Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... that Stay Bridge Suites design looks familiar!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... that Stay Bridge Suites design looks familiar!
Is that round trip or one way?
Wow, it takes over an hour to go five miles??
You could literally almost walk it that fast.
how much of that time is spent at the dams waiting (i'm assuming there is some sort of locks process along the way)
There are two locks that the boats have to proceed through and they take at least 10 minutes for each process. I know because one day I was riding my bike along the river trail and there was a cruiser heading westbound. It slowed getting closer to the lock and I raced by (this was at the lock that's located between Penn & May). I continued riding toward the end of the north shore trail at Portland. When I got back, the boat was just gaining back up to its cruising speed--which is not fast at all.
The boats are not transit. They are fairly expensive too? We need a bus that starts downtown, takes I-40 to meridian. Has regular service along Meridian (normal stop schedule), and then south of the hotel area, resume express limited stop service to the airport. Could even terminate at the future rental car facility, since it will run a shuttle every few minutes to the terminal.
Coming back do the exact same. Express service from the airport to the meridian hotel district, then do regular stop service up to I-40, and express to the streetcar/transit hub.
From this we would have great feed downtown, and also make airport service viable since they plan on cutting airport service.
The meridian hotels would be a 15 minute ride downtown. That's essentially an extra thousand rooms with quick and easy access to downtown.
probably right...last I read on it, the Arena has almost always turned an operating profit (not requiring any subsidies from the City like the Cox that runs an operational deficit), But to Pete's question, it would be interesting to see how close the City is to "breaking even" to the amount spent (on those projects that generate revenue, directly or indirectly). I am pretty sure that Pete isn't talking about the overall private investment spurred by MAPS vs. public investment (which is several-fold), but rather individual other words how many of them are self-sustaining (of those that were designed to be).
Good points catch22. Houston opened up an IAH Express bus service downtown, but it was eventually eliminated due to low ridership. Originally a $15 fare, even after reducing the fare to $4.50 they canned it.
Check out the ferry cruise schedule here: Ferry Schedule - Oklahoma River Cruises
Adult Passenger Fare
$6 per stop
$15 maximum
Special Patrons & Kids
$3 per stop
$7.50 maximum
Special Patron - ages 60+, persons with disabilities, medicare cardholders and kids ages 6-12.
Children under age 6 are free. All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
FWIW: Pretty sure I read in the last week that the City is/considering dropping the bus that goes to the airport and a couple of other routes??
Looks like they are getting ready to go forward with the convention center / hotel to be placed as shown on the graphic below (between the new Hampton Inn and Meridian Landing).
Application before the Board of Adjustment for a setback variance for this project:
They closed off that portion of the river trails off to pedestrians cause they were doing something over there, I figure drainage for this new convention center.
Here are the renderings for the newest hotel, a Hilton Home2
Is this the one that will be connected to the new convention space on the map above?
That doesn't look 9-stories. And I am guessing Hilton Home is not a full-service Hilton...more like Marriott Courtyard or Sheraton Four Points?
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