File this under "and now for something completely different..."

The US Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau held a contest earlier this year called 'My American Dream'. Contestants had to pick a site in the US that they wanted to visit and explain why.

Rules here:
My American Dream | Consulate General of the United States Hong Kong & Macau

The winner (or at least one them, as it appears there were two Grand Prize winners) was Alex Chan Man Ho, who chose to visit OKC to visit his idol Kevin Durant.
He gets to stay 5 nights at the Renaissance Hotel and tickets to a Thunder game.

The hotel has a blog entry about it here:
Congratulations to Alex Chan, Winner in the 2013 My American Dream Contest! - RenaissanceOKC

Mr. Chan’s dream is to visit the hometown of his idol; basketball star Kevin Durant.

In his essay Alex Chan recalled the time in 2009 when he had the opportunity to interact with Kevin Durant in Hong Kong saying,
“He taught us the shooting skills and told us ‘play hard and stay focused’.
It was my first time to meet an NBA player with an interaction.”

Here's an article about it:

Downtown Oklahoma City Hotel Hosts Winners of My American Dream Contest - BWWTravelWorld