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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #1126

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    And she may be correct but this is often a self-fulfilling philosophy. "We are going to close early because we don't get enough business." How much business are you getting if you aren't open?
    That's exactly what I was thinking. How would they know? They're only open at night around New Year's. I suspect that they may be looking at current rates of attendance and extrapolating that to estimate how much they would bring in at night. But as I mentioned before, most people are working during the day when the gardens are open. Additionally, the conservatory is a sauna for the most part of while the sun is up, so even if people are off, they might be hesitant to visit. And lastly, and this could just be me, people (or just I) don't just go out to the bridge to walk around and then go home. They're typically touring the conservatory in addition to other activities they might have planned for the day/night out. And as is conventional wisdom, most people are out and about for entertainment during the evening, especially on weekends. Naturally, if this is true, attendance may be lower in the daytime hours, so their estimates could be wrong on account of skewed data. But I want to give them the benefit of doubt. I can only speculate, so that's why I'm turning to those who may be more familiar with the situation.

    It's just that the current hours suck. If I happen to catch a matinee on Saturday, I'll bring my date to the conservatory as an extra thing to do. Since I have a membership, it works well, and my dates absolutely love the scenery. But I have to scratch off that option for evening dates. Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts.

  2. #1127

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    So the Park House will be open year round.

    The Ice House will be open Mar-Oct?

    Do I have this correct?

  3. #1128

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    So the Park House will be open year round.

    The Ice House will be open Mar-Oct?

    Do I have this correct?

  4. #1129

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Thanks. I've been so busy with work, trying to keep up with all of the news that has been revealed the past two weeks has been a challenge.

  5. #1130

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    $525,000 building permit today for the Park House restaurant, so it looks like they intend to get going on this very soon.

  6. #1131

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSocialGadfly View Post
    That's exactly what I was thinking. How would they know? They're only open at night around New Year's. I suspect that they may be looking at current rates of attendance and extrapolating that to estimate how much they would bring in at night. But as I mentioned before, most people are working during the day when the gardens are open. Additionally, the conservatory is a sauna for the most part of while the sun is up, so even if people are off, they might be hesitant to visit. And lastly, and this could just be me, people (or just I) don't just go out to the bridge to walk around and then go home. They're typically touring the conservatory in addition to other activities they might have planned for the day/night out. And as is conventional wisdom, most people are out and about for entertainment during the evening, especially on weekends. Naturally, if this is true, attendance may be lower in the daytime hours, so their estimates could be wrong on account of skewed data. But I want to give them the benefit of doubt. I can only speculate, so that's why I'm turning to those who may be more familiar with the situation.

    It's just that the current hours suck. If I happen to catch a matinee on Saturday, I'll bring my date to the conservatory as an extra thing to do. Since I have a membership, it works well, and my dates absolutely love the scenery. But I have to scratch off that option for evening dates. Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts.
    You are correct that they should expand their hours, but there are a couple of issues. First, they don't have the funds now to maintain or staff the CB - they are short on horticultural staffing. If you are open after hours you have to have additional staffing. As important, they have historically used hours after closing for potential rental - weddings, etc. They would staff as-needed (security and help) for the rentals - paid by the rentals. When would be best open after hours? Weekends Friday-Saturday perhaps, but that is also the best time for rentals. Perhaps a compromise, open until 7pm - then closed for potential rentals. But, since most events need time to set-up, that would delay the time of events.

  7. #1132

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by TAlan CB View Post
    You are correct that they should expand their hours, but there are a couple of issues. First, they don't have the funds now to maintain or staff the CB - they are short on horticultural staffing. If you are open after hours you have to have additional staffing. As important, they have historically used hours after closing for potential rental - weddings, etc. They would staff as-needed (security and help) for the rentals - paid by the rentals. When would be best open after hours? Weekends Friday-Saturday perhaps, but that is also the best time for rentals. Perhaps a compromise, open until 7pm - then closed for potential rentals. But, since most events need time to set-up, that would delay the time of events.
    Touché. I had never considered rental as a variable.

