One of Ed's biggest failings is that he has almost total disregard for and disinterest in understanding the facts and complexities of the extensive public scoping efforts, technical reviews and decision-making processes that occurred prior to his election. It's NOT that the route selection process took place in a vacuum. It's that his reality of the facts with regard to the route selection process IS a vacuum as to anything that happened prior to his being elected.
That attitude was on full display yesterday at the City Council meeting during the streetcar debate where he once again raised his ridiculous conspiracy theory about the streetcar route. His completely inaccurate view of the nature and history of the route, and his misunderstanding of how thinking about the route went from a hub and spoke concept prior to the MAPS 3 vote to a couplet design is due to the fact that his perception of reality begins when he joined Council and became a part of the discussion.
It's NOT that many of us didn't make an enormous effort to try to educate him about the streetcar and help him to understand the history that existed before he was elected. It's that he didn't care to listen and decided that his distorted view of reality was the only valid one.
Here's the link to the Let's Talk Transit summary report on the extensive public scoping effort that began the streetcar route selection process in March of 2010:
Let's Talk Transit Summary Report
- "Let's Talk Transit (LTT) scoping process generated more public participation and community support than any previous COTPA-led initiative"
- More than 300 people participated in public meetings
- More than 1100 people completed online surveys
- Dozens of potential routes were offered and reviewed
- 6 concpetual alignments and 14 basic north/south and east west corridors were selected to move forward for detailed analysis under the "Greater Downtown Oklahoma City Circulator Alternatives Analysis" (AA)
Here's a link to the AA Steering Committee and Public meeting reports that took place in 2010 and 2011:
AA Meeting Reports
- AA undertaken over a one-year period to determine transit mode and routing that best serves future downtown needs, including a Modern Streetcar system
- AA directed by 23-member steering committee made up of elected City officials, City staff, and numerous citizens representing transit and other civic organizations, neighborhood alliances, local businesses, and local education and health organizations
- Extensive analysis of streetcar routing options brought forward as a result of the LTT process
- AA process resulted in recommendation of Modern Streetcar as best mode for future downtown transit
- AA resulted in recommendation and approval of a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for streetcar routing
- LPA was provided to MAPS 3 Transit Subcommittee for further review and consideration.
Quite clearly one of the most open, transparent and extensive public scoping, project review and decision-making processes ever to take place in Oklahoma City. But Ed Shadid wasn't involved in any of those processes, which all took place before he appeared in 2011.
If Ed had ever taken the time to review all of this material, maybe he would have understood that it was the citizenry participating in this unprecedented public scoping process that wanted the streetcar to serve Bricktown, Midtown, Arts District, Ford Center, Oklahoma National Memorial and CBD. And it was the citizenry that first proposed couplets to connect those destinations. It wasn't Jeff Bezdek. It wasn't Rick Gustafson. It wasn't because of some secret couplet conspiracy. No, it was the citizenry who led the way...first on voting to approve the MAPS 3 initiative based on their support for building the streetcar and then by their participation in what was and continues to be an outstading public process.
And now, less than 24 hours after having said and done everything imaginable to try to undermine and destroy the process and the project, Ed wants to work together to make the streetcar the best it can be. I'm sorry, but we don't need his kind of help. The citizenry is doing just fine without him.