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Thread: A movie is in the works telling the life story of an Oklahoma prostitute.....

  1. Default A movie is in the works telling the life story of an Oklahoma prostitute.....

    An Australian actress/producer has finalized negotiations to produce a movie about the life of Yvonne Adcock, a woman who was first pimped by her mother at the age of 12 - Yvonne then entered a life of prostitution for over 20 years - mostly on the streets of Oklahoma City.

    Article in IF Magazine.... Aussie plans biopic on survivor of prostitution

    Also on IMbd.... Aussie plans biopic on survivor of prostitution

    Apparently the actress saw Yvonne's interview online and then sought her out.

    Here is a montage of interviews with Yvonne in Oklahoma City.....

  2. #2

    Default Re: A movie is in the works telling the life story of an Oklahoma prostitute.....

    That's a great story how she turned things around. How is her health currently?

  3. Default Re: A movie is in the works telling the life story of an Oklahoma prostitute.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    That's a great story how she turned things around. How is her health currently?
    Seems very good. She looked great when she was here a few months ago and doesn't complain about complain about any issues.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: A movie is in the works telling the life story of an Oklahoma prostitute.....

    I don't know if this belongs here but there is a good documentary on PBS right know about child and sex trafficking world wide. Starting in the USA. Its called " A Path Appears"

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