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As a long time fan, and someone who was at least willing to give an altered pregame show a chance, I can't help but offer how disappointed I was in, well, everything.
Please let me make it clear that my observations are not directed towards the kids in the band, who are only doing what their directors and leadership are telling them to do, but the changes being made by the leadership are just, well, wrong.
First, the decrease in size is a horrendous mistake. For whatever reason, band acoustics in OU's stadium have never been ideal, but the reduction in players (by at least 10% I'd guess) makes the volume issues that much worse. It looks worse on the field.
Second, the changes to the pregame have absolutely killed the crowd warmup dynamic. The goofy new run-on has no rhythm, no cadence, and frankly looks amateurish. The songs were virtually unlistenable.
Third, the PA announcer supporting the band has a script that sounds like it was written for a high school.
The rumors I hear indicate that a regent, who has musical production ties, force-fed the changes down to Boren because he wanted a "more Broadway style" from the band. I don't know if that's true, but I can't fathom that anyone familiar with the history of the Pride would say these changes are to the Pride's benefit, or to the crowd's benefit, nor to the overall atmosphere of the game. I know the Pride's prior director, Brian Britt, came under heavy criticism for his apparent predisposition to exacting musical accuracy from the band rather than crowd entertainment, and when I heard he quit last year, I thought perhaps cooler heads would prevail and the band would return more to its roots as established under Gene Thrailkill. I didn't think it could get worse. But it has. And apparently no small part of these changes have been imported from Wisconsin, via a directory with UTexas roots. I won't even begin to pretend I understand that.
I realize a school band's pre-game show isn't an issue like world peace, so its very unlikely anything will change, and this supposed regent will get (well, has) his toy band to play with. It's just sad to see a great pre-game tradition blown apart merely for the sake of blowing it apart. It doesn't help anyone.