So no white linen table cloths?
So no white linen table cloths?
I think it's wise that they emphasized that this will be an affordable restaurant instead of a very expensive upscale concept.
Additional information.
Two restaurants announced for Myriad Botanical Gardens | News OK
Really? Did he tell you this in person?
BoulderSooner: That is fine if they want to repurpose the building, just also give it a more appropriate name during the burger season
Sid: I have nothing against the name and I agree it fits during the minority of the time it is being used to service the ice rink...just doesnt fit the other 8 months of the year...and don't get me wrong. i am glad to see they are getting something in there and I hope it is a success...if I ever get down there, that is probably where I will grab something to eat because the sit down place while they are aiming for it to be "affordable", it all depends on what is your definition of that word. I work just a few blocks away from Nic's but only have 30 minutes for lunch so have only been there the one time...if this place is open on the weekends etc, it might be an option.
Sorry, I'm just getting a little tired of how people including some public figures are routinely maligned on this board. We (members of the board) regularly make giant leaps and assumptions (many of them very negative and sometimes even slanderous) based only on rumor and scraps of information. I don't think there is a shred of evidence, quote or otherwise that Larry Nichols personally was behind the insistence that the restaurant be upscale (and it still appears that it will be somewhat so). But it is entirely possible that I am wrong.
Sid: while interesting, how many people know that? How many folks even have a concept of what an Ice House is, much less what shape they usually were? But I get your point, I like it when older buildings have been repurposed and they gave it a name reflecting the history of the building (The Montgomery, Packards etc)
Urbanized: this article (Journal Record, 10/1/11) suggests that Mr. Nichols was behind it to a certain extent...
A restaurant and seasonal ice rink that are part of the $42 million Myriad Gardens renovations are pegged for completion by this winter, Devon Energy Corp. Executive Chairman Larry Nichols said Monday. City officials are in the process of interviewing operators to run a sit-down restaurant overlooking the ice skating rink, Nichols said. While an initial search for a high-end restaurant operator for the site received only one response, it has been easier to create interest in the modern, glass-walled site now that construction is wrapping up, Nichols said.
Wasn't there an Ice House in arena at one time.
JTF, I believe you are correct. . .there was in Ice House in the arena. . .burger place if IRC. I am excited about both of these places!! Took my cousin and "cousinette" (her college age daughter) from Baltimore MD area there yesterday for a quick walk-thru. . .they were most impressed!! Loved the children's area (the H2O was flowing. . .don't know about the misters or cycling on/off, but the little ones were having the time of their lives). Loved the outdoor theater/performance space as well. Said they didn't know of anything in their area that was comparable/as nice. We did not have time to go into the tube. . .from remarks on this site (if correct) I sincerely hope that will correct itself. . .would be a shame if the "interior" is not maintained at the same level of the "exterior".
Last edited by foodiefan; 07-31-2013 at 06:35 PM. Reason: clarification: tube vs gardens
The Ice House ... soon to be the cool place to grab a burger and frosty shake when you're DT enjoying the MBG.
Works for me.
This is unrelated to the most recent news concerning the botanical gardens, so please forgive me. I hold a membership at the gardens, and I asked one of the staff members at the desk why the Crystal Bridge doesn't stay open later. She indicated that the evening patron turnout wouldn't be sufficient to justify the extra hours.
This, in my mind, brings up the possibility that the organization relies almost exclusively on membership fees, and those fees can only fund the current operations, whereas they suspect that entry fees wouldn't support the evening hours. But if that's the case, I wonder why the organization never sent out a survey to determine what hours its members would like to peruse the exhibit. As a member, I would much rather walk through at night for several reasons: 1) a quick walk-through is a nice and easy supplement for a date night 2) the bridge would be much cooler in the evening, whereas the sun makes the place a sweltering sauna during the day, and 3) the evening would seem to be much more conducive for receiving visitors because most people are busy working during the day when the bridge is open for business.
Even if it can't pull it off during the weekdays, the bridge should stay open later on the weekend. I realize that Devon and other players are probably behind the place being open as it is now. But I wonder how it is that the organization determined that it wouldn't receive enough business to justify later operations. The gardens are packed on the weekends now. And I suspect that even the annual members would find that the bridge is easier to visit and easier to enjoy in the evening, when they're away from work and when the bridge is cooler.
Your thoughts?
How will the City handle a huge new Central Park that's even bigger than Myriad Gardens when the Gardens themselves are having maintenance issues?
From the MBG Facebook Page:
Great Lawn
Rock the night away with OKC’s favorite band, the Wise Guys. This concert will benefit the Red Cross Oklahoma Tornado Relief Fund. A donation of $5 per person is suggested. Food trucks will be on hand, so plan on a late dinner or snack and some good old fashioned rock’n’roll.
They will have a Beer Garden organized by Cafe 501.
I can't help but think there is a little "too much" going on at the MBG in terms of programming, activities, etc. so it may not be fair to judge the current issues there as a harbinger of things to come with the Central Park.
Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled so many people are using it but I don't think MBG was intended to be used to the extent it has. It certainly wasn't budgeted for it. It speaks to the lack of quality spaces in/around the middle of OKC currently, but it does bode well for the future of the new park.
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