Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
So, we should dumb down the schooling? Increase class size? Hire less effective and cheaper professors? Reduce academic and other support? Quit building new classrooms? No more new dorms? Quit taking care of the facilities? Don't offer counseling? Quit buying computers? Don't provide space and labs for research? Quit recruiting efforts? etc., etc., etc.

What costs do you think are out of line? Just curious.
I'd be content with a much more straightforward tuition and fee scheme. IIRC, OU is toying with that very idea that would standardize the cost to a student from semester to semester and encourage a quicker completion. I have always been appalled by the Anschluss of fees you can find on your Bursar's statement -- hidden costs that only the experienced student knows to expect. Weren't you just recently stating how you wanted to see the football ticket price reduced to avoid another add-on fee? Are you not satisfied with the entertainment value as currently priced?
Irrespective of the fee issue, venture79's argument is a very well documented point that shows how a good business will raise prices based on fund availability (supply and demand) and funds have never been more government-subsidized than in the last couple of decades.