Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
OU needs to update its master plan, and focus on revamping its student housing options. Many other state universities are razing their old dorms and building on-campus student apartments, including OSU. What would really create the demand for new housing would be OU making all freshmen AND sophomores live on campus, either in university or Greek housing.

Other than housing what are OU's primary needs as far as new or renovated facilities?
- Huffman Rec Center - renovation and aquatics center expansion
- Bizzell Library - renovation
- New science building - replacement for GL Cross
- New health center - replacement for Goddard on adjacent parking lot
- New larger social sciences/classroom building - possible replacement and expansion of Dale and Copeland Halls
- New engineering/technology building - new construction in the Engineering Quad along Jenkins
- New larger building for eTEc (Emerging Technology Entrepreneural Center) in Campus Corner; joint venture between OU and City of Norman
- Stadium west side upper deck renovation/expansion to match the east side completed in '03
I'm really hoping OU and Boren start to really utilize the IQC and Blair Humphreys as they move forward renovating campus. That's a phenomenal resource right on campus!

I agree with most of your suggestions, but how likely are these to happen? Are these concrete ideas you've heard they're considering? For example, they've been talking about redoing Goddard since at least 2002, but we see how much progress that has made. And I would LOVE to see the eTEc move to Campus Corner, but I doubt Boren lets them leave the Research Campus.