  8. #1133

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Visited the Gardens this morning and I was really disappointed to find the place so dirty, disheveled, un-maintained and broken down. What the heck is going on here? The place is two years out from a major makeover and is a shambles. The Thunder Fountain is broken and patched up with boards and cinder blocks. It's flowing, but stuck in one mode and traffic cones surround holes in the floor of the thing. The flowing water throughout the Gardens was dirty and smelly. Planting a in the water features along the terraces surrounding the main pond had all but completely died out and the metal "pots" we're filthy with scum and scale. Rock rip-rap around the haunches of the Crystal Bridge had failed, sliding down the slope. The attempted fix was to nail 2x4's across the slope leaving big swaths of geotextile exposed and soil eroding onto the trail and into the pond. I can't believe this is being allowed to occur. $42 million in upgrades falling down around our ears.

  9. #1134

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    This is why I want to keep it simple at the Central Park. Give me a green lawn that you only have to mow, a bunch of trees and simple paths. Programming is hard to maintain.

  10. #1135

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Paseofreak View Post
    Visited the Gardens this morning and I was really disappointed to find the place so dirty, disheveled, un-maintained and broken down. What the heck is going on here? The place is two years out from a major makeover and is a shambles. The Thunder Fountain is broken and patched up with boards and cinder blocks. It's flowing, but stuck in one mode and traffic cones surround holes in the floor of the thing. The flowing water throughout the Gardens was dirty and smelly. Planting a in the water features along the terraces surrounding the main pond had all but completely died out and the metal "pots" we're filthy with scum and scale. Rock rip-rap around the haunches of the Crystal Bridge had failed, sliding down the slope. The attempted fix was to nail 2x4's across the slope leaving big swaths of geotextile exposed and soil eroding onto the trail and into the pond. I can't believe this is being allowed to occur. $42 million in upgrades falling down around our ears.
    Don't voice your concerns to the Current management of the Myriad Gardens, no bad reviews allowed. Since they have the personal support of Mr. Nichols, everyone who has a viewpoint other than theirs "does not know what they're talking about".

  11. #1136

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Sorry for being ignorant, but who pays for the Myriad Gardens upkeep?

  12. #1137

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Sorry for being ignorant, but who pays for the Myriad Gardens upkeep?
    Given the recent description in this thread, perhaps the answer is the infamous Family Circus ghosts.

  13. #1138

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    It recently transferred from the city's Parks and Recreation Department to The Myriad Gardens Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit. The new director apparently (from previous posts) has done an egregious job of managing resources, funding and displays.

    TAlan CB, where should these complaints be registered?

  14. #1139

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Sorry for being ignorant, but who pays for the Myriad Gardens upkeep?
    It has just recently changed hands from the City of Oklahoma City Parks dept. to the Myriad Gardens Foundation - which is now solely responsible for the up-keep. The 'Foundation' is an organization that has always supported the development of the gardens in support of the OKC Parks dept., but never had the funds or resources to manage the facility on its own. With the completion of the 'revamped' gardens, the city took the oppurtunity to hand-over (dispose of the financial burden) the daily staffing, and maintenance to the Foundation. Since everything was 'new again' it would be easy - right? Since the MG Foundation is private, they needed to find a way to generate interest and financial resources. Consequently, they have spent most of their funds hiring 'PR' and office staff. They have dozens of people 'in offices' for every one person who actually works on the facility or grounds. In the respect of community out-reach, etc. they have been successful. But their understanding of what it would take to maintain the facility and grounds was woefully under-estimated. This combined with man-made and natural damage (storms) has left them unprepared for the up-keep. They are seeking funds for an up-keep endowment (think Devon), but the cost to even repare the damage to the Thunder Fountain ($250,000 or so) has kept them 'in a hole'. Larry Nichols supported the hiring of the current director - who has a lot of good ideas, but who has proven to be a poor manager of material resourses. But, she's friends with the money - and they may yet help her out the current crisis. They are at a cross-roads now, if enough money can be found to staff up-keep as needed, the crisis can be managed and repair can begin. But, if daily up-keep is not increased now, the problems will only increase the cost of future maintenance. The new resturants will help - but can not hope to fund all that is needed. This cost would drive them out of buisness quickly. Instead, it is to help with the 'cash-flow' and numbers flow on the grounds. The one thing that does generate money for the grounds is the conservatory admission. Unfortuneatly, the Crystal Bridge horticultural display is the one thing that has been ignored the most. The staffing here has gone from 2 full time and 2 part time employees (and a half-dozen volunteers) - to one part-time employee (and hort. volunteers are discouraged). Even if they were very good, one part-time employee can not have the time or knowledge to maintain what is inside the conservatory - and does it show. Programs and events are being developed to help involve the community and with funding ... but if basic maintenance is continued to be ignored, who is going to want to be involved with - or trust people who run 'that dump'. Despite my repeated 'tirades', I do hope they find a way to succeed - I would like nothing better than to 'eat my words'. That would mean it has become what I know it could be - not what it is becoming.

