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View Poll Results: Do you like KAUT's (channel 43) new image

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  • yes

    2 8.70%
  • no

    1 4.35%
  • I have yet to see it

    14 60.87%
  • Frankly, I could care less

    6 26.09%
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Thread: KAUT's new look

  1. Default KAUT's new look

    What do you think of KAUT (43)'s new look?

    Frankly, I think it places a very bad image on Oklahoma City, and Oklahoma in general.

    I do not mind the OK43, however, the whole thing is based on the cowboy mentality. We might as well just get bubba on there with his tootless grin, wearing that baseball cap with whatever logo on it, spitting that skol, and saying "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Don't that OK 43 run good by my trailer that done blowed up?"

    Give me a break.

  2. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    I have yet to see it, but could it be because it used to be Gene Autry's station back in the day?

    I found some interesting info re: KAUT at the link below:


  3. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid
    I have yet to see it, but could it be because it used to be Gene Autry's station back in the day?

    I found some interesting info re: KAUT at the link below:

    Although Gene Autry founded the station, and Paramount reprised the call letters KAUT (which stand for Autry), the hickness of the new look is not because of him. Had he wanted a hick look, he could have had it when he called the shots.

    BTW. Gene Autry was far from a hick. He was a VERY intellegant businessman.

  4. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    I like their commercial about the red dirt and Mars. The truth hurts, doesn't it?!

    I had a new neighbor one time who moved here from the east coast, and he was trying to put in a new lawn. His yard was red clay, and he said "What is this stuff?" I told him, "That's your soil, sir!"

    Oklahoma: the only state where you can break a shovel trying to plant a tree. ;-)

  5. #5

    Default Re: KAUT's new look

    The commercials don't even look "hickish," they look Western. Unless you've seen a great number of hicks who put on a full cowboy getup and ride a horse after the NASCAR race or something, which I have personally not witnessed...

    There's a difference between the ignorant half-bred droolers in the state and a "western theme."

  6. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilTLL
    The commercials don't even look "hickish," they look Western. Unless you've seen a great number of hicks who put on a full cowboy getup and ride a horse after the NASCAR race or something, which I have personally not witnessed...

    There's a difference between the ignorant half-bred droolers in the state and a "western theme."
    Western... Hick... Same thing. Just different clothes.

  7. Talking Re: KAUT's new look

    I think there's a big difference between hick and western.

    It when I think of the word hick, I think if red neck, wife-beaters (the shirts) and possibly even trailer trash. When I think of western, I think of cowboys, horses, cattle, six shooters, Old West type stuff.

    But hey, that's just me. One thing's for sure, the KAUT marketing/advertising folks earned their money....they got people to notice their marketing campaign and start talking about it.

  8. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    Whine, moan. Whatever. Don't we all have more serious concerns than a little local tv station?

    And western is NOT hick--my grandfather was a cowboy, the real thing. He was not a hick. No one in my ranch-raised extended family was a hick. Some of us who come from more "humble" beginnings than you might take offense to your remarks about these things.
    Still corrupting young minds

  9. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd
    Whine, moan. Whatever. Don't we all have more serious concerns than a little local tv station?

    And western is NOT hick--my grandfather was a cowboy, the real thing. He was not a hick. No one in my ranch-raised extended family was a hick. Some of us who come from more "humble" beginnings than you might take offense to your remarks about these things.
    Opinions are like body parts. everyone has them.

    Personally, I am sick of this hick, western (whichever you prefer) crap. It does nothing but scar this city. The visitors watch that crap and think "hey. I was right. Oklahoma City IS a hickhole."

    FYI. My granddad was a Ranch hand at the 101 Ranch in Ponca City, however, he called himself a "recovering hick." My Great Granddad (his Father in law) owned a large Ranch called the Bar L, however, from what I have been told, was no hick or cowboy (if you prefer). Again. Terms are redundant.
    Bad for public relations.

    BTW. I probably jumped the gun at this thread since not many people have seen that disgraceful campaign. Sorry about that. I guess, answer then watch it and give your thoughts.

  10. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    I have seen it. It didn't bother me. Now, I'm not saying I'm into western shows and I seriously doubt I'll watch them...but that's their perogative.

