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Thread: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

  1. Default Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    I'm sure to many here this imagery will have no impact and will be justified by, "They're 'adults', its their business." Or, "How is that different from just dating some older well-to-do dude?"

    I just find it ironic that within 1.5 miles on the same stretch of I-35 you find two such polar opposite messages - one seeks to exploit our young people, while the other seeks to protect them.

    I draw a pretty distinct line in what types of prostitution I target and what types I tolerate..... My biggest beef with this advertisement is the fact it specifically target 'Students.'

    Sure, legally when girls turn 16 in Oklahoma they can consent to sex with a 50-year-old man and when they are 18 they are legally adults - and many men will use those facts to justify their perversion. But I seriously doubt many parents of those 16 and 18 year old daughters have the same opinion.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Having sex with an 18 year old is a perversion?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Just being in the company of a younger woman, especially with one who is an interesting conservationist, may be all some older guys want, or in other words, kinda like a visit with a psychiatrist.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Ranks up there with the "life is short, have an affair" ads and billboards.

  5. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Just being in the company of a younger woman, especially with one who is an interesting conservationist, may be all some older guys want, or in other words, kinda like a visit with a psychiatrist.
    I think we all know what the website is pushing.

    That's okay, they typically followup with these billboards......

    Always makes for 'fun' conversation with the kiddos in the car.

    I'm thinking those boards would do a lot for the look in the Plaza District, Midtown or maybe within view of classrooms at UCO or OU.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Ugh, yes specifically targeting students is more than a little creepy.

    As a side note, we need to get rid of billboards within city limits in general.

  7. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Ugh, yes specifically targeting students is more than a little creepy.

    As a side note, we need to get rid of billboards within city limits in general.
    Exactly. I'm not a big fan of the boards in general to a fairly captive audience. Its the 'Hey students' that really irritates me.

    If they wanna market to 30+ year old women who are mature enough to make their decisions, so be it.

    But we all know 17-20-ish young adults make lots of bad decisions. We should try and limit those opportunities.

    And, like it or not, in this digital age, this could be a mistake that could get them into real physical harm or, more than likely, haunt them for the rest of their lives.

    They have no idea where life is going to lead them.

    I wouldn't doubt for a second some old 'sugar daddy' would out them if they became well known or successful. Not to mention how their registration information and cross contacts/communications/correspondence via the site may be used against them in the future.

  8. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    I once knew a girl who sold pictures of her feet on craigslist to men who had foot fetishes for $50 a picture. Now that is a solid summer job.

    Also, if a student reads those billboards and seriously considers following though with them, then they probably were on the wrong path to begin with.

    And if it takes a "sex trafficking is bad" billboard to convince you that sex trafficking is bad, then you were probably on the wrong path to begin with as well.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Just being in the company of a younger woman, especially with one who is an interesting conservationist, may be all some older guys want, or in other words, kinda like a visit with a psychiatrist.
    Yeah . . . But after awhile talking about rainforests, whales and various species of birds and fish gets a bit tiresome.

    I wonder if posting some of these billboards out around Hobie Point on Lake Hefner could have a net positive effect society-wise . . .

  10. #10

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    How do you think David Boren, Cindy Rosenthal, Burns Hargis or John Bartley would react if these were placed in either Norman or Stillwater?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    I once knew a girl who sold pictures of her feet on craigslist to men who had foot fetishes for $50 a picture. Now that is a solid summer job.

    Also, if a student reads those billboards and seriously considers following though with them, then they probably were on the wrong path to begin with.

    And if it takes a "sex trafficking is bad" billboard to convince you that sex trafficking is bad, then you were probably on the wrong path to begin with as well.
    If someone wants pictures of MY feet, have them PM me. All offers considered.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    These are hilarious.

    Creepier, IMO - is the Jesus billboard on I-40 towards Shawnee.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    How do you think David Boren, Cindy Rosenthal, Burns Hargis or John Bartley would react if these were placed in either Norman or Stillwater?
    The OU student paper has carried advertisements in the recent past from groups wanting to purchase the eggs of college students who fit into certain boxes (height, weight, etc.). I want to say they offered somewhere in the $2000-$4000 range for those fitting their desires.

  14. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    I once drove from Gainesville, FL down to Tampa on I-75 and they had quite a few anti-abortion billboards that showed some of the worst images ive ever seen on them.

    Personally I don't see anything wrong with them. Tacky and somewhat offensive to some? Sure. But kids these days are seeing way worse things on TV and the internet.

  15. Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Don't knock it 'til you try it. #SugarDaddy

  16. #16

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    The OU student paper has carried advertisements in the recent past from groups wanting to purchase the eggs of college students who fit into certain boxes (height, weight, etc.). I want to say they offered somewhere in the $2000-$4000 range for those fitting their desires.
    Must be "free range" eggs for that price...

  17. #17

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    It seems strange that there is an ad at the top of the page when I view this thread that shows photos of three attractive young Ukrainian women. It doesn't say what the "company" is, and i'm not going to click on it (even if it would generate revenue for the site).

  18. #18

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    These are hilarious.

    Creepier, IMO - is the Jesus billboard on I-40 towards Shawnee.
    Riiight -- religion: creepy -- prostitution: funny.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    I once knew a girl who sold pictures of her feet on craigslist to men who had foot fetishes for $50 a picture. Now that is a solid summer job.

    Also, if a student reads those billboards and seriously considers following though with them, then they probably were on the wrong path to begin with.

    And if it takes a "sex trafficking is bad" billboard to convince you that sex trafficking is bad, then you were probably on the wrong path to begin with as well.
    Do you also think "Don't Litter" signs are a waste of time and money? I think a mild admonishment or reminder is good and a mild enticement DOES have some effort, even on old farts like us. Advertising DOES work.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    I once knew a girl who sold pictures of her feet on craigslist to men who had foot fetishes for $50 a picture. Now that is a solid summer job.

    Also, if a student reads those billboards and seriously considers following though with them, then they probably were on the wrong path to begin with.

    And if it takes a "sex trafficking is bad" billboard to convince you that sex trafficking is bad, then you were probably on the wrong path to begin with as well.
    I could do that job. But I would like to be a fly on the wall if they saw what the foot was attached to!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    The billboard is creepy. If I had a daughter I sure wouldn't want her reading something like that.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    For some reason I just had a flash of Hugh Hefner . . .
    Not the 1950's style Hugh Hefner, the The New Millenium Hugh Hefner (cringe).

  23. #23

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    More items cutting.into Brian's revenue stream. Of course he's outraged.

    Meanwhile my wife and a few of her friends got married and decided that they no longer needed to work full time. I wonder if she got the idea from this billboard. We did meet while we were students, and looking back i did pay for everything....

    wait just a minute...

  24. #24

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    meanwhile back at okctalk i have this banner -meet women who.don't play games, cougarlife.com

    Better contact news about okctalk. They are trying to entice me to breed with infertile women who would be swept away from their husbands by my youth and vigor.

    We all know that adults, especially women can not make decisions for themselves and are way to easily swept off their feet. We must protect these adults from themselves.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Sugar Daddy Ads on I-35 targeting our young adults

    I strongly dislike these billboards. I think they are trashy and inappropriate.

    We have freedom of speech though. I would say this is pushing the edges of it but I don't think the government should ban these unless they are advertising something that's illegal.

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