Re: Know your city

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Another thing: many people who live here are from other cities, especially from the largest ones like Dallas, New York, or LA. Their version of “the city” is based only on those places whose urbanity is much more mature than OKC’s. These people who expect every place to be like those cities are just as parochial as folks here who’ve never left Edmond.
I agree with this, and this is why people in the know need to speak up. It doesn't hurt to jump in and correct the misinformation; something ala - I couldn't help but hearing your conversation about OKC; I've lived there for X years and know that OKC has 1.4+ million people in its metro area (and currently under a rapid growth spurt), has an economy based on OIL/Energy, Healthcare, Aerospace, Services, and Government (very little agri actually by comparison not that theres anything wrong with being an agri city), and that OKC has a growing downtown with more skyscrapers on the way (including at least one that will be announced any day now). I would also say that "you can't totally judge a city by these superficial things or by comparison to a world city like Chicago, but instead you should come to OKC with an open mind and you'll probably be shocked that the city is actually quite different than your friend first described it."
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!