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Thread: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    A New, Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event
    September 16, 2006

    Youth groups often hold car washes to support a cause. It is a way for them to raise money and to make a public statement about what is important to them.

    Thousands of groups across the nation are holding car washes to benefit their local pregnancy care centers.

    By participating in the Wash for Life, youth will help women and children in their own community, while at the same time being united in an event that sends a message to the whole nation, that this generation is pro-life.

    Our goal is to raise a collective total of $1,000,000. Our goal over the next couple years is for the Wash for Life to grow to over 2000 groups. We are here to help you get connected, hold your car wash, and change the culture.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event


  3. #3

    Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    They'll go to college, get an education, then change their minds.

  4. Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    They'll go to college, get an education, then change their minds.
    Only because of the liberal professor brainwashers who spew their views on the minds of the impressionable youth.

  5. Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    When all these children are born to poor uneducated single women who can't raise them.. I wonder then where all the car washes will be to raise money to feed the kids.

    I think it's a good idea to raise money for a good cause but sometimes I wonder if they really understand the ramifications of some of the issues at hand.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    Impressionable youth? I thought by the time most people attend college they are ADULTS.

    And Karried---VERY good point. Very good indeed.
    Still corrupting young minds

  7. #7

    Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Only because of the liberal professor brainwashers who spew their views on the minds of the impressionable youth.
    Only someone who never went to college, never graduated, or is so far remvoed from it as to be clueless would say something like that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    midtowner..I disagree..Many times in my accounting classes I felt the professor was using debits and credits in a way that promoted democratic platforms

  9. #9

    Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    During my time at OU, there were only a few professors who leaned conservative. Most of my professers slanted liberal. I think you'll find that most professors at secular universities tend towards liberalism.

  10. Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Only someone who never went to college, never graduated, or is so far remvoed from it as to be clueless would say something like that.
    I have news for you. I happen to have a college degree. Plus, it was earned after society went to crap.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke
    During my time at OU, there were only a few professors who leaned conservative. Most of my professers slanted liberal. I think you'll find that most professors at secular universities tend towards liberalism.
    Somehow, both you and Anderson made it through without being thoroughly corrupted. In college, you are often exposed to ideas other than what your parents taught you. That's the point. It's part of the educational process. You learn to take new information, interpret it, and integrate it into how you see the world. Until you've really developed that skill, you tend to just ignore views contrary to your world view rather than take new information as a challenge to your status quo.

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