Now for a little fun... If you decided to move out of the US where would you go and why would you pick that location? Try to be specific on the location if you are picking a city like Paris but can't afford to live in the 7th district. Include pictures of the part of town you would like to live in if possible. It doesn't have to be a place you have been to before - just some place you think would be a good fit for you.
As a first choice I would pick Cork, Ireland. It is a small city on the southeast coast of Ireland. City population is 120,000 and an urban area around 400,000. It is the 3rd largest city in Ireland. I would pick this city because it large enough to provide the amenities of urban city life but not so large that you can't make the whole city your own. It is pretty dense at only 14 sq miles so a bicycle could take me everywhere in the city. It is also connected to the rest of Ireland by rail and ferry service to Wales, England, and France. The airport also provide low cost non-stop service to cities all over Western Europe. It is located along the scenic Irish Sea and has a healthy shipping industry.
Cost of living wise it seems to be pretty reasonable with many housing option near the city center in our price range, but we will definitely need to give sq footage (which is fine with me - less to clean and I would plan to spend most of my time in a sidewalk café anyhow). They have a great public market called the English Market (reminds me a scaled down and cleaner version if Reading Terminal Market in Philly).
Another big plus is that it is an English speaking country so adjusting to life outside the US would be just that much easier. On the downside the days are very long in the summer and short in the winter due to its northern location (as far north as parts of Alaska). Despite long summer days and long winter nights temps above 75 and below 32 are very rare. A light jacket and I would be fine 90% of the time.