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The allegation/rumor/urban legend (whatever disclaimer-type words are appropriate) I've read indicate Weitzenhoffer, a regent, allegedly wanted the Pride to be more stylish and Broadway-themed, and allegedly a quid-pro-quo situation was constructed in the form of a donation of some art from Weitzenhoffer's private collection to the University allegedly in exchange for hiring Stolnarik as an allegedly sock-puppet director.
When news that the band changes were coming back in the summer, some loose information to this effect (but not nearly so detailed) was making the rounds, and seemed too ridiculous to believe. Later, I heard some radio discussion about that where someone tossed this information to someone with some Pride/University ties, and the response was to the effect of "uhmmm, well, that actually isn't too far off..."
The OU Daily story is the only concrete journalistic piece that even begins to hint at something truly inappropriate (and that may be too strong a word) about the hire, with Stolnarik not meeting the qualification criteria for the director's job, yet getting it instead of two other candidates who did meet the requirements. Obviously, politically motivated hires are nothing new, but if the allegations about some sort of quid-pro-quo prove true, that could turn into a much bigger problem for those involved than changing the pregame routine. I think there are at least some laws about requirements and state hiring practices that have to be followed, and what seems to be might be next are some FOIA requests from the Daily or other journalistic entity.
If David Boren is truly deluded enough to think the fans like these changes, his judgment may be in question. That the band has possibly been drawn in to some sort of political or personal (?) power struggle is, if true, disturbing, to say the least.
Methinks the fact that 100+ existing Pride members, in effect, staged a revolt tells me that someone, somewhere knows exactly what's going on. I strongly suspect we've not heard the last of it. At least I hope we haven't.