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Thread: Big casino on Co-op site?

  1. #76

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Either way, something really freakin cool could go to this, I just hope they don't screw it up. I heard from a taxi boat driver in the canal that told me an indoor surfing facility was going to be put here, think he had no clue what he was talking about, but that would be neat.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Either way, something really freakin cool could go to this, I just hope they don't screw it up. I heard from a taxi boat driver in the canal that told me an indoor surfing facility was going to be put here, think he had no clue what he was talking about, but that would be neat.
    That indoor surfing facility has been confirmed and is part of the complex with the ropes course, zip line, etc.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    That indoor surfing facility has been confirmed and is part of the complex with the ropes course, zip line, etc.
    No way, someone had told me that was just speculation and likely not going to happen. That is awesome though!!!!! Are there any timelines?

  4. #79

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Well, this is one of those instances where I was attempting to piece together different pieces of information and believe I was off base.

    I was tipped off that something may be brewing at the co-op site because people in the know have seen some site plans of possible development site plans. I had also heard the Chickasaws may be involved.

    But now I've heard from the Chickasaws who assure they are not considering a casino for this site. In fact, it doesn't look like they are involved here at all.

    I try to be careful about this sort of thing but sometimes you have to put something out there to beat the bushes a bit. Most times it leads to more information that often substantiates but in the case, it seems I was misinterpreting various things I had heard.
    Pete, would you mind telling us how long ago you started hearing some of these pieces that played a part in your guesses: I think it would be fascinating to have an idea of the pace of larger scale developments.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    Pete, would you mind telling us how long ago you started hearing some of these pieces that played a part in your guesses: I think it would be fascinating to have an idea of the pace of larger scale developments.
    Heard these things very recently -- as in this week.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    From the chat today:

    Gary T - 10:06 a.m. What are your thoughts on the rumors that the Chickasaws want to build on the Co-op site?

    Steve Lackmeyer - 10:07 a.m. The rumors are false and the Chickasaws are much more focused on developing Remington Park.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?


    I'm the one that provided that info.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    From the chat today:

    Gary T - 10:06 a.m. What are your thoughts on the rumors that the Chickasaws want to build on the Co-op site?

    Steve Lackmeyer - 10:07 a.m. The rumors are false and the Chickasaws are much more focused on developing Remington Park.
    Hmmm.. So is Remington Park expanding?

  9. #84

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Hmmm.. So is Remington Park expanding?

    And don't forget they own undeveloped land north and east of the track.

    The Chickasaws have turned that place around since buying it out of bankruptcy.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    How much more can Remington Park expand? Aren't they limited by law as too how many machines, hours of operation etc by virtue of it being a Racino instead of a tribal casino proper??? Unless y'all are talking about non-casino expansion...

  11. #86

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    How much more can Remington Park expand? Aren't they limited by law as too how many machines, hours of operation etc by virtue of it being a Racino instead of a tribal casino proper??? Unless y'all are talking about non-casino expansion...
    It's all negotiable.

    Remember that adding machines in the first place was a big concession.

    I suppose they will expand as much as they are allowed by the powers that be. And at the same time, the Chickasaws have done a wonderful job of taking Remington from bankruptcy to success and the entire city has benefited.

    They have probably earned more flexibility when it comes to their plans.

  12. Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    As far as facilities, Ameristar in Blackhawk, CO is pretty well done. Didn't pay that much attention to the crowd, but it definitely attracted a more upscale crowd than a lot of places, but that was due in part to the fact that there are a bunch of other more downmarket places grouped around it in Blackhawk and Central City, many within walking distance. Ameristar was definitely more resort-y. Of course, it helps to be nestled in a mountain canyon within short driving distance of a major metro.

    I'm embarrassed to say that I think if anyone was critiquing the crowd the nights we were there, they would have started with the two drunk Okies in Thunder gear...

