It is because some people confuse the term downtown (an area that has all the amenities and functions of a self-supporting town) with that of a Central Business District (whose primary function is relegated to office space and support activities during normal business hours). The central business district of OKC stopped being 'downtown' at some point in the 1950s. The confusion and overlapping of terms is now rampant in North America.
That seems like a good starting point. I guess that would then make Plaza District, Paseo/23rd, Capitol Complex, Medical Complex, and Capitol Hill the next generation of downtown-adjacent neighborhoods where tent-pole density should start.
Good video about tent-pole density here.
I can't find the article, but I swear I read a DOK article that came out following a council meeting several years back where the downtown boundaries were officially defined by the city (for core to shore purposes to make it clear downtown went to the river and not just I-40) as 13th to the River and Classen to Lottie... can anybody back me up on this?
subsitute Lincoln for Lottie, then I agree with you.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
Well either way, I think the Medical Complex is one of the next areas where a concerted effort needs to be made to introduce walkability and new urbanism design principles. After all, if a medical district can't be a supporter of a healthy lifestyle then where can you promote a healthy lifestyle? How many people work in the medical district and how much housing is available for those employees within the district?
Flintco filed for a $25,000,000.00 construction project this week for this project.
Noticed construction fence up around this site this morning, looks like they are getting ready to start doing foundation work.
Finally ready to begin construction with opening in Fall, 2014.
That will seem very suburban, you can tell from how far the foundation is from the street to the left.
This project starting to rise up from the ground. From today:
Couple more:
The site layout on this sucks.
whats wrong with it?
PluPan LIKES Memorial and MacArthur. I don't think your argument will persuade him.
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