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Thread: OKC Mayor Race 2014

  1. #551

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I had a bit of a revelation on my visit to town a couple of weeks ago...

    I am continually struck by the pride people have in the City; how excited they are about what has happened and what is to come. It's universal, even among those in the suburbs.

    In many ways, Boosterism is perhaps OKC's greatest and most unique asset.

    And at the same time it represents a huge obstacle.

    Criticism -- even the constructive variety -- is roundly frowned upon in OKC. Criticism is NOT the same thing as negativity! Often, a critical eye comes from those who want better for the community.

    But there doesn't seem any room for this type of discussion, at least not through the traditional channels.

    That's not a good thing. Yes, we've come a long way but we are still lightyears behind a lot of other communities. Improvements on what we've had and done in the past does not equate to excellence in any comparative sense.

    I love Oklahoma City as much as anyone and yet it hurts me deeply to see the low standards the masses are too often willing to accept. Particularly if those standards are being put forth by someone with good intentions and who is perceived as being "nice".

    Frankly, I don't give a flip how nice someone is when it comes to making key decisions about the community. Being RESPECTFUL is important, but *nice* is just nice and too often that is seen as good enough in OKC.

    This is where OKCTalk can play and has played an important role.

    About 95% of what is posted here is excitement over all the great changes but there is also room and need to challenge the status quo.

    Many of us live, have lived or have traveled extensively elsewhere. We see great examples of how things could be and ask out loud why we don't demand the same for the city we all love.

    Boosterism is great but we have the potential to build not just something better but something GREAT. And that requires that a segment of the activist community put forth constructive and respectful criticism as a service to Oklahoma City without being made some sort of community pariah.

    Simply put, better is not always good enough and we need more, active, intelligent voices advancing this message.

    (BTW, in no means are these comments meant as an endorsement of Ed Shadid or Mayor Cornett.)
    Pete, I'm going to call you out here. You seem to be so cautiously trying to ride the fence on this issue. Almost as if you're trying to be PC here or something. Let your colors out here. Let us know what side you support.

  2. #552

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Ed Shadid could care less about the future of OKC. All he care about is stirring the pot and wreaking havoc. Then once the place has burned down, he'll be off to the next spot.

  3. #553

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I think this speech sums up what you just said Patrick:

    Burma - YouTube

  4. #554

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    David Slane's letter: Atty. David Slane's letter to Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett over MAPS 3

    Once again, I have to ask, why didn't he care 3.5 years ago when we voted on it?

    I'm not a lawyer, but I can tell that, if he sues, the case could come down to what the definition of "single subject" is. To me, Capital Improvements are a single subject.

  5. #555

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    So I'm reading a few of the last few posts and am I gathering that some people think Cornett is too nice and complacent with where OKC is today? I've never got that vibe at all.

  6. #556

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by cafeboeuf View Post
    David Slane's letter: Atty. David Slane's letter to Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett over MAPS 3

    Once again, I have to ask, why didn't he care 3.5 years ago when we voted on it?

    I'm not a lawyer, but I can tell that, if he sues, the case could come down to what the definition of "single subject" is. To me, Capital Improvements are a single subject.
    Why doesn't he stick to defending sex offenders?

  7. #557

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    WOW! Tusla style politics here we come!

    To:Mayor Mick Cornett
    200 N. Walker, 3rd Floor
    Oklahoma City, OK 73102

    Kenneth Jordan,Municipal Counselor
    1200 N. Walker Oklahoma City, OK 73102

    From David R. Slane,Attorney

    RE:MAPS 3 Initiative August 29, 2013

    Dear Mr. Mayor,

    It comes to my attention that the MAPS 3 Initiative, as passed, is likely unconstitutional. It appears, based on the opinions of the team of attorneys with whom I work, that the ballot likely violated the
    single subject law. The Oklahoma Supreme Court, in a series of decisions, has ruled that various laws of this same nature are unconstitutional. It appears the purpose of the rule is to avoid log rolling whereby a legislator or tax paying citizen would cast an all or nothing vote.

    The mayor and city council were well aware of this on the basis of news reports regarding MAPS 1 and the legal opinion it likely violated. Then, in similar fashion, MAPS For Kids rendered the same effect, and MAPS 3 followed suit identically. Mayor Cornett went as far as to state publicly that they were submitting
    all or nothing votes because that is what they are comfortable with.