  13. Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    But I agree that a casino in that are is a stretch, for many reasons. I would rather see table games introduced at R-P and see the B.S. ante system taken away from blackjack tables statewide. I think we will always be a gaming destination with an asterisk as long as play remains as limited/weird as it is here. I also think the type of gaming we offer doesn't help the overall quality of the customer much. Basically, we get a bunch of smoky desperate slots players in our casinos. I understand the poker is decent in a few places, but that's not my thing. Craps/roulette and non-highway-robbery blackjack would probably improve the customer mix greatly.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    It's all negotiable.

    Remember that adding machines in the first place was a big concession.

    I suppose they will expand as much as they are allowed by the powers that be. And at the same time, the Chickasaws have done a wonderful job of taking Remington from bankruptcy to success and the entire city has benefited.

    They have probably earned more flexibility when it comes to their plans.
    No doubt. I agree that the casino aspect of Remington Park is much improved since the Chickasaws took it over. But weren't there definite restrictions in the law that allowed the two types (Racinos & Tribal Casinos)? As I recall there were restrictions on the number of machines, hours of operation etc that didn't apply to the Tribal ones. This was a sticking point that was part of the opposition by Remington Park when that tribe proposed opening a Casino in their backyard. Remington claimed they weren't against competition but the playing field had to be level, and the way the law was written, it gave any Tribal Casino a definite advantage.

    I am having trouble finding what the exact Racino restrictions, but I did find this (so the question is, did they change the law to allow more machines at Racinos?) Also, it mentions the regulatory agency for each. Given the unique Remington Park situation, who regulates the gaming...the State Horse Racing Commission or a tribal agency (see Green bolded text below)

    Oklahoma State Senate Legislative Brief - Issues Referred to Oklahoma Voters
    Issue: State-Tribal Gaming Act

    State Question 712
Legislative Referendum 335
Originating Legislation: SB 1252 (2004)
Principal Authors: President Pro Tempore Cal Hobson, Speaker Larry Adair
Election Date: November 2, 2004 (subject to proclamation by the Governor)

    Ballot Title (as contained in Enrolled Senate Bill 1252, pending review by the Attorney General)
This measure enacts the State-Tribal Gaming Act. The Act contains a Model Tribal Gaming Compact. Indian tribes that agree to the Compact can use new types of gaming machines. These machines are used for gambling. Compacting tribes could also offer some card games.
    If at least four Indian tribes enter into the Compact, three State licensed racetracks could use the same electronic gaming machines.
    The Act limits the number of gaming machines racetracks can use. The Act does not limit the number of machines that Indian tribes can use.
    The State Horse Racing Commission would regulate machine gaming at racetracks. A tribal agency would regulate authorized gaming by a tribe. The Office of State Finance would monitor authorized tribal gambling.
    Proceeds from authorized gaming at racetracks go to:
    1. the racetrack,
    2. the owners of winning horses,
    3. horsemen's organizations,
    4. breed organizations, and
    5. the State to be used for educational purposes.
    Some of the proceeds from authorized gaming by Indian tribes goes to the State. The State would use these proceeds for educational purposes and compulsive gambling programs.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Basically, we get a bunch of smoky desperate slots players in our casinos. I understand the poker is decent in a few places, but that's not my thing. Craps/roulette and non-highway-robbery blackjack would probably improve the customer mix greatly.
    Hammer meet head

    Well said. Open up the casinos to true table gaming and legit blackjack, and the clientele changes.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?


    FYI-the restrictions made on Remington Park are listed under Title 3A, Section 262 of the Oklahoma legislative code. It limits the number machines to 750 (650 initially and 50 additional ones every 3 years up to a maximum of 750) and the number of hours of operation to 106 per week. Any changes to the restrictions would have to go through the legislative process. Also Remington Park is regulated by the Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission.

  17. #92
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    Default Re: Big casino on Co-op site?

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Hammer meet head

    Well said. Open up the casinos to true table gaming and legit blackjack, and the clientele changes.
    If you're going to permit gambling; then why not go all out... On the clientele thought; has our gaming placed us on a level where we don't attract the big time gamblers and all of the baggage that goes with the mob?

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