What about the arguments that fluoride lowers your IQ?
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ
What about the arguments that fluoride lowers your IQ?
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ
This sentence tells it all: "The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas." Fluoride proponents will simply say the study is much ado about nothing, because the study was based on high fluoride levels seldom found in this country. So nothing to worry about.
Lots of really smart toothless kids in Shawnee.
Shawnee Can?t Afford to Fluoridate, and Kids Are Getting Cavities | StateImpact Oklahoma
If OKC water tastes "bad" then I can direct you to a bunch of places to never drink the water at, like Altus or Midland, Texas.
^^That's what I wonder. Are there modern numbers that support continued fluoridation of our water?
Most American children don't get enough calcium. Should we add calcium to our water?
People should be personally responsible enough to take calcium supplements, if needed, just like people can get fluoride's supposed dental benefits through fluoridated toothpaste, rather through the municipal drinking water. Of course, expecting everyone to be personally responsibility for their own well being may be dreaming.
Right. And that was my point. Many parents also don't provide their children with optimum nutrition, either--so, should be start putting essential nutrients such as calcium in our water? Why stop with flouride?
General Ripper gives Mandrake a fuller explanation ...
...it is already too late for me to benefit from this information, but for the rest of you with your lives mostly ahead of you, save yourselves ... yes, save yourself, Oklahoma City ... before it is too late.
This much, I beg of you. The redcoats are coming.
Tap water is 2000x cheaper than bottled water. Fluoridation brought up in comments to council on July 16th, Jim Couch and Ed Shadid weigh in on costs and fluoride in grapes, etc. Scroll to 1:23:45 to see
Last edited by OkieDave; 07-25-2013 at 08:54 AM. Reason: better video start time
I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. It's an autoimmune disorder that causes my body to attack my thyroid. It results in Hypothyroidism. The reverse of hypothyroidism is HYPERthyroidism. Up until the mid 1970's the favored treatment for hyperthyroidism was fluoride pills.
If you're experiencing weight gain, low energy, and inability to concentrate, sensitivity to cold, go get your Thyroid levels checked. My TSH level was off the chart (129 on a scale of 1-4), and my T3 and T4 were low. The doctor put me on a gluten free diet (thinking the gluten was to blame) but that had zero effect. About 4 years ago in my quest to be healthy, I started skating everyday and drinking a LOT of water as a result. Tap water.
I'm so freaking mad at the stupidity of our government. I'm not trying to stand here and blame them for some kind of Nazi plot to "Dumb down the population". But at the same time, with all the bullsh|t going on these days, it wouldn't be too far of a stretch.
My doctor (yes, a traditional MD, not some holistic type) instructed me NOT to drink tapwater. Or to brush with fluoride.
Bottom line? Culligan Home Water Delivery service. No I don't work in that industry either.
I don't have any numbers, so this is just me spit balling here, but even if someone did have the numbers showing the number of cavities per person in the US they would be worthless. There has been so much sugar added to Americans diets over the years that the cavities that would've been prevented with fluoride are probably offset by the number caused by more sugar. I drink only tap water, and drink about 200 ounces a day (I work out a lot), and I have no cavities. And I graduated at the top of my HS class and just graduated with honors from college, so it definitely hasn't made me less intelligent.
Oh, and my dentist has me use fluoride wash every night as well.
Edit: Just now saw the graph on the first post. My points still stand though.
Disclaimer: I am not a scientist, don't play one on TV, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Just a simple observation is the only thing I can provide to this conversation, probably has no bearing on the topic. My GF is from a foreign country (a developed one). Moved here well into adulthood. She has massive fillings in every single molar. Maybe it's the lack of flouride. Maybe she didn't brush the way she says she did as a kid. I don't know. I can only report on what I see. Definitely need more observed data though.
And scientific data a heck of a lot more sensible than that silly Mercola "study." For all his "research," he could have attributed the IQ difference to average home square footage where the people lived. Just more junk science used to rationalize a pre-determined point, and thus a great example of the fallacy and abuse in implying causation from correlation.
Not taking a particular stand right now on the issue of fluoridation in the water per se, but I need something better than those "stats."
You'll take a stand and become educated if you get a Hashimoto's diagnosis and find out your hypothyroidism is caused by the fluoride they add to your water.
Mark my words (I have several neighbors and friends with the exact same thing going on.) OKC will end fluoridation within 5 years.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis was first identified back in Germany way back in the 1910's (1912?), which I believe predates most fluoridation efforts. Genetic predisposition is also a substantial risk factor. There are several components to it, apparently, so it could be an oversimplification to say water fluoridation is really the direct causative.
I tend to believe my Doctor.The literature dealing with the interaction between fluoride and the thyroid gland has a very long history, stretching back to a paper written in 1854 by Maumene who linked goiter in dogs with exposure to fluoride. The following URL links to a summary of that history: Thyroid History.
It also dovetails nicely into the conspiracy theory dealing with "dumbing down the population"
One of the side effects of hypothyroidism is the inability to concentrate, as well as short term memory loss. I can definitely vouch for that.... I suspect that I.G. Farben knew all about this when the NAZI's used it to pacify those poor souls before sending them in for their "shower".
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