    There is nothing damaging about honoring our past. It's the trailer trash, half-toothless wife-beater-clad people pointing at the "naders" and saying they sound "just liiike a frayt train" that damage our reputation.
    Still corrupting young minds

  11. Talking Re: KAUT's new look

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd
    I have seen it. It didn't bother me. Now, I'm not saying I'm into western shows and I seriously doubt I'll watch them...but that's their perogative.

    There is nothing damaging about honoring our past. It's the trailer trash, half-toothless wife-beater-clad people pointing at the "naders" and saying they sound "just liiike a frayt train" that damage our reputation.

  12. #12

    Default Re: KAUT's new look

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd
    I have seen it. It didn't bother me. Now, I'm not saying I'm into western shows and I seriously doubt I'll watch them...but that's their perogative.

    There is nothing damaging about honoring our past. It's the trailer trash, half-toothless wife-beater-clad people pointing at the "naders" and saying they sound "just liiike a frayt train" that damage our reputation.
    ...as well as those who are unable to distinguish between "hick" and "western"...

  13. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    The western theme is a part of our state's heritage.

    For those of you who do not know, the New York Times company (The same people who on KFOR) recently purchased KAUT.

    I commend them for finding a creative marketing outlet.

    I think it ties perfectly with our state centennial. For those of you who hate the western theme you might need to read your history books. The cowboys, ranchers, farmers and Indians where here way before your lousy hybrids, man-tans, pedicure and triple foam latte's. If you hate western culture, you are living in the wrong state. There is plenty of room for your western haters in Seattle, L.A. and San Francisco. I hear the Berkley area is nice and sissified and anti testosterone. Maybe Mr. Anderson should look into real estate in that area and move there.

  14. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    "I hear the Berkley area is nice and sissified and anti testosterone. Maybe Mr. Anderson should look into real estate in that area and move there."

    Thanks for the offer, however, I shall pass. Berkley is too liberal.

  15. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    I have been watching the KAUT commercials more closely. I must admit, the one where they clang the dinner bell and yell "Come and get it!", that's getting a little close to the edge. Nevertheless, the programming is good and doesn't really reflect anything like the KAUT commercials.

    Actually, I'll take the KAUT commercials over the endless self-promotion of News9. I'm getting so tired of hearing how great they think they are, how they are "first" in every little thing, and how they try and promote Mason Dunn like a rock-star. I don't need a station to constantly tell me how great they are, I need them to show me with the quality of their broadcast. "More hype, more arrogance...News9"

  16. #16

    Default Re: KAUT's new look

    I'm very p*ssed about the WB and UPN joining forces and becoming the CW. That's not really the same topic, but it's related. I think it's stupid that they took two good networks and made it into one.

    OK, back to the topic at hand. I think the new OK43 thing looks boring. It's too plain for a tv station logo.

    I really don't get the whole 43 - News9 promotional thing. It gets annoying. If I want to watch Channel 9, I'll turn to Channel 9, and if I want to watch 43, I'll go to 43.

  17. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    Quote Originally Posted by beatlebutt81
    I'm very p*ssed about the WB and UPN joining forces and becoming the CW. That's not really the same topic, but it's related. I think it's stupid that they took two good networks and made it into one.

    OK, back to the topic at hand. I think the new OK43 thing looks boring. It's too plain for a tv station logo.

    I really don't get the whole 43 - News9 promotional thing. It gets annoying. If I want to watch Channel 9, I'll turn to Channel 9, and if I want to watch 43, I'll go to 43.
    Just for the record, Channel 4 is the one that affiliated with 43. "Newschannel 4 at 9 on 43" is a bit ridiculous, but I guess if the demand is there, why not. They are both owned by the same company (NY Times company), so cross promotion is something they are working on.

  18. Default Re: KAUT's new look

    I think I'm going to cave in to mranderson's view on the new KAUT image. They've gotten a little silly with it, especially the latest one about "Biscuits and beans and a six shooter, why, that's just an Oklahoma TV dinner". They are indeed casting quite a "country" shadow on us all.

    Besides, they forgot about the can of orange pop to wash it down, and maybe a couple of twinkies for dessert! :-) Otherwise, the meal would be just empty carbs, wouldn't it? ;-)

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