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Thread: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

  1. #51

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    So race baiters. One was black, one mixed, and one white.......and they all lived in a small country town.

    3 Suspects Charged In Murder Of Australian Man In Duncan - News9.com

    Guess you got to find another story to spend all your energy being.pissed off.about. I suggest the white Guy who today was charged with shooting a woman in her face, her baby, her daughter, and then her mother..All in our great state... That news story broke about ZEROOO comments, I wonder what the difference was? You would think that my fellow Oklahomans would be concerned about a baby getting shot in the face and dying (let alone its entire family), but its just like something is missing.


    Guess i'll never know.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Ever been through Duncan, OK?
    It ain't Compton or Watts or anywhere else in Gansta'cRapland so I can see how it would easy to get bored.
    Even if you are just imagining or pretending to be bored.

    I guess that could be one theory of The Crime in order to spread the blame . . .

    D'ya 'spose it would prejudice the jury to have this playing in the background during the selection process?

    Speaking of "Mixed Gangs"/Modern Odd Squads (One White, One Black, All "Blonde") I guess "everything old is new again" . . .

  3. #53

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Where is the outrage form J. Jackson, Sharpton, and the NAACP over this? Oh wait, the guy murdered was white and murdered by primarily black guys. Never mind.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Where is the outrage form J. Jackson, Sharpton, and the NAACP over this? Oh wait, the guy murdered was white and murdered by primarily black guys. Never mind.
    Surely you jest . . . in a rhetorical question kinda way.
    The last time Jackson or Sharpton was genuinely "outraged" was the last time either one of them got stiffed on a speaker's fee connected with a rabble-rousing.

    Both of those clowns have been "outta rage" for a long, long time.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Surely you jest . . . in a rhetorical question kinda way.
    The last time Jackson or Sharpton was genuinely "outraged" was the last time either one of them got stiffed on a speaker's fee connected with a rabble-rousing.

    Both of those clowns have been "outta rage" for a long, long time.
    The last time the good Rev AL was truly outraged was approx. 1988{Tawana Brawley}. And actually that is what put him on the map so to speak.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Ah yes . . . The Great Tawana Brawley Hoax of '88.
    Frankly, I think Al was faking it even back then. Much like Tawana.

    BTW: You do realize that society and the parents are really at fault in this abominable murder, right?
    Certainly not the media-addled (and bored) mad-dog killers themselves.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by GoOKC1991 View Post
    Jennifer Luna, whose son is suspected of firing the fatal shot, claimed her son was at home saying: “My son is not that way. My son is a good kid.”


    No disrespect intended to Mother Luna. She is simply saying what near on every mama says. But if I had a dollar for every mama who ever uttered the functional equivalent to 'my baby ain't no killer', this note would be typed by a social media assistant while I was busy enjoying a beautiful ocean view off a nice beach somewhere in the tropics.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    If we had any doubts about the journalistic integrity of The Oklahoman, today's front page should have erased them. While the TV presentation of the three kids' mug shots clearly indicated a wide range of skin color and made it obvious that the group was quite integrated racially, the front page versions forced all three to the same shade -- matching the darkest of the three, of course. IMO it's an action worthy of Tulsa's late Mr. Brady, trying to play the race card when it obviously doesn't apply at all to this case.

    Three generations of former editors must be rotating at 3600 RPM or more... The "Great Moral Daily" (as Roy Stewart used to call the morning edition) was never noted for freedom from bias, but today it reached a new low!

  9. #59

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    National media photo:

    NewsOK photo:

  10. #60

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    the front page versions forced all three to the same shade -- matching the darkest of the three, of course. IMO it's an action worthy of Tulsa's late Mr. Brady, trying to play the race card when it obviously doesn't apply at all to this case.
    That's been my thing all along. Between ourselves we'll sit around and say how racism is dead, black people just want to complain, sharpton, obama,etc,etc...

    But then I watched news storys comments unfold yesterday and was literally ashamed of my fellow oklahomans, literally salivating at the chance to blame a entire ethnicity for a horrible crime. I had a friend of another color tell me something years ago that i'll never forget, ' when you do something, no one else gets blamed. when a minority (black, mexican, muslim) does something, they all get blamed.'....at the time i kinda dismissed it as b.s. between friends but he was dead on.

    As I pointed out in this thread earlier, no one said a single word about the guy who shot a baby girl, her sister, her mother, and her grandma all in the face?

    But im supposed to jump on the bandwagon about 'where is sharpton, if obama had a kid he would be one of these 3, etc,etc'

  11. #61

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    The whole thing is still very sad. Several lives ruined because some kids were bored and didn't seem to have any understanding of right and wrong.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    The “gun culture” didn’t kill Chris Lane, but the rap and gang culture may have played a prominent role.
    The PJ Tatler » Were Chris Lane?s Teenage Killers Really ?Bored?? (Warning: Strong Language)
    I wonder what law all the people trying to turn this into a gun control debate think would have stopped this. A 22 revolver wouldn't have been covered by any of the high-capacity clip and assault weapons bans proposed after Sandy Hook. Only a complete, unconstitutional ban would have made that gun illegal. The truth is we have a culture that glorifies violence and many parents not doing their jobs in teaching their children right from wrong.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Lots of strong opinions here for folks who know next to nothing about the case...

  14. #64

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Ever been through Duncan, OK?
    It ain't Compton or Watts or anywhere else in Gansta'cRapland so I can see how it would easy to get bored.
    Even if you are just imagining or pretending to be bored.
    Yes, I have. Duncan is a nicer than usual Oklahoma from being less run down looking than the average Oklahoma town. But you can also get bored to death living in Oklahoma City from not having the money to enjoy the numerous attractions not found in small towns. Imagine how much it would cost a family to go to Frontier City.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    The whole thing is still very sad. Several lives ruined because some kids were bored and didn't seem to have any understanding of right and wrong.
    Maybe it's less boring in prison. If so, prison life is too easy.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

  17. #67

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I wonder what law all the people trying to turn this into a gun control debate think would have stopped this. A 22 revolver wouldn't have been covered by any of the high-capacity clip and assault weapons bans proposed after Sandy Hook. Only a complete, unconstitutional ban would have made that gun illegal. The truth is we have a culture that glorifies violence and many parents not doing their jobs in teaching their children right from wrong.
    This further gets to the very heart of the much (not all) of the thug problem in our society.

    Can a society which lies to itself about its most basic problems survive?
    The American Spectator : The Oklahoma Story

  18. #68

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    This further gets to the very heart of the much (not all) of the thug problem in our society.

    Can a society which lies to itself about its most basic problems survive?
    The American Spectator : The Oklahoma Story
    That article sir was spot on.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Where is the outrage form J. Jackson, Sharpton, and the NAACP over this? Oh wait, the guy murdered was white and murdered by primarily black guys. Never mind.

    No outrage since killers are arrested and will face juctice.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    That article sir was spot on.
    It was spot on about this particular situation but it can't be applied to all senseless killings - and there have been way too many of these lately. People pat themselves on the back because they think they raised their kids better than these three were raised. In the meantime, we read about people who die because some idiot owns guns that aren't secured from children or people like the young man in Newtown. The situation yesterday in Georgia appears to be another instance of a mentally unstable person getting his hands on a gun that shouldn't have been available to him. I have no interest in repealing the 2nd amendment, but if you are going to own guns, keep them locked up.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    That article sir was spot on.
    If you completely ignore the department of justice that reports white on white murders at 88%.

    Or if you ignore that 50% of the participants of this murder...were white.

    Then yes, as the articles states, black thug culture is taking over america and you bettsss be fraid....

    But then again, you cant really expect critical thinking of the audience who reads this stuff. They are incapable of it.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    This is about three, easily "bored" post-Millennial punks who committed a social atrocity.
    It ain't about "race" . . . Other than "human".
    These biological anomolies burned their membership cards, to the larger group (i.e. human beings), when they executed their plan to overcome "boredom."

    Release the hounds, I say! . . . or send them to prison and let them get "loved" to death.
    It doesn't matter. I simply hope it takes less time for justice to be done in this case than it did for Roger Dale Stafford.
    Or we could deport them to Australia where they have Golf Ball Spiders and Exceptionally Effective Jellyfish, not to mention some Easily Outraged Outbackers.

    That, or grant a temporary non-injunction allowing a Sharia Court to pass judgment . . .

    The crime here transcends race, creed or color.
    It is below even the lowest common denominator of human behavior and should be dealt with as expeditiously as possible.
    Our president could prove his mettle by personally moving the lever that opens the trapdoors on the gallows. That, or by signing the papers required to exile the lads to Australia to face justice for senselessly murdering one of their own.

    (p.s.: i haven't read the above linked and liked article and, frankly, i don't care whether it agrees with me or not. and vice-versa =)

  23. #73
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    I feel bad for the Parents of the Aussie lad. Travels halfway around the world with a bright future just to end up like this.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Pretty much my point.
    The level of sub-human, American media-fueled, teen-crime abomination in this case deserves a swift resolution.

    (i try to sublimate my OUTRAGE over this type of [idiocy] this way. thank you for understanding.
    one afternoon, a long time ago, while waiting to cash my payroll check at a neighborhood grocery store in a "black/bad" part of town, i stood in line behind the young son of one of the victims of Roger Dale Stafford at the Sirloin Stockade, as he, the lad in front of me in line was cashing some sort of relief check written to his dad. for the next twenty or so years i watched as the perpetrator got fat in prison sucking off the legal system teat paid for by the rest of us. again: i apologize for my outrage at this crime.)

    To ease the "liberal" conscience just think of it as an extra late-term abortion if you want to.
    That could make all of it more palatable.

  25. Default Re: Three Oklahoma Teens Allegedly Murder Baseball Player Out Of Boredom

    Thing's we'll never hear Barack Obama say........."Chris Lane could have been my son."

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