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Thread: Prostitution In OKC

  1. #526

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    I am probably the only one here who thinks paying for sex as a crime is ridiculous and stupid, it is just sex, there is alot of worst crimes out there than paying for sex
    I understand what you're saying, but you fail, IMO, to see that the entire industry is set up around a single "production facility", if you will, that is often woefully undercompensated and horrifically abused. The industry around prostitution is the criminal part, IMO. It's not unlike selling body parts. If you were to remove the repulsive factor, it's just a specialized business transaction, but it's universally outlawed because of the all-too-imaginable tendency for it to become corrupt and ill-intentioned.

  2. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    I am probably the only one here who thinks paying for sex as a crime is ridiculous and stupid, it is just sex, there is alot of worst crimes out there than paying for sex
    I too have no problem with the concept of 'selling sex in the form of prostitution' as long as you're willing to remove every other facet of the reality of prostitution. You seem to be amongst those who prefer to see prostitution as either black or white and ignore the reality.

    I fully recognize there is both prostitution by force and prostitution by choice. As long as the prostitution by choice isn't underage, public or organized (as in a 3rd party directly benefiting by the prostitution of another - as in a pimp) then I have always been said it is of no concern of mine.

  3. #528

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I too have no problem with the concept of 'selling sex in the form of prostitution' as long as you're willing to remove every other facet of the reality of prostitution. You seem to be amongst those who prefer to see prostitution as either black or white and ignore the reality.

    I fully recognize there is both prostitution by force and prostitution by choice. As long as the prostitution by choice isn't underage, public or organized (as in a 3rd party directly benefiting by the prostitution of another - as in a pimp) then I have always been said it is of no concern of mine.
    Have you posted pictures or videos on your site of people engaged with a prostitute who was by choice?

  4. #529

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    Have you posted pictures or videos on your site of people engaged with a prostitute who was by choice?
    There's prostitution . . . and then there's "prostitution"

    I think that's a Surgeon General's warning tattooed on her forearm in the picture on left.

  5. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    Have you posted pictures or videos on your site of people engaged with a prostitute who was by choice?
    My activism targets prostitution that is either public, forced or organized. If one or more of those elements existed, then it is/was/will be fair game for my website.

    As for if any of the women were engaging in prostitution 'by choice' - that is far too ambiguous of a question for me to answer it - though I have no idea what angle your question was going for.

  6. #531

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I too have no problem with the concept of 'selling sex in the form of prostitution' as long as you're willing to remove every other facet of the reality of prostitution. You seem to be amongst those who prefer to see prostitution as either black or white and ignore the reality.

    I fully recognize there is both prostitution by force and prostitution by choice. As long as the prostitution by choice isn't underage, public or organized (as in a 3rd party directly benefiting by the prostitution of another - as in a pimp) then I have always been said it is of no concern of mine.
    That is why you regulate it.

  7. #532

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    I am probably the only one here who thinks paying for sex as a crime is ridiculous and stupid, it is just sex, there is alot of worst crimes out there than paying for sex
    I agree with you. I think if it regulated it would be just fine. The only problem I have is the sex trade and forcing young girls to be prostitutes. Pimps working on the street and so on, that needs to stop.

  8. #533

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    What alot of people forget is the dark side of prostitution. Its not girls who are looking to make a few bucks. Its children and young women (generational) who are forced and threatened into these situations and trafficked all around the country. If they try to escape or run away they are hurt and/or their family members. There have been several high profile cases in OKC where a 4 year old boy was taken from their meth head mother, raped for days, beaten, hung from the ceiling with a dog collar, had lye and bleach burns all over their bodies and in their mouth and are now completely blind. After his meth head mother came too, she realized he was hurt 'real bad' this time and finally took him to the hospital.

    I could go on and on abut other cases, but just follow news 9 website for a week or two and you will find another one pop up. Just think how many millions across the country that are going on at this moment that we never hear about until its too late.

    So the idea (that i even had) where its just a couple of college girls who want to make some easy cash is completely false.

    I'm on the border about a well regulated and small brothel of sorts, and dramatically increasing the jail time and punishments for people who are caught outside of the system and even sterilization when children are involved. Sounds harsh but the more i've learned about human trafficking im amazed at how we turn a blind eye to torture and modern day slavery.

  9. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Problem is, legalization and regulation has not shown to have an impact on human trafficking. Actually, quite the opposite has happened. Countries with legalized prostitution actually have the highest rates of human trafficking. People point to Amsterdam, France and the Netherlands and then completely ignore the reality or are never exposed to it.

    If countries (including our own) want to legalize prostitution - fine - but don't do it because you've convinced yourself it will positively and measurably impact illegal prostitution and sex trafficking - because it doesn't.

    Prostitution, like virtually every other crime has existed from the dawn of humanity and will continue to exist - that doesn't mean we abandon the fight.

