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Thread: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    This is a huge and growing problem. I have seen a few around Norman.
    Plague of wild pigs has U.S. authorities squealing | Reuters

    Aug 24 (Reuters) - A few years ago, Jim Vich would not have dreamed of setting up an elaborate trap to catch wild hogs.
    But that was before Oklahoma was invaded by a plague of pigs that devour crops, uproot pastures, destroy wildlife habitats, spread disease to humans and animals, kill trees and even knock over cemetery stones.
    "I started trapping them more or less in self-defense," said Vich, 60, a livestock farmer in northeast Oklahoma. "They were tearing up my place."

    Oklahoma is battling a wild pig problem that has spread across the United States. The pigs, evolved from introduced wild boars or from escaped domestic stock, are prevalent in 36 states and have been sighted in 47 states, according to authorities who track their populations.

    They are vicious critters that typically grow to 200 pounds, can run 30 miles per hour, jump three feet high and climb out of traps with walls up to six feet high, experts say.

    "They are the ultimate survivors," said John Mayer, manager of the environmental science group at the Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, South Carolina. "They can live pretty much anywhere, eat pretty much anything, they don't have enough predators and they reproduce faster than any other mammal."

    They seldom appear in the daytime making them hard to count, but Mayer estimates there are 5.5 million feral pigs nationwide. There could be up to 8 million, up from a maximum 2 million in 1990, he said.
    State and local authorities are increasingly desperate to stop their advance. Trapping and shooting are the primary means of eliminating wild pigs, but researchers are also trying to develop poisons and birth control to control the population.

    Some states such as Texas have even authorized hunting from helicopters.
    "They are here to stay and its going to take a huge concerted effort to get the numbers under control," said Russell Stevens, a wildlife and fisheries consultant for the Oklahoma-based Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation.

    The federal government is joining the pig purge. The Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is preparing a national feral swine plan. President Barack Obama has proposed $20 million in his proposed 2014 budget for the plan, U.S. Department of Agriculture officials have said.

    Most feral swine give birth starting at 6 to 12 months and have litters of 6 to 12 piglets twice a year, Mayer said.
    Families of pigs have repeatedly used their powerful, plow-like snouts to uproot the hay fields on Nancy Bond's farm in northeast Oklahoma. They eat roots and grubs, destroying fields and making them lumpy and hard to work in, she said.
    Chad Hibbs, caretaker of the Mayes County Deer Ranch near Locust Grove in Oklahoma, pointed to soybean fields shredded by feasting wild hogs and to deer feeders scraped and battered by pigs.

    Hunters exacerbated the problem in many states by catching and releasing pigs so they could pursue them, spreading them to more areas. States such as Oklahoma have made releasing pigs illegal and Kansas in 2006 banned hunting of wild pigs altogether.

    Vich, the pig trapper, showed a large trap on a remote part of his farm that resembles a livestock pen but is rigged with wires along the ground. He baits the trap with corn in hopes the pigs will trip the wire and slam the door behind them.
    A mechanical engineer by training, Vich said he has trapped hogs for five or six years and sometimes nabs 9 to 12 pigs at a time, which he loads into a livestock trailer and takes home to sell to neighbors for meat.
    "They are not happy when they get trapped and they are very vicious," Vich said. "They would hurt you in a heartbeat if they got the chance."

    Pigs are wandering into urban areas, damaging lawns and parks and being hit by cars, said Billy Higginbotham, professor and wildlife and fisheries specialist for the Texas A&M University Extension Service.

    Pigs were introduced into the continental United States in 1539 in what is now Florida and used as a traveling food source by explorers, said Higginbotham. Most wild pigs evolved from domestic pigs that escaped into the wild prior to the 1930s, said the Noble Foundation's Stevens.

    Texas is the most pig-plagued state, with an estimated 2.9 million in 2011, Higginbotham said. They are present in all but one of the state's 254 counties. Florida is second and California third, according to Stevens.
    Dale Nolte, the man at the U.S. Department of Agriculture charged with drawing up a plan to stop the pig pestilence, is blunt about the objective.
    "In states with emerging populations of feral swine, our goal is to eliminate them," Nolte said.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    There are several states having problems with the wild pigs. I'm thinking some massive hog roasts are in order.

  3. Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Sounds like it's time to break out a rifle and fire up a bunch of smokers.

    On a more serious note.... This sounds like it could be a good source of protien that could be used to feed the homeless. That's a whole lot of sausage, ham, and bacon running around out there tearing up property.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Sounds like it's time to break out a rifle and fire up a bunch of smokers.

    On a more serious note.... This sounds like it could be a good source of protien that could be used to feed the homeless. That's a whole lot of sausage, ham, and bacon running around out there tearing up property.
    You have a good idea but I know that its already done in some rural areas in limited ways.
    I have never tried it but some people say it's actually very good meat if they are not to old?

  5. Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Time to call the Campbells.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    You have a good idea but I know that its already done in some rural areas in limited ways.
    I have never tried it but some people say it's actually very good meat if they are not to old?
    If they are too old just cook them longer and add more spices.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Sneaky razorbacks.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    any of you guys ever seen the documentary on discovery about the hog problem? pretty eye opening

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    They can wipe out a corn field pretty fast. Big problem.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    They have become a big problem all over the south and southeast.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Are the Campbells back to speaking to each other? I tried to watch the show, but my brain kept turning the family into Toby Keith and his daughter and Wilford Brimley. The show was weird enough to begin with, but once my mind went that wonkers with it, I just couldn't watch any more of it.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Whew . . . When I read the thread title, for just a second there, I thought that a Miley Cyrus and Her Clones concert tour had been booked.

    What a relief to learn that it's just normal, feral pigs doing the invading.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    I've heard that you shouldn't eat them, because they are typically full of parasites and infections.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Quote Originally Posted by seajohn View Post
    I've heard that you shouldn't eat them, because they are typically full of parasites and infections.
    I was wondering about that.

  15. Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I was wondering about that.
    I would not eat one but people do. I think the young ones might be ok. I have shot a couple of them and they are definately nasty. covered with things like ticks and centapedes.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Quote Originally Posted by seajohn View Post
    I've heard that you shouldn't eat them, because they are typically full of parasites and infections.
    Thats why you cook them. I have had some pulled wild pork and it tasted fine to me. I know people that have killed and cooked several wild hogs. All seem to say its perfectly safe and tasty. And its not exactly like farm raised pigs are so clean themselves.

  17. Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    I had thought I heard on these "Hogger" shows that they donate the pigs to local food banks to cook or sell the meat. Not sure if there is some process they go through...or maybe that's it. They become processed food and turned into hot dogs.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma invaded by a plague of wild pigs

    Quote Originally Posted by seajohn View Post
    I've heard that you shouldn't eat them, because they are typically full of parasites and infections.
    That could be said for pretty much every pig . . .

    Just cook them to at least 145 degrees F and you should be good. I tend to go a bit higher since it used to be 165.

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