Man, that article has some pretty glaring inaccuracies.
Man, that article has some pretty glaring inaccuracies.
No joke. Wow.
I heard there is some major security issues at the venue, in terms of fan crowd violence. Which I guess is part of some of the concerts that play there. Hopefully nobody gets seriously injured moving forward.
Agree with wichita; felt secure and safe just wish there were more bathrooms. Zoo 1, Airpark 0 in my first time there.
Glad to see they're finally doing something with this place. However, I wish it was something different.
Over Labor Day weekend, the family and I went to Dallas/Ft. Worth area to see some friends. While in Ft. Worth, we went to the Coyote Drive-In. Very cool place. It's located close to downtown Ft. Worth; probably closer proximity than the Airpark is to our downtown. Check out the website: Home | Coyote Drive-In
As you'll be able to see in the scrolling photos, beautiful downtown Ft. Worth is in the background. They open around 6:00 PM, and people can eat and drink, and kids can play in a small palyground area, before their movie starts. They have a pavillion area that serves food, beer, and even a wine bar. On the night we went, there were also 2 food trucks there. One serving Mexican food, the other serving BBQ. Also, on the night we were there, they had 2 birthday parties going on in front of a duo playing live music.
The whole time we were there I was thinking I wish we had something like this in OKC. I even thought the Airpark would be a perfect location for this type of venue here.
Of course, I come back to OKCTalk and see it's being used for something else. If security does become an issue at the concerts, maybe this concept will become a viable alternative.
I apologize if this has already been discussed. Back to lurking.
Big news for Downtown Airpark. IQC Director Resigns; Search Begins For Replacement
Wowee.Blair Humphreys, executive director of the University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities, has announced his resignation from his OU position so that he can transition to Humphreys Company, overseeing the planning and development of the Downtown Airpark for the Oklahoma City-based development company
Guess this project is moving forward!
ooo…I hope that doesn't negatively impact the Western Avenue street scape.
But other than that, this is fantastic news!
Is it really back on track? Just like the renderings above? (actually those renderings are pretty old now)
I take full credit for Shane's awesomeness. One of the best boat drivers I've ever had...
You know - this type of venue does exist - The Winchester Drive In on south Western. It's a little out of the downtown area, but it is a great place to hang out and watch movies during the summer. It was unfortunately closed this summer due to the spring tornadoes doing some damage (anyone have an update?) but it is a really nice place to hang out with your family.
Been told by the best possible source that Blair Humphreys and company are in the process of buying the 36.5 acres directly east of this property, owned by Chesapeake.
They are still working on the big picture plan but obviously they are up to something big.
You mean across Western? Great news if so, or really, no matter where they buy. Years ago there was a driving range on that site.
Yes. CHK land shown in yellow:
huh... some of those property lines in the nw corner of the map don't reflect the current path of the river. interesting. -M
Better image:
I would love to see the development originally proposed on the DT Airpark site and the outdoor music venue at the area across the street. It would bring several great things to the river.
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