    It appears the city council then followed with an eight-project proposition in the non-binding resolution, again, in violation of the
    single subject rule. I am a long-time citizen of Oklahoma City and a graduate of Southeast High School. While I supported idea of the MAPS initiative, I primarily support the law.

    I would prefer to avoid a constitutional challenge if there is a way for the city attorneys and my team of lawyers to work collaboratively to make this resolution and initiative legal. It is clearly in that cooperative spirit that I send this letter. However, make no mistake that, should you decide to not attempt to fix this, I am prepared to take action through the courts to render MAPS 3 unconstitutional and to seek a restraining order to stop the collection of sales tax and all future allocation of the $777million in taxpayer revenue.

    I am hopeful that you will respond to this letter by the close of business September 3, 2013. Should you opt to not respond, we will file a petition in court asking the courts to declare MAPS3 unconstitutional.


    David R. Slane, Attorney

  8. #558

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    What is he hoping to gain by this? What does he expect Cornett to do to "fix this"? THE F@#KING VOTE PASSED ALMOST FOUR YEARS AGO AND HAS BEEN COLLECTING TAXES FOR 3.5 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "It comes to my attention that the MAPS 3 Initiative, as passed, is likely unconstitutional."


  9. #559

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I don't know how much more single subject you can get. We voted for MAPS 3 for "capital improvements" believing in good faith that the city would follow through with the projects. That's the whole reason that the projects weren't included in the ballot, unlike the previous MAPS 1. How is MAPS 3 any different that say the bond issue that we passed? OR a bond issue for the OKc Public Schools?

  10. #560

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    So.. apparently the only way to stop MAPS 3 in this way is to file a formal request for a formal court ordered injunction.

    And then they would have to prove their case pretty strongly.

    The pitfall for them is that if they were to go to court and lose, they would be liable for costs associated with ongoing MAPS 3 projects; lost contracts, damages and such.

    So this is a pure political monster.

  11. #561

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I'm finding it frustrating that I have no other way to vent my anger at Shadid than by typing it on this board.

  12. #562

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I don't want to see maps 3 go away but it's pretty clear the city council was playing cutesy with the law by having the ballot simply state capital improvements followed up by a resolution from the council (before the maps vote) enumerating the projects and them campaigning for a yes vote with that list of projects. At the time I thought the ballot quite odd given it didn't list all the projects being touted but now it makes sense.

    As far as I'm concerned its way too late to call foul now.

  13. #563

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    I'm finding it frustrating that I have no other way to vent my anger at Shadid than by typing it on this board.
    huih gklahqgot[ewqh0g9[rhwgow[iog hqo[eq hqo hqog [hqor[q hq[giorqegh[ohrqeoghre[ogrhe[ogqerh[ogrqeh[oq

    That helps a little.

  14. #564

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Many of us, including me, were worried a Mayor Shadid would be a blow to the progress this city has made and to the MAPS programs in generals. It's now clear Shadid is doing damage to both just by running for mayor. This lawsuit is nothing but an asinine tool for Shadid to implement his campaign strategy that revolves around conspiracy theories and misleading the voters. Like many on this board, I was hopeful for Shadid after he was first elected. After speaking with him on a couple occassions since he launched his campaign and reading the information people have posted here, I'm honestly worried the guy is just a megalomaniacal nutcase.

    I've volunteered for Cornett and I can't wait to get to work.

  15. #565

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    I don't want to see maps 3 go away but it's pretty clear the city council was playing cutesy with the law by having the ballot simply stare capital improvements followed up by a resolution from the council (before the maps vote) enumerating the projects and them campaigning for a yes vote with that list of projects. At the time I thought the ballot quite odd given it didn't list all the projects being touted but now it makes sense.

    As far as I'm concerned its way too late to call foul now.
    Exactly...where was all the legal concern over the last 5 years or really the last 20? What's changed this year? oh wait...Ed Shadid running for mayor. I read the ballot and followed all of the information on MAPS leading up to the vote. I knew what I was voting for. If you have issues now and either did not pay attention and voted or in Dumba** Ed Shadid's case, didn't vote at all, that is on you. It was all layed out in front of us...you would have to be a moron to feel "misled". Way too late in the game to cry about it when the timeline is nearing the halfway point. Crap like this is why Tulsa can't ever get anything done.

