Thanks for replies, everyone. Here is some new information that goes along with the OP.
No question that in order for the presented idea to be a viable plan several federal, state and tribal issues and other obstacles would have to be overcome. But obstacles can be overcome.
In 2007 the state of Kansas enacted a law that allows the state to own and operate a “destination casino resort” in four areas of the state. With real gaming!! The first of the four opened in 2011, currently three are in operation, in 2012, the three open “destination resort casinos distributed $75.04m to the state and $10.20m to local governments for a total of $85.24m. Think about that for a minute 3 casinos $85.24m What to dream a little ? What if half of that could be dedicated to mass transit for a period of time?
Kansas still has Indian Casinos and except for some added competition, the new law did not effect those casinos.
Links for and more info about the “destination resort casinos” below.
Also there is no question that Texas may legalize casinos and if they did so it would have an effect on Oklahoma casinos. Especially the smaller ones. I would maintain that some existing casinos such as WinStar, and others could hold their own against new competition and with the addition of another casino on their sites do so very well.
So if Oklahoma had a gaming law similar to what Kansas has, where we had four to six destination resort casino site throughout the state. ( Not to keen on state owned and operated).
So local and state governments would gain revenue. A lot of revenue!
State gaming laws would be changed to allow true “Vegas style gaming and rules“.
Operation of the new casinos could even be done jointly by a Vegas gaming corporation and a tribe, instead of being state operated.
Now what if agreements could be reached with the tribes that three of the new resort casinos would be located at Hard Rock, WinStar and Remington Park . I’ll leave the locations of the other(s) state resort casinos for another discussion.
The agreements would have to be fair and equitable to both parties and could vary by location. I keep coming back to this because a lot a synergies could be gained at those three locations, especially at Remington Park. I also think that the Cherokees, Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes have proven themselves to be astute business owners and would make great partners. A lot could be gained from working together.
Facts about the Kansas owned casinos:
Boothill - Dodge City (pop- 28,075), employees - 300, electronic games 800, 18 table games
$9.67m and $1.31m to state and local gov in 2012.
Hollywood - Kansas City, emp -1000, elec games 2000, table games 52
$25.07m and $3.4m to st & local gov in 2012.
Kansas Star - Mulvane (central KS) emp - 880, elec games 1825, table games 10
$40.30m and $5.49m to st & local gov in 2012.
Kansas links:
Do you remember that casino that was planned to be built by some tribe on the west side of I-35 north of I-44? I had "liked" them on MySpace, so this was pre 2008 recession. It would have been an awesome development had it all come together, but I think it fell through because they did not own any land over there and the state wouldn't let the tribe purchase the land or something. I also think it failed because our mayor, Mick, doesn't want another casino within OKC confines.
It was going to have a 20 story hotel, movie theaters, an 80 lane bowling alley, 6 restaurants, conference/convention space and probably your usual Oklahoma gambling games (assuming that would exclude those mentioned above).
i'd like to know where that was projected to be...south of the turnpike?
the tribe (based in miami) had to get the land put in federal trust status(a requirement for a tribe to build a casino and why they can't just build them anywhere) Imhofe ended up putting a rider on a bill that gave the governor the right to approve/disapprove trust status going forward thus killing the project
Holler when they get the Vegas style topless dancers.
I wanted to be sure before I typed this so I waited until we went to see Jeff Dunham last night at the Grand in Shawnee. I was sure I had seen craps tables and roulette tables here and there they were. Real dice, real roulette wheel. We do have these in Oklahoma. Again, I'm not a table gambler but the games look just like Vegas to me. I'm also 99.9% sure I've seen them at WinStar. If it's different from Vegas I don't see how
I don't attend the casinos often, but then something has changed, because that's not the impression I was under.
Hell, even when the Sports Animal is at Lucky Star, they advertise the games as card craps and card roulette.
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