    Oklahoma County hasn't even begun the initial steps to take a real stance against human trafficking and I place a large percentage of the blame with our DA's office. Literally pimps are being given $50 fines, the fines for a John average less than $80 and the most recent guilty plea by a man charge in Oklahoma County with HUMAN TRAFFICKING (not pandering, not aiding and abetting, but human trafficking), pleaded guilty to prostituting a pregnant 15-year old in Edmond and was only given a years worth of R.I.D.

    Cleveland County is no better - Another man replies to a Craigslist ad advertising a 7-year old autistic boy for sex - actually rapes the boy while the father watches and pleasures himself and the man is only sentenced to only 2-years in prison.

    We passed legislation that is supposed to help human trafficking victims clear up their records - but so far its a joke. I'm working closely with a young woman right now that was a part of Oklahoma's most well-known human trafficking ring - the Coulter/Diaz ring. She has 5 separate cases (3 felony and 2 misdemeanor) for prostitution. She's being told she can't have the felonies expunged until 10-years after her deferments end. She wasn't even convicted of a crime because she was seen as a victim, yet she has the Scarlet Letter of a prostitute around her neck for the next 10+ years. She has no other record and is in college seeking a health related degree and will never be able to work in her field of study until those cases are expunged. Fortunately I've rallied some important allies that are going to do everything we can to expedite her expungements as a victim of human trafficking.

  10. #535

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post

    Cleveland County is no better - Another man replies to a Craigslist ad advertising a 7-year old autistic boy for sex - actually rapes the boy while the father watches and pleasures himself and the man is only sentenced to only 2-years in prison.
    That is just too morally sick to comprehend, if that is possible, and then the lack of punitive justice. So what happened to the boy's father? Anything?

  11. #536

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Probably nothing . . . yet.
    "Instant" Karma may not get him, but sometimes the wheels of ["Karma"] grind slowly.
    And never, ever, stop.

    Frankly, I don't know how he can live with himself.
    Was his address made public? . . . In order to increase--or perhaps decrease--his sleepness nights?
    (nah . . . that would be too cruel and unusual)

    And here I thought that Ariel Castro had demonstrated the nadir of depravity . . .

  12. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    That is just too morally sick to comprehend, if that is possible, and then the lack of punitive justice. So what happened to the boy's father? Anything?
    The 'dad' (I use the term loosely) was given 7 years in prison. Its an 85% crime so he'll be out in 6. The victim - he obviously received a life sentence.

  13. #538

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    The rapist should have gotten much more than 2 years. OK State Rep. Cory Wells, in his announcement to see reelection, sounds like he's aware of what's been going on and wants to reform the state justice system saying, "For so long, we have wanted to be tough on crime and have arbitrarily assigned draconian punishments to relatively low-impact crimes while some violent crimes have rather innocuous punishments." I hope he's reelected and has plenty of fellow supporters at the State Capitol to get something significant passed. More at: Williams announces candidacy for re-election » Local News » Stillwater NewsPress

  14. #539

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    My activism targets prostitution that is either public, forced or organized. If one or more of those elements existed, then it is/was/will be fair game for my website.

    As for if any of the women were engaging in prostitution 'by choice' - that is far too ambiguous of a question for me to answer it - though I have no idea what angle your question was going for.
    I wasn't going for any angle. You said prostitute by choice was "of no concern of mine." I was just curious if it was no concern did you still put up pictures or videos of them on your site. Judging by your post the answer is yes. I understand it's probably difficult to tell if the prostitute has a pimp or not and not even sure if you ask them.

  15. #540

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    The 'dad' (I use the term loosely) was given 7 years in prison. Its an 85% crime so he'll be out in 6. The victim - he obviously received a life sentence.
    That's sad and I hope the other cons find out what he's in for.

  16. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I wasn't going for any angle. You said prostitute by choice was "of no concern of mine." I was just curious if it was no concern did you still put up pictures or videos of them on your site. Judging by your post the answer is yes. I understand it's probably difficult to tell if the prostitute has a pimp or not and not even sure if you ask them.
    It makes no difference to me if the prostitution was 'by choice' if its advertised, solicited, procured and/or engaged in public.

    As for 'asking' the women who are engaged in prostitution if its by choice - it can be fairly pointless. It is very rare to talk to a prostitute on the streets and she claim to be being forced to prostitute. Their initial reaction is to almost always claim to be in charge of their decisions. It isn't until a rapport is established that the truth begins to emerge.

    Take this 18-year old girl for instance - 'Honey' (started prostituting when she was only 14)

    In the interview she claims to be the one in charge and that she doesn't have a pimp, she just has boyfriend and that she actually controls his money.

    Don't know if she believes that or if that's just her line.

    In reality, just 2-3 weeks after this interview, a street outreach team found her on the side of the road bawling because she just found out that her 'non-pimp boyfriend' had made arrangements to sell her to another pimp. Apparently that happened as she has only been seen sporadically since then and is now always being watched by a different 'pimp.'

    Most of the girls are convinced to never reveal that they have a pimp. However, its pretty obvious because they tend to be on their cell phone (free welfare phone usually) literally the entire time they are on Robinson. The pimps even often have them keep an open line while engaged in their sex acts.

