Possibly, but not likely. Is it a Cox-provided splitter, or did you get it from a local hardware/Radio Shack type store?
Also, don't know if you saw my updated post earlier, but I was wondering if you'd had a chance to check the internal status page of the modem. I've had modems fail in a manner similar to what you've described when the uplink signal strength starts to fade. What can happen is that the signal is
teetering on the edge of being usable, and is presently more usable than not, but sometimes slips down to the unusable side, and voila - things stop working. For a while.
If the service has just started to exhibit these problems, and you've had that modem for a while, it's definitely a possibility worth exploring. And it might be a good excuse to get a DOCSIS 3 modem if you don't already