On what did he base his assessment that the AC "is working too hard in the hot days?" Did he put a meter on the compressor and find it was drawing too much current? Or was it an arbitrary observation? Point is if it is operating abnormally, I think he should explain specifically
how it's operation is abnormal.
course someone like that will come in and clean the outside AC and run some tape on the plenum if there's a 4K+ sale in the offing. You can clean the condenser yourself by just thoroughy hosing down the fins at least once each year, typically late spring before the summer season happens. One of the biggest/easiest points of failure (as hard experience has taught me) is are dust-congested fins on the blower that make it nearly impossible for the unit to properly dissipate heat, causing to
overheat and either tripping a thermal break or simply burning the wire(s) to the power block.
I'm not saying the guy who came out was being deceptive or trying to trick you, but I'm just trying to encourage you to know his perspective - he's coming in under the auspices of providing a service, which he did, but he's hoping against hope you'll buy an A/C from him. The "free service" is a loss leader, kinda like cheap coffee at the grocery store.
Just be educated as best you can. You can't necessarily become an HVAC tech all at once, but at least a little info can help you save money now and later.