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Thread: El Regio Pollo

  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Northwest OKC El Regio Pollo

    I just noticed that there's a location at W. Melrose and N. Rockwell.
    Can't tell you how many times I've driven by the place. Maybe
    over the past year. I'll be stopping this week to see if the meat
    is the same. Hopefully the chicken is cooked by the same chef and
    delivered to each restaurant or food truck.

    The chicken at the food truck at S.W. 29th and S. May was
    outstanding. A little pricy but, and it's a big but, I wouldn't have
    complained if it was served in a well kept brick and mortar with table
    clothes and napkins. Seriously, the chicken was fabulous.

  2. Default Re: El Regio Pollo

    I went and tried the costillo de res last week at the location on S. Western and Grand.

    The meat was flavored excellently but they were a little on the tough side.

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