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That's exactly what I was thinking. How would they know? They're only open at night around New Year's. I suspect that they may be looking at current rates of attendance and extrapolating that to estimate how much they would bring in at night. But as I mentioned before, most people are working during the day when the gardens are open. Additionally, the conservatory is a sauna for the most part of while the sun is up, so even if people are off, they might be hesitant to visit. And lastly, and this could just be me, people (or just I) don't just go out to the bridge to walk around and then go home. They're typically touring the conservatory in addition to other activities they might have planned for the day/night out. And as is conventional wisdom, most people are out and about for entertainment during the evening, especially on weekends. Naturally, if this is true, attendance may be lower in the daytime hours, so their estimates could be wrong on account of skewed data. But I want to give them the benefit of doubt. I can only speculate, so that's why I'm turning to those who may be more familiar with the situation.
It's just that the current hours suck. If I happen to catch a matinee on Saturday, I'll bring my date to the conservatory as an extra thing to do. Since I have a membership, it works well, and my dates absolutely love the scenery. But I have to scratch off that option for evening dates. Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts.