Aparrently there's been a fairly major change to the pre-game performance by the Pride of Oklahoma. According to sources posting on the Pride's Alumni Facebook page, the new band director, Dr. Justin Stolarik has eliminated the longstanding tradition of the Drum Major running to midfield ahead of the band, as well as the band running out of the tunnel in the NWcorner of the stadium and assembling in the north endzone. They will also play a new fanfare, which sounds like a broadway musical. (click here to see and hear it for yourselves) And they're going to play the opposing team's fight song as a "tribute."
Suppossedly, all of thes these changes were made at the request of Max Wizenhoffer. Who is a major donor to the School of Performing Arts and sits on the Board of Regents at OU. And according to the posts on the Pride's Facebook page, there was a meeting this morning between David Boren and the new band director because both band members, students and alumni are up in arms about these changes.