  15. #1140

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Did they have some bad experience with volunteers or something, with a lack of staff it seems like they should be trying harder now than ever to get volenteers

  16. #1141

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    It doesnt paint a pretty picture for the future of the new central park. At least the Myriad Gardens has the benefit of being near Devon and hopefully at least one large company in the new tower who will not let it become an absolute dump. This gives them leverage over the foundation and the city though much to the dismay of many,

  17. #1142

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Maybe someone ought to print and sell t-shirts with the message Don't Stage Center My MBG.

  18. #1143

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Paseofreak View Post
    It recently transferred from the city's Parks and Recreation Department to The Myriad Gardens Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit. The new director apparently (from previous posts) has done an egregious job of managing resources, funding and displays.

    TAlan CB, where should these complaints be registered?
    I wish I knew, when I tried with complaining to them directly they told me to direct any complaint to the director and not embarrass them on a public form. Here is the catch 22, since they are now a independent foundation, they answer only to the foundation board. The foundation board is chaired by the people who hired the director and are not professionals in this field (local people of influence and money). Therefore, they do not have historic experience of knowing what it takes to run a large garden/conservatory. They hire people who are suppose to know and trust them ... so, other than seeing with their own eyes, how would they know if there was serious lack in maintenance, especially botanical? Garbage, 'missing rocks' they can see, but is that just a temporary problem? Since the current director seems to be immune from complaint, who can you complain to? The foundation hired her, are they willing to listen? The best that could be hoped for would be to bring in 'independent' professionals from similar successfull facilities around the world (at least 3 or more due to variety in garden types), and let them discuss need and resource management. To be blunt, the only successfull intervention would be to take Larry Nichols by the hand, and with a 'outside' horticultural expert, tour the facilities and point out the obvious.

  19. #1144

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Yes Virginia, Myriad Gardens has wifi...

    Source: https://twitter.com/MikeLHoang/statu...40361608609792

  20. #1145

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Progress on the Meinders Garden:

    The Myriad Gardens Foundation is thrilled and delighted to report a major
    grant award of $400,000 from Herman and LaDonna Meinders/Meinders Foundation.

    Funds will be used to complete the planting plan for the Meinders Garden,
    which occupies the northeast corner of the Myriad Botanical Gardens, and serves
    as an entrance to the Gardens from the intersection of Sheridan and Robinson Avenues.
    The Meinders Garden constitutes approximately 20% of the 17-acre Myriad Gardens.

    Exciting design enhancements planned for the Meinders Garden include a new terrace
    area for weddings and other events
    as well as a lovely, shady site for all to enjoy.
    Features include a rustic, wooden trellis and a charming stone fountain.

    Funds will also be used to increase the Garden’s endowment fund at the Oklahoma City
    Community Foundation specifically for the long-term maintenance and sustainability
    of this unique garden of native plant species that thrive in Oklahoma.

  21. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I was wondering what they have been working on over there.

  22. #1147

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Meinders Garden construction photos:

    Source: https://www.facebook.com/MyriadGarde...51371828212659

  23. #1148

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Very nice!

    Thanks for posting.

  24. #1149

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Tough to beat a well constructed cedar pergola!

  25. #1150

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I'm guessing those column bases will be sandstone lined to cover up the metal?

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