  17. #542

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Yeah I imagine it would be hard to get an honest answer.

  18. #543

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    ''OKLAHOMA CITY - An area where police responded to a shooting Tuesday afternoon was just blocks away from where police conducted an undercover operation hours earlier.
    Monday night, Oklahoma City police officers converged on the area around S.W. 43rd and Robinson, and arrested nearly a dozen people involved in prostitution.

    "I love it," said Duane Compton, who's lived there the last 15 years.

    Unfortunately, Compton said, the sting won't have a lasting impact.

    "It slows ‘em down," Compton explained. "[But] give it two or three days, and it's right back."

    Compton and others who live in the area say they are sick of the prostitution and the way that it spills out right in front of them – and their families.

    "I have kids out here all the time," Compton said. "I've got neighbor kids that live right behind me, the come up here and play."

    The ‘Johns' will often finish their business, Compton said, and drop the prostitutes right in front of his home.

    "They let ‘em out right here on the corner, right in front of your driveway," Compton complained – "I have kids out here all the time."

    - OKC Police Arrest Nearly A Dozen People In Prostitution Ring - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

  19. #544

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    ''OKLAHOMA CITY - An area where police responded to a shooting Tuesday afternoon was just blocks away from where police conducted an undercover operation hours earlier.
    Monday night, Oklahoma City police officers converged on the area around S.W. 43rd and Robinson, and arrested nearly a dozen people involved in prostitution.

    "I love it," said Duane Compton, who's lived there the last 15 years.

    Unfortunately, Compton said, the sting won't have a lasting impact.

    "It slows ‘em down," Compton explained. "[But] give it two or three days, and it's right back."

    Compton and others who live in the area say they are sick of the prostitution and the way that it spills out right in front of them – and their families.

    "I have kids out here all the time," Compton said. "I've got neighbor kids that live right behind me, the come up here and play."

    The ‘Johns' will often finish their business, Compton said, and drop the prostitutes right in front of his home.

    "They let ‘em out right here on the corner, right in front of your driveway," Compton complained – "I have kids out here all the time."

    - OKC Police Arrest Nearly A Dozen People In Prostitution Ring - News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
    If they want to do it, they should have move to Nevada where it is legal

  20. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post
    If they want to do it, they should have move to Nevada where it is legal
    Not quite the reality.

    Most of the girls on Robinson are under the control of a pimp. Most pimps would not allow 'their woman/women' to work in a legal brothel in the United States for a variety of reasons - mostly due to a lack of control over them.

    Additionally, most street level prostitutes could not work within a legal US brothel even if they wanted to because of their felony convictions, drug use and sexually transmitted diseases.

  21. #546

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Not quite the reality.

    Most of the girls on Robinson are under the control of a pimp. Most pimps would not allow 'their woman/women' to work in a legal brothel in the United States for a variety of reasons - mostly due to a lack of control over them.

    Additionally, most street level prostitutes could not work within a legal US brothel even if they wanted to because of their felony convictions, drug use and sexually transmitted diseases.

    I do have a question, if a person pay for sex but it is in the hotel room or in their house is that okay because it is not in public?

  22. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeesFan View Post

    I do have a question, if a person pay for sex but it is in the hotel room or in their house is that okay because it is not in public?
    Have no idea what you mean by, "is that okay" - Okay with whom? The law? Me/JohnTV? The moral compass of society? I'm confused.

    1.) No. The law only cares about geography when it wants to escalate the crime to a felony because it is conducted within 1,000' of a church or a school.

    2.) I don't take a proactive stance against prostitution that is 100% consensual, private and unorganized.

    3.) No idea, that compass has been off kilter for a long time and is totally dependent on who you ask and how you ask the question.

  23. #548

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Have no idea what you mean by, "is that okay" - Okay with whom? The law? Me/JohnTV? The moral compass of society? I'm confused.

    1.) No. The law only cares about geography when it wants to escalate the crime to a felony because it is conducted within 1,000' of a church or a school.

    2.) I don't take a proactive stance against prostitution that is 100% consensual, private and unorganized.

    3.) No idea, that compass has been off kilter for a long time and is totally dependent on who you ask and how you ask the question.

    Sorry I did not make it more clear, I meant illegal but thank you for the answers

  24. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    AVRAHAM 'Avi' SHEMUELIAN with Lawyer's Title LLC out of LA was busted last night in a prostitution sting.

    He has been quoted several times (even on OKCTalk) regarding his company buying buildings in the downtown/Midtown area.

    Oklahoma County Sheriff's Inmate Query

  25. #550

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    AVRAHAM 'Avi' SHEMUELIAN with Lawyer's Title LLC out of LA was busted last night in a prostitution sting.

    He has been quoted several times (even on OKCTalk) regarding his company buying buildings in the downtown/Midtown area.

    Oklahoma County Sheriff's Inmate Query
    Well, he obviously was just very interested in contributing to our local economy.

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