    Here's to Shadid being burned at the stake. I'll be leading an angry mob to his house later with torches and pitchforks, feel free to join...we're taking the bus.
    (obvious sarcasm, I think?)

  16. Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Andrew Speno gets job setting up publicity (interviews with various reporters presenting Slane as an expert on various legal matters) for Slane. Speno gets job working for Ed Shadid. Slane interviews Shadid on radio show on an obscure AM station. Shadid questions legality of MAPS 3 ballot. Slane threatens lawsuit.

  17. #567

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I just emailed my councilman (Greiner) and asked him to please think twice about supporting Shadid for mayor.

  18. #568

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    What a monster....

  19. #569

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    Believe you me, he tried to make the case for deception yesterday at council. All about how the ballot was written and how the voters were deceived into being told that the ballot had to be constructed as it was. We've already hashed this before. And by the way, the "Not this MAPS" campaign did everything they could to try to convince the voters that the ballot process was flawed. ...[/B]
    Shadid is absolutely correct on those points. The Ballot was more than flawed, it is unconstitutional (log rolling). Heck, even a City legal guy admitted that the original MAPS ballot was also probably illegal but no one challenged it. The Mayor and his spokesman stated that they would adhere to the law, and that
    "Each of these projects is going to have to stand on its own.”
    Oklahoma City MAPS out big plans | News OK (implying that each project would be a separate proposition. Then the Ballot came out. No mention of ANY of the projects. No mention of ANY of the projects in the Ordinance. The reason the Mayor gave as to why they used the all-or-nothing illegal ballot format again?

    Mayor Mick Cornett, who has spearheaded the MAPS 3 initiative, said an all-or-nothing approach for MAPS 3 was chosen because it has worked with voters in the past. "This is the process they are going to be comfortable with,” Cornett said.
    Oklahoman (September 29, 2009)

  20. #570

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Andrew Speno gets job setting up publicity (interviews with various reporters presenting Slane as an expert on various legal matters) for Slane. Speno gets job working for Ed Shadid. Slane interviews Shadid on radio show on an obscure AM station. Shadid questions legality of MAPS 3 ballot. Slane threatens lawsuit.
    Thanks for the appearance Steve...this is absolutely how I figured this went down. What a crock of Sh**

  21. #571

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Not a huge link but Slade has a tweet calling Shadid the future mayor of Oklahoma City.

  22. #572

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Shadid is absolutely correct on those points. The Ballot was more than flawed, it is unconstitutional (log rolling). Heck, even a City legal guy admitted that the original MAPS ballot was also probably illegal but no one challenged it. The Mayor and his spokesman stated that they would adhere to the law, and that
    Oklahoma City MAPS out big plans | News OK (implying that each project would be a separate proposition. Then the Ballot came out. No mention of ANY of the projects. No mention of ANY of the projects in the Ordinance. The reason the Mayor gave as to why they used the all-or-nothing illegal ballot format again?

    Oklahoman (September 29, 2009)
    Larry, welcome back...congratulations, you're finallly getting your wish...someone is Challenging MAPS! Yay! I'm so happy for you.

  23. #573

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    I don't know how much more single subject you can get. We voted for MAPS 3 for "capital improvements" believing in good faith that the city would follow through with the projects. That's the whole reason that the projects weren't included in the ballot, unlike the previous MAPS 1. How is MAPS 3 any different that say the bond issue that we passed? OR a bond issue for the OKc Public Schools?
    Exactly. Why wasn't MAPS 3 done like Bond Issue elections where each like-kind project (Roads, Parks etc) is listed and voted on separately. Since none of the MAPS 3 projects are "like kind", it requires that each one be listed individually. Using an extremely vague "capital improvements" label doesn't solve the problem.

  24. #574

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    It appears the city council then followed with an eight-project proposition in the non-binding resolution, again, in violation of the single subject rule.
    What constitutes a "Single Subject Rule"? Does "Capital Improvements" not read as a single subject? I thought that is how they got around this part?

  25. #575

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Exactly. Why wasn't MAPS 3 done like Bond Issue elections where each like-kind project (Roads, Parks etc) is listed and voted on separately. Since none of the MAPS 3 projects are "like kind", it requires that each one be listed individually. Using an extremely vague "capital improvements" label doesn't solve the problem.
    When I voted for the 2007 GO Bond issue, I did't have the option to vote on line items seperately, I am 95% sure it was all together, much like MAPS.

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