or disregard what he says, but I probably only agree with maybe 1% of anything he has posted. I have no beef with the guy and I think his heart is in the right place and he means good... I just couldn't disagree with him more on many subjects. But thats fine, no one here has to agree nor disagree with anyone else here, that is why we have brains to think for ourselves and believe in what we think is right, and I respect that.

  13. #1113

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Well, JTF is married...so it's really not up to him

  14. #1114

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Even krisb has seemed to disappear....? after Ed's rookie power play on the street car vote.

    He's proven he would not be a good mayor so far, and I'm really concerned that he's created so much friction that he's no longer effective on the council.
    Like Steve, I am distancing myself from this forum a bit. I am more supportive and involved in Ed's campaign than I have ever been.

  15. #1115

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    Like Steve, I am distancing myself from this forum a bit. I am more supportive and involved in Ed's campaign than I have ever been.
    As much as I disagree with Ed Shadid, krisb, I appreciate your commitment to your candidate.

  16. #1116

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Man, trying so hard to remain polite here. I've written and erased about three different responses as "too rude" so far.

  17. #1117

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I will say this, Ed is working the hell outta Twitter (or Andrew Speno). I follow him under the premise of "know your enemy" but it's an active account, and many people are easily duped.

  18. #1118

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    He's using Twitter to share ideas and best practices and to promote his platform and campaign. What else would you expect?

  19. #1119

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    He's using Twitter to share ideas and best practices and to promote his platform and campaign. What else would you expect?
    What "best practices" does he recommend? Blowing up MAPS votes?

  20. #1120

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Mick is going to win this race because the chamber of commerce and Ackerman McQueen are on his side. I have yet to see a mayoral candidate lose in this town when they had the chamber on their side. Ackerman McQueen has just about every major employer on their client list so I am sure those employers will be reminding their people to get out and vote for Mick.

    I do know Ed did earn the police union vote. I was talking to an officer last week and he charmed the pants off the police union. Doing and saying what he promised the police union are two separate things. After all you have to have money to give the police department most of things they are wanting and that will likely require the promise and the passing a permeant city wide sales tax for public safety. I don't why OKC doesn't just hold election to round it to an even 10% on sales tax. They could expand the police and fire departments to match the manpower and response time of the competing suburban cities and implement ambulance service as a city service instead of a contract agreement with EMSA. I think MWC is going to be the first city successfully implement a city run ambulance service through the fire department. Rumor has it that CHS does not want to run ambulance service if and when they take over Midwest Regional.

  21. #1121

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    He's using Twitter to share ideas and best practices and to promote his platform and campaign. What else would you expect?
    Exactly that krisb, I'm actually giving your team "props" for that.

    Although I wouldn't be so bold to call all that he tweets "his" platform. A lot of it is stuff that is just articles or stuff that I don't think Cornett opposes.

  22. #1122

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by MWCGuy View Post
    I do know Ed did earn the police union vote.
    I think he also got an endorsement from the union that supports Fire fighters.

  23. #1123

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    What "best practices" does he recommend? Blowing up MAPS votes?
    Probably taking pictures with the 'pe*is and vag*na shirt' kids.

  24. #1124

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Probably taking pictures with the 'pe*is and vag*na shirt' kids.
    Great idea there, Ed. Did he tweet that pic?

  25. #1125

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Great idea there, Ed. Did he tweet that pic?
    Post # 1129 said they did then were deleted.

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